Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
February 19,2021
Marin County Small Business Fund: Application Period Opens February 22

Beginning Monday, qualified small business owners in Marin County may apply to receive a portion of $915,000 in federal relief funding targeted to businesses hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. The money will be in the form of grants of no more than $10,000 and interest-free loans of no more than $50,000.

In a recommendation by the Marin County Community Development Agency, 53% of the Marin County Small Business Fund will be targeted for businesses in or near San Rafael, 27% to those in or near Novato, and 20% for the rest of the county. Funding distribution is tied to coronavirus infection rates throughout the county. Businesses will be selected by a lottery because of the expected high demand for assistance. Forms must be submitted by March 15.

Temporary Location for Skate Board/Scooter Park Approved
At its February 17th meeting, the Council approved using the western portion of the Pavilion/Bank St. parking lot for a temporary skate board, scooter, and/or in-line/roller skates park. There are a few actions the Council still needs to take to make it official, but construction will begin soon. We anticipate the park will be open in early April.

Outdoor Seating Area in the Mono Parking Lot 

The lower half the Mono Parking Lot will be closed weekly from Wednesday through Sunday. However, the Town and Chamber of Commerce are working to make arrangements to close the area seven (7) days per week. The closed area has tables, chairs, and umbrellas for patrons of any downtown restaurant or business to use. Special thanks to Gestalt Haus for continuing to disinfect the tables and chairs between uses. Customers can still access the Mono Parking Lot from the Bank St. entrance.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Volunteer Board Meeting
February 22 - 6:30pm

Tree Committee Meeting
February 22 - 7pm

Open Space Committee Meeting
February 23 - 7pm

Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives
(Subcommittee of RESJ) Meeting
February 25 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Fairfax Food Pantry

Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 
Fairfax Rental Assistance Program

The Town Council has established a Residential Rental Assistance Program to assist extremely low-income Fairfax renters whose household incomes were adversely affected by COVID-19.

The program is administered by St.Vincent de Paul and Ritter Center. They will inform applicants of the program requirements. Funds are limited and provided on a first-come, first serve basis. 

If you are in need of assistance, please them call 415-454-3303 X11 to leave a message. Calls will be returned in the order they are received.
Fairfax Recreation
Outdoor Yoga with Veronica will continue outside in Bolinas Park on Mondays when weather allows with masks and distance protocols. Click here for more info.

Dance a la Moxie -- resumes February 23rd!
Contratti Ballfield 
Instructor: Sisi M.P. Hansen
Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30pm

A progressive, FUN total body workout guaranteed to make you feel better, look better and be better! No experience necessary. The eclectic music will make you dance! Wear comfortable clothing and footwear to move in on the field. Covid protocols and safety will be followed. Please wear your mask.

Music Pods with Dani Levy -- resumes in March
Sign up today and get a spot before they fill up!
Peri Park Update 

At their February 3rd meeting the Town Council approved the plan for the renovations at Peri Park with a new vendor called Bear Playgrounds. This is an image of a similar but not exact structure that Bear Playgrounds will be providing for our remodel of our beloved park!
If you would like to support this project, we still have many tee shirts and tote bags available at a discounted price! 
Free Covid Testing Options for Ross Valley

The County of Marin has partnered with Curative to offer coronavirus testing by online appointment for anybody, whether insured or not. 

A testing site is open each Tuesday at the United Market parking lot (100 Red Hill Avenue) in San Anselmo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Online appointments for that testing location and others can be made via

Check the Curative website for other Marin testing locations if Tuesdays are not convenient.
Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Open Space Committee, Climate Action Committee, Volunteer Board and Planning Commission.

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El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.