Weekly Update
A Message from Board President Haley Maglieri
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Dear Parents,
On behalf of the BFA Board of Directors, we welcome you to the start of the 2023-24 school year! The BFA Board, in partnership with Principal Simpson, is proud to work for the students, parents and patrons of BFA in promoting the mission and vision of the school.
In an effort to increase transparency and engagement, the Board will be providing a meeting summary (in addition to the meeting minutes) following each monthly Board meeting. The following summarizes information discussed and action taken during our August meeting.
BOD Updates:
Strategic Goals
The Board has adopted the following Strategic Goals for the 2023-24 school year:
- Improve Educational Experience with Positive School Culture and a Focus on Enhancement of Middle School Electives.
- Maintain Financial Stability and Transparency with a Focus on Facility Management and Improvement.
- Increase Parent Satisfaction and Engagement and Demand for Enrollment.
- Retain and Recruit High Quality Staff.
- Accountability of All Stakeholders for the Success of BFA.
- High Functioning Board and Quality Governance.
- Renew Charter Contract by June 30, 2024.
If you would like to review the entire Strategic Plan, you can do so here.
CMAS Results
- Families should anticipate receiving the CMAS results very soon.
- The Board reviewed the grade-level score summaries and were very pleased to see scores that exceeded the state and district in every category but one (language arts, sixth grade). What a great accomplishment for our students and staff!
It is important to note that our participation rates were lower than the district and state in every category which could produce flawed results. We hope to see participation increase this school year.
Principal Simpson’s Report
Middle School Principal Rick Zaccaria has been busy meeting families and spending time with students as he gets acquainted with BFA!
Full-time SRO Deputy Jensen has also been busy integrating herself into BFA by connecting with students, patrolling the property and helping keep our school safe.
- Storm damage repairs, including the fence that borders Plaza, are nearly complete.
- We hope our preschool families are enjoying the newly paved parking areas.
- We have a new virtues team! Staff members from every grade level will be compiling information and summarizing how our virtues are being taught in the classrooms.
Principal Simpson has been working to ensure that staff, parents and students are aware of BFA policies and related expectations. Please watch for more information in this regard during Back to School Nights, including a parent acknowledgement form.
- Stay tuned in September for information related to the mill/bond levy and what BFA would utilize those funds for if it were to pass.
Financial Oversight:
Treasurer Sarah Nisbet provided a review of the May, June and July 2023 financials. BFA’s financial health is strong. Required financial transparency information is available here.
Policy Governance:
The Board reviewed the following policies and took the following action during our August meeting (The updated policies will be on the policy webpage by Sept. 1, or sooner.):
Mobile Electronic Usage Policy
This policy received significant revisions. Please review the policy carefully as information related to the use of student-owned electronic devices has been defined and the restricted use of those devices has been expanded. Cell phones, smart watches, earbuds (or headphones without a cord) and other electronic devices are prohibited during the school day. Please reference the policy for exceptions and other relevant information.
Asset Management Policy
No revisions were made to this policy.
Student Discipline Policy
Revisions were made pertaining to the roles of stakeholders, including staff’s commitment to and responsibility for guiding the behaviors of students in accordance with policies and procedures and the acknowledgement of parents/guardians that by enrolling a student at BFA, they know, understand, and accept BFA's expectations for conduct and related consequences.
Homework Policy
Revisions for this policy focused on ensuring that the information pertaining to math homework aligned with our enVision math curriculum. We also clarified how missing or incomplete work will be communicated to parents via GradeLink and homework guidelines for parents when contacting staff.
Next month, the Board will review the following policies:
Parent Communication Policy
Teacher Compensation Policy
Volunteer and Visitor Policy
Board BOLTS:
The Board and Principal Simpson recognize that there are BFA students who go above and beyond and achieve excellence in academics, character, effort and/or service. Those students deserve to be recognized and we look forward to doing so during this year’s board meetings.
If you would like to nominate a student to be recognized as one of our Board BOLTS in September, please use this nomination form.
September Board Meeting:
The next BFA Board of Directors meeting will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 19, in the Middle School Commons.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Haley Maglieri
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Tomorrow, Aug. 25, is Fun Sock Friday! Students can wear fun (but appropriate) socks with their regular uniform. | | |
The Colorado Office of Behavioral Health is offering up to three free mental health sessions to Colorado youth through I Matter. Youth 12 years and older are able to reach out for help without a parent/guardian. Those under 12 must have a parent/guardian help complete the request. Click here for more information. | | |
Be an Active Participant in the BFA Community! |
Ben Franklin Academy strongly encourages all families to perform 30 approved hours (15 hours for single parents) of volunteer service. It's a fantastic way to support your students and get to know other parents, as well as the BFA staff.
We track volunteer hours so all volunteer service should be logged in Help Counter within 48 hours of performing the service. There will be a computer in the office so you can log hours completed on-site, and you may log hours at home for committee work, home projects and carpool. It is recommended that each parent/guardian make a separate account to track their volunteer hours. Your hours will be linked to your Family Number (the number on your carpool tag) so we can tally volunteer hours per family.
If you are a single parent family, please email our Volunteer Coordinator, Jen Jones, so she can update your volunteer quota. If you have questions about HelpCounter or logging hours, email Jen Jones.
Volunteering Ideas at BFA:
Help with Lunch - Ben Franklin's lunchroom couldn't run efficiently without our wonderful parent volunteers. Our volunteers assist our lunch aides with setting up the lunchroom tables, help students open food and drink containers, monitor student safety and activity, clean tabletops between lunch sessions, and assist with final cleanup after all students have eaten. Please sign up through Helpcounter (log into HelpCounter first to be directly linked). Please note, younger siblings are not allowed in the lunch room during volunteer shifts.
Volunteer for Carpool - Parent participation in carpool is essential as it helps ensure the safety of our kids, other volunteers and BFA staff. You may show up and ask the front office if you can assist for a shift; or, you can also use HelpCounter (log in first) to sign up for carpool shifts. Please arrive by 7:30 a.m. for the morning shift, or 3:15 p.m. for afternoon carpool.
Help with Recess - Spend time outside helping monitor students during recess. You can sign up here (log in first to be directly linked). Be sure to check in at the front office first for your badge and to learn which location you’ve been assigned.
Sign up to Volunteer in the Library - The library needs volunteers, so please sign up today! This is a popular volunteer opportunity, please read the instructions listed on the sign up for specifics about how many shifts to sign up for and what to do when you can’t make your volunteer slot.
Mrs. Flint has Science Lab volunteer opportunities available! Click here to volunteer to decorate the Science Lab bulletin board and/or check the volunteer webpage for other opportunities.
Look for Teacher Sign-ups - Many of our teachers send out sign-ups to help with reading, science lab, Thursday folders, etc. Please watch for these and sign up to help your student's class.
Committees - BFA has many committees that work to support the mission and vision of the school. Many of these committees have opportunities to volunteer that fall outside of traditional school hours. To learn more about the committees and how to contact them, check out each committee's web page.
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Ben's Brigade Meeting Tonight - All Welcome! |
The first Ben’s Brigade meeting is at 8 p.m. tonight, Aug. 24, at Max Taps in Highlands Ranch (2680 E. County Line Road), and all are welcome to attend. We would love to have more dads get involved!
Ben's Brigade is a PTO group open to all BFA dads that provides a place for dads to get to know each other, as well as opportunities for unique ways to give back to the school and earn volunteer hours. Ben’s Brigade handles work projects around the school, provides volunteers for school functions, and hosts a number of social events throughout the year - some just for dads and some with kids as well.
Contact Curtis Anderson and Justin Mayhall, Ben’s Brigade co-committee managers to learn more.
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School Pictures Available |
School pictures are now available for parents to view and order online. Our event code is FE269323. Be sure to order your's today!
Please note, this year pictures will be delivered directly to your home.
Picture retake day and class pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 4.
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Used Uniform Sale Next Week |
The PTO will be having a used uniform sale at the Back to School Nights from 6 - 7 p.m. next Tuesday, Aug. 29, and Wednesday, Aug. 30. All uniform pieces will be $5 at the sale, or 5 pieces for $20. The PTO's goal is to continue to support our children, staff and families by offering affordable uniform options while simultaneously funding the PTO.
If you have gently used uniforms (no holes, worn out knees, stains, etc.) that you would like to donate to the PTO, you can bring the clean uniforms, as well as any uniform accessories, to the Back to School Nights!
Looking for volunteer hours? Check here for opportunities to help at the sale!
If you have questions, please contact Jessica Kostelecky, PTO uniform buy back committee chair.
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Torchy's Spirit Night Wednesday! |
Mark your calendars for the first PTO spirit night of the year at Torchy’s Tacos! Torchy's (1515 Park Central Drive, Highlands Ranch) will donate 15 percent of the proceeds from orders placed between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 30, to the BFA PTO.
You must mention to the cashier that you are there for the Ben Franklin Academy PTO fundraiser in order for BFA to get credit for your order; if you place an online order, please tell the cashier when you pick your order up.
We hope to see you there - please spread the word to friends and family!
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Support BFA While Promoting Your Business - Sponsorships On Sale NOW! |
The new school year means another opportunity to promote your business while supporting BFA. Each year, sponsorships allow BFA to continue to grow and to meet the needs of our school, as well as our teachers, staff and students. Sponsorships are on sale NOW through Wednesday, Sept. 6! They are limited in quantity, and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. For details on the various sponsorship options and pricing, see the flier.
Also, if you are a photographer/videographer, marketer, food vendor, or have another event related company, please reach out to Cassie Roberts. We are always in need of help with all the amazing events we have for the kids/families/teachers and would love to build a partnership.
If you have questions, please contact Cassie Roberts, sponsor committee manager.
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Lessons Available at School through Harper Arts | Harper Arts is thrilled to be returning this school year to offer music lessons and coaching at BFA. Mrs. Harper has openings for lessons in piano, guitar and ukulele. Click here to indicate interest. | | |
Something to Celebrate? Rent the Rock! |
The Spirit Rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. Parents, students and staff may rent the rock to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, wish a team good luck, thank a teacher, announce an event, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement! The rate to rent the rock is $20 per day. All proceeds directly benefit the Ben Franklin Academy PTO!
Want to rent the Rock? Here’s how:
Have questions? Contact Lindsay Bullock, spirit rock committee manager.
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Landsharks at BFA offers a non-competitive youth program to introduce running to young athletes in a safe and fun environment. The focus is on self-improvement, being an encouraging teammate, and making new friends. The Fall XC Series is a fun-based program and is open to students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Read their flier for additional details and click here to register.
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Highlands Ranch Library Reading Buddies |
The Highlands Ranch Library is now accepting applications for their fall term of Reading Buddies. This program pairs a trained teen volunteer with a current first through third grade child who is having challenges with reading.
Sessions take place weekly Tuesday OR Thursday from 4:15-5:15 p.m. beginning Oct. 3 and going through Dec. 7.
Parents may click here to find more information and fill out an application for the program. Applications are due Friday, Sept. 1.
For questions, please email, call 303-791-READ, or stop by a branch and talk to any of the friendly Douglas County Libraries staff members!
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Band/Orchestra for Grades 4-6 | Students in grades 4-6 have the opportunity to receive beginning and intermediate instruction in band and orchestra through ThunderRidge Elementary Instrumental Music (TREIM). To find out more, visit their website, see this flier or save the date for the Meet the Band/Orchestra Teacher/Rental Event on Sept. 5 at Coyote Creek. | | |
Click here for BFA Health and Wellness information and forms, as well as immunization requirements. | | |
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
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