School District of Baraboo E-Newsletter

May 25, 2023

BSD Elementary Students Attend Creative Arts Festival 

Seven district 5th graders attended the Creative Arts Festival in Wautoma in early May. These students were chosen by their Music and Art teachers based on their advanced level of learning in both of those areas, as well as academics. At the event, students participated in an all-day session, learning and creating along with students from 9 area districts. Students attended sessions including “Ice Cream Art”, “Graphic Design”, “Recycled T-Shirt Weaving”, “Mindful Drawing”, and “Come Stum With Me”. At the end of the day student artwork was displayed in an art showcase, and performance groups performed on stage. 

They attended with Mrs. Hittman and Mr. Mellen, Art and Music teachers at East & K-2 North Freedom. Mrs. Hittman also presented a session on "Sculpting with Wire." Students that attended were Adriana & Bailey from ABE, Christopher & Paige from East, Lacey and Declan from GLW, and Gibson from North Freedom.

District Curriculum Council Present to the Board of Education

At the Monday, May 22nd School District of Baraboo Board of Education meeting Directors of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and Learning, Mr. Mike Pisani and Ms. Jane McMahon, along with members of the District Curriculum Council (DCC) presented reports to the board on their work this year through the Curriculum Renewal Subcommittee and the Science Subcommittee. DCC members serve to support the directors of teaching and learning in many ways related to the curriculum. This year the organization of the DCC group structure was intentionally changed to ensure representation from all levels across the district. Previously, elementary educators were under-represented as part of the DCC.  

The Science Subcommittee of the DCC presented to the board the process used to review the 4K-12 science curriculum for BSD. During their initial action steps members of the Science Subcommittee reviewed Forward and ACT data, audited the current curriculum standards, and drafted a science philosophy. Members of the Science Subcommittee engaged with field experts, Mrs. Traci Crouse, grade Teacher at ABE said, “Our group thought it was really important to get feedback from experts in the field of science to better drive our direction and focus.” 

Additionally, the subcommittee also created and analyzed student, science educator, and family surveys to hear from stakeholders about the current science curriculum which highlighted common themes to inform the next steps of the curriculum review process. 

The Curriculum Renewal Subcommittee then presented to the board the six-year review cycle for all curriculum standards. The process was created to implement and review curriculum standards with fidelity and integrity. Additionally, it will provide direction, coordination, and structure for district teachers, administrators, and leadership teams as they strive for excellence, as well as establish an ongoing process that allows us to continuously improve our practice.

Throughout the 2022-23 school year, the subcommittee researched plans from other districts, worked together to identify key components for the plan, draft their own versions of those components, and outlined steps in each phase of the six-year cycle. Components of the cycle will continue to be developed over the next months and the process will be implemented during the 2023-24 school year. 

JYMS Authors Conference

Six JYMS students were recognized on Friday, May 12th at the Waunakee Performing Arts Center as published authors for the Greater Dane County Anthology Project Writing Contest. Students from grades 5-8 all over South Central Wisconsin participated in the contest which included these categories: Art, Poetry, Persuasive Writing, Cartoon, and Creative Writing/Narrative. The awards day included a ceremony giving recognition to each student who earned the highest points on a judging panel, a guest author speech, lunch, and a Nature Writing breakout session hosted by Advanced Learner Advocate, Ms. Teresa Kamps. Student winners were: Erica E. (7th grade)-Poetry, Kessie B. (8th grade)-Personal Narrative, Benjamin M. (6th grade) Narrative, Abbi U. (7th grade) Poetry, Kimberly C. (8th grade and 3-time winner) Spanish Poetry, and Frederick R. (7th grade) Poetry. 

East 5th Grade Music Program

On May 9th and 11th, East 5th grade students performed music to accompany the book Sky Tree by Thomas Locker. The goal of the performance was to use songs, melodies, and activities that students engage with organically in the music room. The performance included singing folk songs, xylophone pieces, student-created dances, drumming, singing games, ukuleles, hand-clapping games, and a choir of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders! Mr. Mellen thanks the Panther Orff Ensemble, the East Recorder Choir, and all East 5th grade students for their hard work, and thanks the District for their support of his Orff-Schulwerk summer training. 

Here is a link to the amazing performance!

BHS Banned Books Project

This year 9th-grade students in Ms. Herrewig’s English Language Arts class explored the dystopian society in Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. The book explores themes of censorship, conformity, and the impact of technology on human connection. As part of the unit capstone project, students were challenged with the project of determining what book they would save if they lived in the world of Fahrenheit 451. Students selected a variety of books including Speak, Bible, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Hatchet, and many others. They then wrote a short explanation that included a strong main idea a summary of their book and its importance to the student. Additionally, the students drew illustrations that represented the book they selected. 

Al Behrman Family Cultures Night & Student Art Show

Earlier this month Al Behrman Elementary hosted an Around the World Family Clutures Night and ABE Student Art Show. In under two hours, families traveled around the world visiting thirteen countries/cultures and viewing the ABE Art Show to see student art. Students from grades K-5 were given passports and off they went, devoid of boundaries, to experience new cultures and see the art made by their peers.

There was food, music, laughs, and camaraderie. If this wasn’t enough, many of the hosting families also dressed in their festive cultural wear and brought items from their countries and cultures. 

ABE families strolled through the hallways with smiles looking at sculptures, paintings, and prints. There were wide-eyed children open to the experience of trying different culinary flavors ranging from Hmong sticky rice, to Japanese matcha cookies, to fry bread from the Oglala Sioux and Ho-Chunk Tribes. On this night, Al Behrman Elementary School reignited the flame of community participation and unity. 

The evening drew to a close with families visiting the photo booth and leaving with a small souvenir to remember their around-the-world adventure. 

Where will next year's travels take us? Hopefully, you will join us next year to see for yourself. 

A HUGE thank YOU to the outstanding Al Behrman Elemtanty team that organized this evening! Thank you Anna Grogan, Roxely Vazquez, Leenger Vargas, Joani Coronado, and John Blosenski.

GLW Mystery Reader

A mystery reader is the same as a guest reader, BUT their identity is kept secret to build anticipation and excitement. Mrs. Huber invited family members, grandparents, relatives, and anyone who wanted to share their love of reading with her students. She reveals three clues for her students before the reader arrives to get the students extra excited. Recently, Oliver D.’s dad came in to read in Spanish! Oliver and his dad read a dual-language book together. Oliver read the English and his dad read the Spanish parts. Students are looking forward to the next mystery reader.

North Freedom - iReady Gumball Challenge

The end of the year is fast approaching and North Freedom students are working together to challenge and inspire each other to show their amazing growth on their end-of-year iReady assessment. All North Freedom students took this test one more time in both reading and math. This gives educators a clear picture of the student’s growth this year as well as their readiness for next school year. The Gumball Challenge encouraged students to make a pledge to do their best. The students worked together to fill the gumball machine with all the iReady lessons they passed. The students took their pledge seriously and filled the gumball machine in two weeks. To celebrate their hard work the students had extra recess time and enjoyed popsicles! 

A big thanks to the North Freedom Parent Group for supporting our students and making sure they have everything they need to test successfully by providing snacks and encouragement. And of course all of our hard-working students!

BELC 4K Spring Sing

On May 18th, 4K students and their families gathered at Jack Young Middle School for the 4K Spring Sing. Students rehearsed five songs and were excited to show off their hard work. Families also watched a slideshow showcasing an entire year's worth of learning, friendship, and fun. Way to go, 4K students!

Baraboo School District Poppy Project

As you visit area businesses this weekend look for poppy displays created by members of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 26 in Baraboo and 4th graders across BSD in honor of Memorial Day!

Baraboo School District Job Opportunities

If you, or someone you know, are looking for a job, consider joining the Thunderbird Team. There are even opportunities for those only looking for a few hours a week. Several part-time positions are available, as well as full-time positions for more hours!

More information about various open job opportunities can be found here.


Current opportunities include:

  • Director of Student Services
  • Special Education Teacher
  • 5th Grade Teacher
  • 7th Grade English Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher
  • 8th Grade Math Teacher
  • Student and Family Engagement Specialist
  • Associate Principal
  • School Counselor
  • Business Education Teacher
  • Coaching opportunities
  • Summer Kids Stop
  • Sub Custodian and Food Service
Baraboo School District Volunteer Opportunities

Dear School District of Baraboo Families,

Thank you to all of you who have volunteered your time to support the School District of Baraboo. We aim to offer a variety of activities that you may choose from when giving your time, and appreciate your interest and support. 

The purpose of this communication is to explain some recent changes to the volunteer background check process for the Baraboo School District (BSD). Volunteers who submitted a background check prior to August 1, 2022 are required to complete the Raptor Background Check prior to volunteering with BSD this year. 

BSD will use Raptor Background Check moving forward to streamline the process and provide further protection to volunteer information. All applications will be completed online no longer requiring volunteers to bring information into the buildings for application. Click the link above or type in to access the form. 

All information collected on the application will remain confidential and not be shared outside the volunteer program. 

Once your application is complete you will be prompted to set-up an account in the Raptor portal. This will help to ease the process once you arrive onsite to volunteer. After the account is established volunteers will receive emails once the application is approved, and 30 days notice when a renewal is needed. 

A minimum of two days is needed to process applications once submitted. It is not an instant approval process, so please plan ahead. Once final approval is received, volunteers will need to have their driver's license with them when they arrive to volunteer so it can be scanned in the check-in process. 

Questions? Please contact

Always Onward, 

Dr. Rainey L. Briggs

Other District Details

School-Based Mental Health Services Offered in BSD Schoo

BSD has partnered with the Psychotherapy Center of Waunakee to provide school-based mental health services. Click the link to learn more and connect with your school building contact.

6th Grade Orientation!

Get Ready, 5th graders! 

It’s almost time for 6th Grade Orientation!

The staff and students of Jack Young Middle School

invite you

to our 13th annual

Sixth Grade Orientation with our 8th-grade WEB Leaders

8:00 AM -11:30 AM

Thursday, August 17, 2023

JYMS Main Gymnasium/Commons Area

The purpose of this orientation is to make the transition from elementary school to middle school a positive one. Eighth graders will be serving as WEB leaders and mentors to the sixth graders. Large and small group activities are designed to address students’ needs and concerns in an enjoyable manner.

Wear comfortable clothes and don’t bring all your “stuff” light!

If you have any questions, please contact a WEB Coordinator:

 Teresa Kamps OR

Joel Anich at

*Please RSVP for this event on this form: 6th Grade Orientation

This form is to get an idea for attendance and to organize any transportation needs. If you are unable to complete the form, your student can still attend the event.


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Take our feedback survey here. You do not need to provide your name or contact information if you choose not to.

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