Scouting News
Updated Scout Shop Hours
Now through the end of October, our Scout Shop will have extended Saturday hours. Come shop with us from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm!

Don't forget the Online Scout Shop is also up and running. Place your order and a Scout Shop team member will ship it to you or have it ready for pick-up at 8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228.
Fall Popcorn & Peanut Sale
ACT FAST and sign up if your Unit would like to participate! There are only four weeks left in the sale! Camp Masters Popcorn has joined our Fall Product Sale line-up with Whitley's Peanuts! Not only did Camp Masters Popcorn win our Scouts over in a blind taste test, but they offer lower price points and FOUR different flavors of microwave popcorn!

Back to Brady Alumni Event
Join us on November 6th for Back to Brady, a Scouting Alumni Event celebrating Scouting in Virginia and the T. Brady Saunders Camp Property! Reunite with old friends and make new ones. This is an adults-only event with games, food, adult beverages, door prizes, a Silent Auction, patch and memorabilia displays, special guided tours, and more.

Merit Badges and Their Counselors
The merit badge program is a primary support system for Scouts BSA. There are 135 merit badges currently available to our Scouts, Venturers, or Sea Scouts. They provide exposure to areas of interest that could be pursued as a vocation, a hobby, a sport, or possible business. Chuck Sullivan, Heart of Virginia Council Advancement Chair, provides a great resource for unit leadership to navigate merit badge counseling, connecting Scouts with counselors, and more.

2021 Guide to Safe Scouting
The Guide to Safe Scouting has been revised for 2021, and the BSA has made the new document available on their website. Please view the updated guide using the link below and replace any printed, saved, or published copies of previous publications. Changes include updated scuba, aquatic, camping, immunization, Wilderness First Aid, and transportation policies. The SAFE checklist has also been revised, and a new section has been added for the Exploring program.

United in Recycling with RMHC

United Scrap Metal has partnered with Atlantic Constructors to offer a Pop Top & Can Drop Recycling Service Project. Scouts can bring pop tabs and cans to the drive-thru event hosted by Atlantic Constructors, Inc. located at 1401 Battery Brooke Parkway, Richmond, VA 23237 on October 23rd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Each participating Scout will receive a patch for their efforts. Work with your school, family, friends, and church to make this service project opportunity an overwhelming success.
Scouting for Food 2021

For more than thirty years, Heart of Virginia Council has helped feed hungry people in Central Virginia through its main service project, Scouting for Food. In 2020, more than 70,000 pounds of food were collected and subsequently donated to our program beneficiary, FeedMore. The 2021 Food Drive will be held on Saturday, November 6th. Information about all of our collection sites will be shared with unit leaders and posted to the Council's Facebook page and website in early October.

Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry 2021
Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry!

The Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching, and we all know the best part of our family gatherings is the dessert. Stock up on the favorites like pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie, and be everyone's holiday hero when you show up with fruit, French Silk Cream, or Boston Cream pies. Better yet, buy one of each! Your order supports local Scouting by providing new tents for the youth attending programming at T. Brady Saunders.

Upcoming Events and Service
Orienteering at Albright
The Central Virginia Orienteering Club (CVOC) is presenting its 8th Annual Orienteering Weekend at Albright Scout Reservation. CVOC members, Scouts, and the public are welcome. This event is primarily directed at Scouts that need to complete a mile orienteering course, requiring measuring height and/or distance, for First Class Rank. This event is FREE for Scouts and adult leaders.

Fall Uniform Sale
Get ready for the upcoming Year in Scouting at our annual Fall Uniform Sale! August 2nd through October 31st, visit the new Scout Shop and save 25% on your uniform pants when you buy your uniform top. The Scout Shop flyer even includes a helpful checklist to make sure you get everything you need in one stop.

Don't forget to update your Google Maps! The Scout Shop is located at 8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23228.

20th Annual Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic
Thursday, October 7th is a bad day to be a clay!

The Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic, presented by Virginia Green, is a fun event for both experienced shooters and novices. The annual sporting clays tournament is a great way to entertain clients and reward business associates while supporting Scout camp programs. Carefully laid out around the beautiful Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland County, the course consists of multiple stations with unique presentations.

Battlefield Fall Merit Badge Camporee
Battlefield District
Fall Merit Badge Camporee
All Troops from the Battlefield District as well as those from around the Heart of Virginia Council are invited to attend the 2021 Battlefield District Fall Merit Badge Camporee the weekend of October 15th - 17th at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Park (13905 Hanover Quarter Road). We look forward to a weekend full of Merit Badges, fun, and opportunities unique to this event.

Arrohattoc / Crater Districts
Spirit of the Games Fall Camporee
All Troops and Webelos II from Arrohattoc, Crater, and all Districts from around the Heart of Virginia Council are invited to attend the 2021 Spirit of the Games Fall Camporee the weekend of October 15th - 17th at Albright Scout Reservation. Join in on the adventure as patrols are assigned a series of tasks and challenges, competing against other patrols, in the Scout Olympics. Who will come out on top, claiming victory and bragging rights? You'll have to register to find out.

Creepy Hollow
The Headless Horseman rides again, and this night he could be looking for you! This fall, join us for two weekends full of spooktacular fun for Cub Scouts at Cub Adventure Camp. This annual event takes place on the weekends of October 16th and October 23rd. Come with your Pack or family for the afternoon or stay Saturday night and camp.

Creepy Forest

A Scout is brave! The Heart of Virginia Council invites all Cub Scouts and Webelos to visit Albright Scout Reservation with your Pack for a family campout on the weekend of October 30th! This will be an exciting Fall & Halloween-themed program including BMX Biking, BB Shooting, Archery, and more! Come with your Pack or family for the afternoon or stay Saturday night and camp.

Creepy Forest at Albright Scout Reservation
Save the Date
Tiger & Lion Rally

Mark your calendars for November 6th for a grrrr-eat event at Cub Adventure Camp just for Lions, Tigers, and their adult partners. The Tiger & Lion Rally is a fun-filled day of fishing, biking, crafts, games, and more! The activities offered are designed to meet the needs and skills of boys and girls who are rising kindergarteners or first graders.

Engineering Merit Badge

Earn the Engineering Merit Badge on November 6th at the Beach Community Grange 958 Building in Chesterfield. Scouts (7th grade and higher) are invited to attend this special course presented by Clover Motor Co. Racing from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There is a limit of 30 Scouts, and at only $5.00 per participant, those spots will fill up fast.

Winter Camp 2022
Don't sit around this winter being bored. Get your friends together and come to Winter Camp the weekend of January 14th - 17th, 2022! Get out of the house, have fun, and earn merit badges. See the current list of merit badge offerings (the final list will be available by November 15th, 2021) and register at

Training Opportunities
Cub Scout Range Master Training

Shooting Sports are one of the most popular activities at any Cub Scout event. A Cub event that includes shooting sports is considered a Council event, and the ranges must be operated according to national standards. HOVC is holding a Range Master Class on October 3rd at 1:00 PM. This event is free of charge. Please bring a water bottle!

Adult Leadership Outdoor Skills Training
There are several upcoming outdoor skills training opportunities coming up this fall. The Battlefield District is offering BALOO and IOLS the weekend of October 8th - 10th at Camp T. Brady Saunders. Huguenot Trail is offering BALOO and IOLS the weekend of October 23rd - 24th at Albright Scout Reservation. Both opportunities are open to Scouters from any District. Visit our Training Page often for an updated list of available adult training classes, both online and in-person.
Training at Camp T. Brady Saunders

Training at Albright Scout Reservation

Free Virtual Den Leader Experience Training
The Den Leader Experience is a companion app to Scoutbook that helps Den Leaders plan their curriculum, prepare for meetings, track Cub's progress, and keep parents informed. Join our FREE DLE App class on October 14th to learn how to use this important Scoutbook tool. 

Den Leader Experience
Hunter Education Course Conducted by Virginia DWR
The 2021 Hunter Education Course, conducted by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, is scheduled for October 17th, 2021, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at T. Brady Saunders' STEM Center. This is a required course for Scouts working to receive their hunting license. Scouts, 5th grade and up, are invited to participate in this special event free of charge. Registration is open now through October 15th.

October District Roundtables
Roundtable is a resource for Scout leaders, volunteers, parents, and youth leaders to come together and learn and share information. Each District hosts its roundtable the first week of the month.

Recognition and Honor
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
District Websites
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!
Heart of Virginia Council  
804.204.2635 | | #ScoutingVA

Prepared. For. Life.