January 2021
Your monthly news & updates
Stay informed about the latest Ohio DC employer news. Find information about changes at Ohio DC, website enhancements, and resources for your employees.
Using the Ohio Business Gateway to Submit Payments
With all the changes we have experienced in the last year, one of the most important is submitting payments through the Ohio Business Gateway. If you are not familiar with the procedures for using the Ohio Business Gateway, we have developed a helpful guide, so you can more easily process payments. To learn more, review our Ohio Business Gateway Guide.
Update to the Refund Request Policy
We are always looking for ways to make our processes and procedures more effective and efficient. For this reason, we recently updated our refund request policy to direct employers to email any completed refund request forms to refunds@ohiodc.org which goes to an intenal team who will ensure processing in a timely manner.  
Ohio DC Related Info for Your Employees
Ohio DC can provide monthly information on financial issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month, we would like to provide your employees with the list of employers who received Employer Resolutions last year : 2020 Employer Recognition Resolutions

Download articles on health care in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by contacting us.
Message from the Executive Director
Christina Elliott
Executive Director
eDelivery is Faster and Easier Than Ever
Ohio DC has expanded our eDelivery options with several new features. Opting in to eDelivery can help your employees cut down on the amount of mail they receive at home or even help them to organize their personal finances. It's easy: just login, once in their online account, click on "My Profile" in the upper right corner, select "eDelivery Preferences," choose the options they wish to receive through eDelivery and then click "Save." Send your employees to the Expanded eDelivery Options article for additional information.

If there is anything Ohio DC can do to help you encourage your staff to save for retirement, please let us know. If you would like to learn more about what we can do to help, visit Ohio457.org or call your local Account Executive or our Service Center at 877.644.6457 to schedule an appointment.