Last but certainly not least, a shepherd mix named Shep lived with Lighthouse Keeper Knight and his family at Hendricks Head Lighthouse on Southport Island. One dark stormy night in 1932 Shep woke abruptly from his nap beside the wood stove and rushed to the door. When let out, he ran to the shore, barking all the way. The family followed and saw nothing in the dark, but Shep kept barking with such urgency they rang the fog bell to see if any boats were nearby. Two boats in the vicinity heard the bell and figured there must be trouble, because there was no fog at the time. Two hundred yards from the lighthouse, they came upon a small skiff with a young couple huddled inside. They'd lost their oars and were being taken out to sea in the dark by the high winds and waves. No doubt when they drifted past the lighthouse, they screamed for help. Without Shep's keen hearing and his warning barks, their fate would have been a grim one. Shep's story only came to light years later during a conversation with the Portland clerk while Keeper Knight was renewing Shep's dog license. The lighthouse dog Shep was awarded a bronze medal for his heroic efforts. There's a reason why we Mainers love our dogs!
The above photo of Hendricks Head Lighthouse was taken by Benjamin