Upcoming Events!
Summer Storywalk
This summer's storywalk is "Not a Box" by Antionette Portis.  Start at the Beach tree and follow along until you reach the Children's Garden.  Pop inside to do a craft and you all done.  See you  soon!!

Nevins Summer Hours

Mon. - Thurs. 9am-9pm
Fri. - 9am-5pm
Closed Sat. and Sun. beginning June 17 2017
June is here and we are ready to entice you with even more wonderful programs this summer.  The Children's summer reading program kicks off this month and will continue until mid August with loads of activities for all ages from pre-schoolers to pre-teens.  The teens have their own program and will be doing some awesome things this summer as well.   As always we'll have a great supply of Beach reads and some Binge Boxes with DVD's to watch while keeping cool....once it warms up!!

Summer Reading Kick Off - June 21 6:30 pm
Debbie and Friends Concert in the Hall 
This concert is geared towards kids 2-8yrs old and features loads of great pop/rock songs and music that are fun and interactive.  

Be sure to check out the Calendar of Events on July 16 @4pm for details and registration for summer programming!!

June is the month we kick off the annual Summer Reading program and this year we'll have fun as we think up all kinds of ways to "Build a Better World".  We'll be making new friends, playing games, building structures creating art and generally having all kinds of great experiences exploring our environment.  All of the events we have lined up for all ages are located on our Calendar of Events page.  Stop by the Children's department to pick up your summer reading packet filled with information about activities and contests throughout the summer.  If you build it they will come!!

Click here to register for all children's events  
Young Adult Reading Program begins June 30th

Starting Friday, June 30th, teens entering grades 7-12 are invited to join in a series of exciting programs and events. The summer reading program invites everyone to "Build a Better World" this year. From growing plants to building race cars, there will be events that any teen will enjoy. For a list of the programs, and to register, visit the calendar of events at the any time after June 16th! Spaces will be limited, so make sure you sign up!

Plan Now for Krispy Kremes in Your Future! 
Friends of the Library Fundraiser

The Friends of the Nevins Library & Krispy Kreme Donuts will be joining forces for a fundraiser on Tuesday, June 27th. You may pre-order Krispy Kreme signature glazed donuts beginning Tuesday, May 30th from our Circulation Staff at the Main Desk. Cost per dozen is $9.00 and all proceeds from this event will be put toward Phase II of our Nevins Garden. Donuts will arrive at approximately 1:00PM the day of the event. So, if you feel you didn't pre-order enough, we will have additional dozens on handle for just those situations. Bon appétit!!!!


Summer and Telescopes, a great Combination

The Nevins Library is proud to be able to circulate an optical telescope to its patrons. With  this telescope one can view the craters on the moon as well as some of the planets closest to us.  The night sky in the summer is a wonder to behold so call or visit the Reference desk to put your name on the reservation list.  978 686-4080 x12
Skate and Read Wrap Up

Over the winter, Nevins Library continued its long association with the Methuen Fun Hockey League's Skate & Read program. Skate & Read recently concluded its 16th season of ice hockey training and recreational reading.
 Nevins Library hosted the Skate & Read launch party in February, where the players and their families were treated to pizza, hockey-related door prizes, and a presentation on the books by library staff. Additionally, librarians Kathy Moran-Wallace and Amy Fowler donned their woolen hats and parkas three times and brought books to the rink. The players were delighted to step off the ice and have the opportunity to choose a new book while still dressed in their equipment.
This has always been a successful partnership and a great way to encourage reading, physical activity and teamwork.  Thanks to Jay Atkinson, and our colleagues Amy Fowler and Kathy  Moran-Wallace for another terrific year.
Please be sure to check our website -  for many more exciting programs and services for all ages.  We're here for you!