Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading August's edition of the Baldwin Beat! | |
Click the video above to check out our new weekly video version of The Beat, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube page to see updates regularly. | |
WMAZ 13 and 41NBC Cover New School Safety Measures | |
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Baldwin Graduate Raises Money for Stephen-Johnson’s Syndrome with ‘Color Purple’ Production | |
Last year, Milledgeville Mayor Mary Parham-Copelan declared August to be Stephen-Johnson syndrome Awareness month in honor of Baldwin High School graduate, Andre Williams, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2017. The skin disorder wreaks havoc on the patient's skin, causing extreme pain, skin sloughing, fevers, and blistering all over the body. Williams spent over a month at the Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America where the burns in his mouth and throat became so bad that his caretakers began to fear starvation and dehydration.
Andrea Williams graduated from Baldwin High School in 2011, and has recently co-created a new production company with a friend of his, Kenneth Jones, called AAK Entertainment. The company held it's first production, 'The Color Purple', on Saturday, August 13th, at the Baldwin High School theatre, with all proceeds going The Burn Foundation of America's Chavis House, which helps lodge and feed families of burn patients.
Williams said "It actually feels right, coming back to where I started. It's a great feeling... being a Baldwin Brave, I was spoiled here. All of my teachers were amazing."
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Read more by clicking the link below: | |
Retired Educators Association Donates to the Early Learning Center | |
The Baldwin County Retired Educators Association were very pleased to present a check to the Early Learning Center. The funds will be used by the Early Learning Center to purchase supplies or other needed materials for the students. | |
Dr. Dianna Hollins to Serve as STC Advisory Council for Georgia Department of Education | |
Congratulations to Dr. Dianna Hollins for being selected to serve on the 2022-2023 System Test Coordinator (STC) Advisory Council for the Georgia Department of Education. | |
Board Unanimously Votes to Name a Hallway at BHS in Memory of Lessie Lee "LC" Gordon | |
At this month's Board Meeting, Larry Stephens, a special education teacher at Baldwin High School, shared with the board why they should name the hallway leading to the cafeteria in honor of Mr. Lessie Lee "LC" Gordon, who served as a custodial worker for BHS for 40 years.
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"Mr. LC's outstanding accomplishment, in his words would be his family," Stephens said, "but at the Baldwin County Board of Education, he served for many years at the high school... and he loved doing that. He pride himself in cleaning the low ground and the high ground, and was dedicated to professionalism and integrity."
After Mr. Stephens spoke, Superintendent Dr. Noris Price made the recommendation to name the hallway leading to the cafeteria in memoery of Mr. Gordon. The Board unanimously approved the recommendation. Over twenty members of LC's family poured into the Board Room wearing specially inscribed 'LC Gordon' shirts. Two of his children gave testimony to his impact not only on their lives, but on the lives of those throughout the Baldwin community for nearly half a century.
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Baldwin High School Partners with Helms College to Help Students Pursue Careers in the Culinary Arts | |
Baldwin High School students looking to begin a high-end career in the culinary arts have just received a huge advantage through a partnership between the Baldwin County School District and Helms College.
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Through the partnership, students are eligible to receive a scholarship of up to $10,000 dollars to join their CORC program (Culinary Operations in Resorts and Clubs), but Baldwin CTAE (Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education) Director Natalie Stowe says that the partnership goes well beyond the scholarship.
"If they choose this pathway here, they shouldn't have to repeat the same coursework when they get to college," Stowe said. "Helms College has an amazing career placement program, plus they have two campuses, one in Macon and one in Augusta, and a tremendous resource through their partnership with Goodwill."
Learn more by clicking the link below:
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Mrs. Jemeria Cummings, a local author, and CEO of Building Readers First visited Mrs. Johnson's class to read her book, Paigey Waigey's Donut Shop. The children then made donuts using paper plates and collage materials! | |
Lake Primary encourages its staff to recognize students who display the 3 Rs of Success. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, & Be a Role Model. Staff can recognize the students by using the Positive Office Referrals. The recognized students are given a shout-out over the intercom, a treat, and a phone call to their parents from the principal or assistant principal to tell them the good news.
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The new counselor, Ms. Sonya Murray, is enjoying visiting classrooms and introducing herself to our scholars. Ms. Murray is a familiar face in a new position this year and she is rocking it | |
Midway Hills Academy hosts its first event of the year with a 2022 PBIS Kick Off/Beginning of the Year Pep Rally! | |
Lakeview Academy Teacher of the Year LaShonda Hurst Speaks on the Role of Flexibility in the Classroom | |
What surprised LaShonda Hurst most about winning the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year for Lakeview Academy was that she doesn’t see herself as a someone with a one-size-fits-all method for teaching, but instead prides herself on her flexibility and the way that she’s able to flow with the current of her students’ moods and learning abilities.
“When you walk in, in the morning, you’re never going to know who’s feeling the best,” she said, “or who’s not feeling the best, but it’s still a matter of giving a smile, saying good morning, and moving on with the day.” Hurst begins the year by establishing a sense of mutual trust, love, and support with her students that allows for patience and flexibility.
| Read the full profile and see more pictures at the link below: | |
Taking a page from a colleague, our principal, Mr. Ray, decided on a new approach to introduce staff and students to our school and community. During his "BRAVE WALKS", Mr. Ray takes a few minutes to speak with them about their backgrounds, hopes, and plans for the school year ahead. | |
You can watch these right now at the link below: | |
Georgia College Early College student Trinity Johnson was recognized at this month's Board Meeting for being selected for the Young Scientists Academy at Georgia College.
The Young Scientists Academy at Georgia College is run by Dr. Catrena H. Lissee, director of the Science Education Center and primary mentor of the participants who come from high schools within Georgia's rural areas.
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For more information, click the link below: | |
On Friday night, the Baldwin Braves celebrated the kick off of the 22'-23' season in style, as everyone came out to witness the first game. The Band of the Braves gave the first taste of their new show, "In Plain Sight" during halftime, and the Braves cheerleading squad were on deck to show off some new moves.
The Braves squared off against the Peach County Trojans, an old rival that they haven’t met on the field in nearly ten years. Both teams brought their A game for a remarkable opener to the season, but the Trojans came out on top with the win.
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See the full gallery at the link below: | |
We have started our season off with a bang. After August 11th's win against Laney, 21-2, their record is 3-0. This is the second game that everyone has been able to play in, and all but one player scored! | |
This year Baldwin Academy Playhouse will be doing Press Start the musical. Press start is a video game-style musical based on characters we all know and love. These characters must put on a musical fundraiser to raise gold rings so that they can play on.
If your child is interested in auditioning for this production please visit our website to learn more about the show, fill out the audition form, and listen to the music!
Baldwin Academy Playhouse is comprised of children from Lakeview Academy and Midway Hills Academy. If you have any questions please contact Elizabeth Yorker at or Robyn Meeks at
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Baldwin Online Academy
Registration Is Open
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The Baldwin County School District will continue to offer students the option of remote learning by enrolling in the Baldwin Online Academy for the 2022-2023 school year. This option is also available to home-schooled students. Baldwin Online Academy is available to students in grades K-12 who want to have the flexibility of learning from home at their own pace.
Parents may use this LINK to enroll their children in the Baldwin Online Academy (BOA) for the 2022-2023 school year. Students who are already in BOA do not need to complete this form. If you have more than one child, please complete a form for each child. Homeschooled students will need to complete the new student registration process. You will be notified if your child is selected for the Baldwin Online Academy.
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Students need to have good grades and attendance to be considered for the online academy (passing 3 out of 4 academic subjects). If there is a medical reason for wanting to enroll online, the parent needs to state this in the reason for enrolling. For any questions, please contact Mr. Antonio Ingram, Director of the BSA/BOA at 478-233-9010 or send an email to | |
Family-School Partnership Program | |
Parents are hearing many different acronyms these days that students are learning at school. This week we would like to share the answers to some frequently asked questions about PBIS, our Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports, from the George Sugai National Center on PBIS Neag School of Education. | |
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on | |
Download the MyStop App Today! | |
Download the MyStop App Today! | |
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
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Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
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Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us. | |
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327
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