JUNE 2023
Meet Ana González
My name is Ana María González; I was born and raised on the island of Puerto Rico. I enjoyed a vibrant childhood filled with the warmth of my tight-knit family and the rich cultural heritage of my homeland. However, everything changed when Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, devastating the island, and leaving countless families in disarray...
Florida 4-H University is a week-long overnight event for senior 4-H youth (4-H age 14-18) held at the University of Florida. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in educational workshops led by University of Florida faculty, explore career opportunities, lead community service activities, interact with youth from all over the state, and have fun while developing critical life skills that will help them become productive and engaged citizens of the communities, their country, and their world.

Who: Senior 4-H Members (ages 14-18 as of September 1 of the current 4-H year)
When: July 31 to August 3, 2023
Where: University of Florida, Gainesville
Cost: $475 full week
Registration Closes: June 23rd, 2023
Miami-Dade County scholarships are available for youth who complete 4-H Standards of Excellence. Details below.
4-H Achievement Night

4-H Achievement Night is back! Save the date. On Thursday, August 10th, Miami-Dade 4-H will be celebrating our members and their achievements throughout this year. This is a formal evening event.

Location: Miami Youth Fairgrounds, 10901 SW 24th St, Miami, FL 33165

Details and invitation to be announced.
Would you like a little extra money to help you with college or technical school? The Miami-Dade County 4-H Association is proud to offer scholarships of $200.00 each to three separate, qualified graduating senior 4-H members.

We would love to know about your 4-H experience. Please, share your 4-H experience with us in the form of a 500-750 word essay that answers the following question – “What 4-H means to me”.

Application Deadline: July 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM
Standards of Excellence

The Standards of Excellence Application serves as a scholarship for members, or clubs, to partially fund a county, district, or state event. Some of these events include 4-H University, 4-H Day at the Capitol, 4-H Legislature, or other educational activities

Youth can receive a scholarship by documenting their yearly participation in completing a project/record book, performing community service hours, serving on a 4-H committee, participating in activities, exhibits, and competitions, giving demonstrations, speaking at engagements, and being elected as an officer.

Applications are due at least three weeks prior to the selected event. A maximum of two awards will be given per person/club each year. Scholarships are given on a first come first serve basis. Award amounts vary by event and depend on currently available funds.
Application Forms:
Let's Go Viral! This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity and skills in the kitchen. Youths between the ages of 7 and 13 are invited to submit a 2-5 minute video of them preparing their favorite dish using in-season Florida commodities. The entry deadline is July 17th, 2023.
Sites throughout Florida are providing free, nutritious meals to keep kids and teens healthy during school closures. Miami-Dade County 4-H participates, and so should you!
Important Dates
University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as sign language interpreters and listening devices, please contact Kenan Bridges, , 305.769.4050 at least 1 week in advance. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.
An Equal Opportunity Institution.