Join us in praying for the following world needs this week:
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The Necessity of Prayer for Pastors and Church Leaders

Will you greater commit to specific prayer for your local church, pastors, and church leaders? No church can rise above the level of consecration of its leaders. They need your prayers so they can give you a fresh and pure Apostolic message. Will you pray for your spiritual covering today? Listed below are 12 key areas that we may emphasize in corporate prayer for a local church:                                                                                            
  1. Prayer for a passionate nonnegotiable commitment to a lifestyle of prayer.
  2. Prayer for an uncompromising attitude of contending for the Apostles doctrine.
  3. Prayer for family communication and quality time.
  4. Prayer for loving souls and not coveting money.
  5. Prayer for inward purity with Jesus Christ over the legalism of holiness standards.
  6. Prayer against the erosion of holiness living and standards.
  7. Prayer against prevailing worldliness.
  8. Prayer against defilement from materialism.
  9. Prayer against ministerial insecurities.
  10. Prayer against sexual perversion.
  11. Prayer against burn out, apathy and depression.
  12. Prayer against competitiveness, jealousies, and disunity with other people and churches (unresolved wounds).                                                                                     
Please keep in mind the necessity of prayer for pastors and church leaders and pray for them daily. [Additionally, specifically pray for the great success of the UPCI Executive and General Board meetings that are transpiring this week on March 2-5, 2020].
Pastor Don Rogers
The Pentecostals of Wisconsin                                                                                         Wisconsin District Prayer Coordinator
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Burning Passion for God and His Kingdom 

Our churches are under the attack of the enemy like never before. Our leaders and each of our brothers and sisters in Christ need our prayers. We are the Body of Christ and we must lift one another up.

When is the last time you prayed for your church body? What about for your pastor? Staff? Leadership? Have you prayed for your Sunday school teacher? Have you interceded on behalf of issues taking place in your church or decisions that need to be made? 

Take time this week and cover all these areas in prayer. 

  • for your pastor, pastor's wife, and family. Ask God to bless them spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally.
  • for the Sunday school teachers, children's workers, and youth leaders in your church. Ask God to make them effective in their ministries and reward them for their sacrifices.
  • for the outreach efforts and all who ride your church bus or van. Ask God to reveal to them their need for Him.
  • for those in your church family who have lost a loved one. Ask God to bring peace that passes understanding.
  • for the youth and children. Pray that they will dedicate their lives to Christ and live for Him.
  • for effectiveness in reaching into your community with the Gospel. 
  • for each saint to have a burden for the lost.
  • for each family. Many are experiencing hurt and stress that no one knows about. Pray a covering over each family by name.
Have a blessed week.
UPCI General Board:


David K. Bernard
General Superintendent               
J.R. Blackshear
Daniel Garlitz
Arless Glass
John Grant
Billy Hale
Tommy Hudson
David Johnson
Jerry Jones
J. Mark Jordan
Carrol D. Kennedy
Carl Lagow
Roger Lewis
Ralph McIntyre
John D. Mean
James Merrick
Ron Mullings
Paul Price
Paul Reynolds
Harry Scism
B.J. Thomas
G.L. Vittitow
Ted Wagner
R.D. Whalen

*Names above are continually being updated as changes are reported.

Global Missionaries  
Steven & Danita Drost (Mexico)
Jeremy & Khrista Favors (Luxembourg)
Jonathan & Jenny Follmer (Sweden)
Chris & Penny Gibbs (Malawi)
Peter & Robyn Gration ( Vanuatu)
Patrick & Jean Groves (Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan)
John & Vanda Guidry (Columbia)
North American Missions
Johnny Cranor Family  (Franklin, Kentucky)
Joseph Mutayongwa Family (Lexington, Kentucky)
Eugene McIntosh Family (Irvine, Kentucky)
Rick McGee Family (Lancaster, Kentucky)
Michael Seidenfaden Family (Louisville, Kentucky)
Everett Easterling Family (Broad Bottom,Kentucky) 
Benjamin Warren  Family   (Danville, Kentucky )
Access Challenged Nations

Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.
The umbrella of Multicultural Ministries encompasses 16 ministries focused on specific nationalities/ethnic groups, 3 ministries with a special cultural focus, 2 resource ministries and 1 missionary program, each dedicated to effective strategies for evangelism, discipleship, and training. Multicultural Ministries provide materials and resources to help people reach into the many cultural groups of North America. Multicultural Ministries is led by Brocc Chavis, MCM Director. Ministries for prayer. Please join us in praying for these important ministries.   

Southeast Asian Evangelism Ministry

Our Mission:
The Southeast Asian Evangelism Ministry knits together resources to equip churches and individuals with cross-cultural understanding to reach and connect with people from the 11 Southeast Asia countries in our communities in North America. We also aim to provide a safe community for people from Southeast Asia and North America to share cross-cultural appreciation. 

Michael Jette
Seam Director
It is imperative that we pray for evangelists. We will focus on praying for evangelists each week. The  Evangelist Ministry recognizes and promotes the Biblical role of evangelist as stated in Ephesians 4:11-12, "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." The Evangelist Ministry is dedicated to preaching the gospel and effectively ministering by partnering with pastors worldwide to gather vision, faith, and harvest, saving the lost, and edifying the church. Pastors can confidently book a licensed, enrolled evangelist that will bless their church.   Doug Klinedinst is the ministry coordinator. This week let's pray for all evangelists!  

UPCI Evangelists (H):

Ethan Hagan Jeremy Hart Keith Henderson Wesley Henderson
Joshua Herring Amado Huizar Jerry Hutchison  

The mission of the Occupational Chaplains Association (OCA) is to equip and credential United Pentecostal chaplains to present the Gospel in a compelling fashion to occupational and communal America. The vision of the OCA is to equip and ecclesiastically endorse United Pentecostal chaplains to reach beyond the closed doors and separating barriers of Corporate America. We are professional caregivers coming along side of today's workforce and their families to be the bridge of spiritual and emotional help to those caught in the machinery of life. We assist employers to retain workers and defusing workplace violence by presenting the Gospel through a ministry of presence. William Dillon is the Director of OCA. Click on the link, and let's pray for all of the following Chaplains listed this week!


World Needs:

  • Pray  to God to protect our nation and all people, and to heal our land, Petition to him to provide a miracle for the Coronavirus which now has 71 confirmed and presumed positive cases with 2 deaths in the US and has killed a total of 3,000 worldwide and infected over 88,000 people. Meanwhile, Iran has 1,000 confirmed cases, Italy has 1,700 confirmed cases and 34 deaths. Also, it has reached sub-Saharan Africa, with the first reported case in Lagos, Nigeria. Lithuania, Belarus and New Zealand also has reported their first cases. In the US, California announced it is monitoring some 8,400 people for the virus.
  • Pray for the upcoming election in Israel and that God's will be done in the approval of the incoming Prime Minister and allowing him to form a governing coalition and by also in allowing Prime Minister Netanyahu to be victorious over corruption charges.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to protect the life of pro-life activists and freedom of speech throughout our world. Currently, in the UK a pro-life activist will have to appear in court after being accused of harassment against women for using anti-abortion images in a public protest.
  • Pray against the legalization of abortion bill that current President Alberto Fernandez is about to propose within the next 10 days in Argentina.
  • Continue to pray for the peace of Israel and for the Lord to return their land.

2020 WNOP Events:
  • Ministry And Prayer (MAP) Seminar, ABI; St Paul, Minnesota; Lee Stoneking (March 4-6)
  • School of Prayer, Ijamsville, Maryland; Chester Wright, Jason Sciscoe (March 19-21) 
  • Advanced Prayer Training Seminar, Del Valle, Texas; Chris & Danielle Green (April 2-4)
  • Northwest Regional Prayer Summons, Renton, Washington (April 30 - May 2)
  • National Day of Prayer (May 7)
  • National Apostolic Day of Prayer (May 8)
  • Global Day of Prayer (May 31)
  • WNOP International Summons, Bridgeton, Missouri (June 18-20)
  • "Operation Switzerland" (June 28 - July 7)
  • "Operation Turkey" (July 23-30)
  • "Operation Jamaica," Trelawny, Jamaica (August 10-16)
  • New England Territory Summons, Tiverton, Rhode Island (August 20-22)
  • South Texas District Regional Summons, Houston, Texas (September 10-12) 
  • UPCI World Day of Prayer (September 16)
  • UPCI General Conference Prayer Seminars, Indianapolis, Indiana (September 24-25)
  • *YM WNOP Youth Explosion Summons (YES!), St. Charles, Missouri (September 26)
  • England (UK) Summons, London, England - Pending (October 2020 - Dates TBD)
  • *Ontario District Regional Summons, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (November 5-7)
  • Georgia District Regional Summons, College Park, Georgia (November 12-14)
  • Detroit Regional Summons, Romulus, Michigan (November 19-21)

*Pending board approval. 

Consider supporting WNOP with a tax-deductible donation. Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving...PRAYER. 
WNOP Personal Prayer List

To join WNOP in praying for the  personal needs submitted by email,  phone and website,   please click here .
You may submit requests by email at
"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you." 
World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International
36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304
636-22 9-7986|  |