Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

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March 30, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 13
Diagnostic accuracy of the “Social Attention and Communication Surveillance – Revised“ with “Preschool Tool” for early Autism detection in very young children
It appears that up to 4% (or higher) of individuals worldwide may exhibit features of autism spectrum. Early identification is critical so that appropriate support and services can be directed which greatly improves outcomes. Unfortunately, the mean age of diagnosis for childhood autism is 4 years.

Early identification can be achieved via a single-time autism screening in either the general population or in a targeted group (e.g., siblings on the autism spectrum). Many early autism single screening tools however are of limited accuracy and sensitivity.

An alternate possibility which would appear beneficial to early diagnosis and treatment is to integrate autism-specific identification tools into the routine infant/child developmental surveillance program (where young children are routinely and repetitively monitored by a healthcare professional).

A diagnostic accuracy study (13,511 children, 11-42 months of age) where maternal and child health nurses trained to use the Social Attention and Communication Surveillance – Revised (SACS-R), SACS-Pre-School (PR)) assessed whether the developmental surveillance approach during routine care consultations could be used to train professionals to accurately identify infants, toddlers and preschoolers (at 12, 18, 24, and 42 months of age) on the autism spectrum.

The SACS-R with SACS-PR screening tools are easy to incorporate and administer during the routine periodic healthcare visits to the pediatricians’ office normally undertaken during infancy/childhood. They accurately identify autism early.
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Registration is open!
The 57th Pediatric Postgraduate Course - Perspectives in Pediatrics is just around the corner. Register for this virtual event to be held on April 2-3.
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Coming Soon!
The 2nd Annual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Self-Assesment
May 12- 15, 2022
Will be held at W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL.
"Cognitive preservation strategies in pediatric brain tumros "

This Virtual Grand Round was recorded LIVE and includes the post-session Q&A portion. This content is available for free - without CME credit (Fee may apply for those who wish to claim CME).
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