HOVC Updates regarding Scouting and the UMC, Recharter, Den Chief Training... and more!
October 7th, 2021 was a bad day to be a clay! Despite the rain clouds, the Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic was a success.
HOVC Scouter Newsletter | October 8th, 2021
Regarding Scouting and the
United Methodist Church
A message from George McGovern, Heart of Virginia Council Scout Executive, dated September 28th, and a statement from Sharma D. Lewis, Bishop of the United Methodist Church (UMC) Virginia Conference, dated October 6th, have been posted to our website in regards to Scouting and the UMC.
Each year, all Scouting units must update their member roster and pay fees for the coming calendar year. This process is called Charter Renewal, or “Recharter.” We've compiled updated tools and documentation to make your rechartering process simple this fall. Additional virtual training has been scheduled for Thursday, October 14th at 7:00 PM. Zoom details can be found at the link below.
All Troops from the Battlefield District as well as those from around the Heart of Virginia Council are invited to attend the 2021 Battlefield District Fall Merit Badge Camporee the weekend of October 15th - 17th at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Park (13905 Hanover Quarter Road). We look forward to a weekend full of Merit Badges, fun, and opportunities unique to this event.
All Troops and Webelos II from Arrohattoc, Crater, and all Districts from around the Heart of Virginia Council are invited to attend the 2021 Spirit of the Games Fall Camporee the weekend of October 15th - 17th at Albright Scout Reservation. Join in on the adventure as patrols are assigned a series of tasks and challenges, competing against other patrols, in the Scout Olympics.
In-Person Adult Outdoor (BALOO and IOLS) and Den Chief Training
All Scouts and their families need and deserve fully trained leaders. For Leaders who registered last fall, the 1-year grace period to become fully trained is quickly ending. Register now for in-person BALOO, IOLS, and Den Chief Training.