News From The Board Continued
The proposed slate was approved at the October 26 Board meeting. It reflects the changes in the bylaws approved by the membership at the Annual meeting: the positions of past and president-elect were replaced with a vice-president and a parliamentarian. This will allow for more continuity on the board, as officers can now reapply for their positions for a number of years.
The officers for the current fiscal year are as follows:
President: Tom Stibolt. Tom has been on the board since September 2020. He has been a volunteer for the Friends since the creation of the Refuge since Tom and his wife donated the initial land that established the Refuge. He is our IT specialist and maintains our website.
Vice-President: Cheryl Hart. Cheryl has been on the board for many years. She has served as president and secretary in the past and is currently chair of the Store Committee. She also serves on the Board of National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) and if a founder of the Coalition of Refuge Friends Association (CORFA). Her involvement with the network of Friends organizations at the national level provides us with a meaningful voice on important matters.
Parliamentarian: Sharon Miller. Sharon has been on the board for many years and has served as past secretary. Sharon will be the first Board member to hold this position on the Executive Board. Sharon also volunteers as the manager of our Natures Overlook Store in the Visitor Center.
Treasurer: Willem Stoeller. Willem has already served as treasurer for several years. Willem also chairs the Governance committee. For many years he volunteered for the Photo Society and worked in the store in his spare time.
Secretary: Irene Vlach. This is my 4th year as secretary. I am also a member of the Governance and Membership committees. Before the pandemic I volunteered in the store.
At the Annual meeting we had a nomination from the floor for a candidate for the board and Michael Dunlap was elected to the board by the members. Michael has a strong background in finances and will be volunteering in the Finance committee.
Regretfully, Michelle Miller, the President of the 2020/21 fiscal year did not present herself for reelection, needing a well-deserved break and time for other priorities. Michelle will be missed and we thank her for a year of effective leadership.
We have a strong board with many talents. However, despite of our awareness of the need to have a more inclusive board, we have not yet been successful in attracting board members that truly represent the diversity of the population that the Friends and the Refuge are serving. We are also struggling to recruit additional women to the board – the last four new board members are men. It behooves us all to think beyond our closest network in our search for candidates to the board. The talent is out there and we need to work harder at finding the people who can represent their diverse communities.