Our Doors Are Open

Monday, March 15th,
the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity
will extend its browsing hours.
You are welcome to come into the library.
Curbside will also remain available.

Mondays and Fridays
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

  • The first floor (new books, adult fiction, nonfiction, large print, CDs, DVDs and other media, magazines) is open for browsing.
  • large portion of the children's collection is available on the first floor.
  • Gloves are highly recommended while browsing and are available as you enter the building.
  • The health of our patrons and staff is a top priority.  Masks are required to be worn correctly over your mouth and nose while in the library.  We also ask that you social distance.  If a patron has a medical condition and cannot wear a mask, it is requested that they speak to a staff member at the library desk; accommodations will be made for people with medical conditions.
  • Computer use is available.  Please contact the library in advance to schedule a thirty-minute computer use appointment.
  • Staff can assist you with various technology needs, such as printing, photocopying, and faxing.
  • Returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours before being wiped, checked in, and replaced on the shelves.
for your patience as we continually monitor the situation
for the health and safety of all patrons and staff!
Check the library website and social media for updates.
We look forward to seeing you!

Memorial Library of Nazareth & Vicinity 
295 East Center Street, Nazareth PA  18064