November 5, 2021
Visit us at
November 7, 2021 — Daylight Saving Time Observed.
November 8, 2021 — Kings Marching Band Community Night Performance, 7:00 p.m., Kings Stadium.
November 9, 2021 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Conference Room 2, Kings Education Center.
November 11, 2021 — Veterans Day
November 16, 2021 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
November 18-20, 2021 — Kings Theatre Presents Bethel Park Falls, 7:00 p.m. with a matinee at 2:00 p.m. on 11/20, Kings High School Auditorium.

More event information can be found at:
Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday
Just a reminder that it's time to "Fall Back!" Daylight Saving Time will end at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 7. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep!
This Week's COVID-19 Dashboard
Kings BOE Election News
Eight candidates ran for three seats to serve on the Kings Board of Education in the November 2, 2021 Election.

The Kings Community re-elected incumbent, Deb Cowan and elected newcomers Janelle Groff and John Skerl in the election that had a 25.1% voter turnout.

Warren County Board of Elections showed Groff with 3,379 votes, Skerl with 3,280 votes, and Cowan with 3,100 votes.

Groff and Skerl replace Dan Egan who elected not to run for another term and appointed member, Dave Bidwell.

The new board members will be sworn in on Tuesday, January 11, 2022.

Congratulations to Deb, Janelle, and John! Thank you for your willingness to serve the students and staff of Kings.

Results of Tuesday's election can be found on the Warren County Board of Elections website.

Pictured L-R: Deb Cowan, John Skerl, and Janelle Groff.
CommuKnighty Conversations with the Supe
Over the past few weeks, Superintendent Greg Sears has been conducting CommuKnighty Connections with small groups of community members and families. 

These conversations are intended to provide a lens into the future vision of Kings Local Schools, as well as an opportunity for feedback that will be utilized as we move forward.

These connections are an opportunity to engage personally with the superintendent in a positive, collaborative discussion about the future of Kings. 

We are looking for individuals to “host” a CommuKnighty Connection that may take place in the coming weeks. As a host, you would provide the location, invite 12-15 of your friends and neighbors, and set aside approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. Mr. Sears will facilitate the conversation. 

If you are interested in hosting, please provide your contact information here and you will be contacted to schedule a time convenient for you.
KHS Engineering Students Create Haunted House
This year the Kings High School Engineering III students created an interactive robotic Halloween Haunt. The students used Arduino microcontrollers, pneumatic pistons, windshield wiper motors, servo motors, lights, and sound to create an incredible Halloween experience.

The students used the Engineering Design Process and Agile Project Management strategies to complete this real-world design challenge. Twenty-two students created and programmed eleven projects that used motion detectors as triggers to scare their fellow students as they found their way through the maze.

Senior Paige Doughman said she was most proud of "Learning to overcome adversity and persist when things didn't work as planned." Jordan Hoffman said, "Learning how to solve problems, adapt, and change my designs will definitely help me in my future engineering career."

KHS Engineering III teacher is Jason Shields. Take a virtual tour of the Halloween Haunt below. Pictured below are the Engineering III students with their individual project.
KHS Student Named Aviation Student of the Month
Congratulations to Kings High School Junior, Antoni Jones who was named Student of the Month in Aviation in the Aviation Maintenance Technician program offered by Great Oaks at Diamond Oaks Career Campus.

Antoni's instructor, Andy Grayson had this to say about him; "Antoni is probably one of the most polite and respectful students I have ever had the pleasure to instruct. Although I have held no elections or asked for any volunteers, Antoni has taken on a roll as being a true class leader and has demonstrated the qualities of becoming an outstanding leader. Not only has he been a leader, but he is also a team player. Antoni is always ready to assist, not only me, but his fellow students as well. He has been instrumental in helping keep the class and the lab orderly and clean. Even though Antoni is only a Junior in High School, he has a maturity beyond his age and is the kind of person that I would want working on my team, or for my company. Diamond Oaks, his teachers, counselors, and parents should be proud of him."

Students in the Aviation program spend half of their school day at Cincinnati State’s Cincinnati West Airport. There, they get hands-on education and experience with aircraft. By the end of their senior year, students can be ready to take the certification test to become FAA-certified airframe mechanics. The program also partners with Cincinnati State so students can also earn college credit while in high school. Great Oaks is also a Delta educational partner, connecting students with opportunities at the airline.

Keep up the great work, Antoni!
Kings Marching Band Head to State!
The season is coming to a close for the Kings Marching Band. The students have been working hard since June to put together a wonderful show.

They have three performances left for the season. Don't miss this show!
  • Saturday, November 6, 1:45 PM, at Kings High School. 
  • MSBA Championships--Competitive State Championship. 
  • Sunday, November 7, 2:15 PM, at the University of Dayton. 
  • OMEA State Finals--Non-competitive, ratings-based judging. 
  • Free admission for all.
  • Monday, November 8, 7:00 PM, at Kings High School. 
  • Community Night--Our final performance for family and friends. 
  • Free admission for all.

Let's help to send the Band off in style on Sunday before they head to the State Finals! There is a Send-Off Rally at 11:00 a.m. at Kings High School.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to see the show, check out their most recent video.
KJH Teacher Wins Best Practice Award
Congratulations to Kings Junior High School Language Arts teacher, Rebecca Nagelhout who received the Southwest Ohio Region Award for Best Practice at the Ohio Middle Level Association Conference.

KJH Principal, Eric Dunn said, "This is a big honor and is much deserved. Rebecca, we are proud of you and glad you are on the KJH team!"

Mrs. Nagelhout also presented at the conference, as did Mr. Olds. Dunn said, "They both did a great job representing KJH!"
FDA Approves COVID-19 Vaccines for Children
This week, the FDA gave approval for children 5 years and older to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

Columbia Intermediate 5th grader, Lindsay Rubel received the first pediatric dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the Warren County Health District (WCHD) on Wednesday, November 3.

The team at WCHD said that "Lindsay did a fantastic job" receiving her vaccine.

The Ohio Department of Health is offering $2 million in scholarships to eligible Ohioans in the Ohio Vax-2School program.

If you are interested in more information visit the Ohio Department of Health website.

Great job, Lindsay, and way to represent Columbia Intermediate School in your "Be Nice Out There" t-shirt!
Pink Day at KME
Kings Mills Elementary teacher, Tina Strosnider, who is also a Breast Cancer survivor wanted a way to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.

She collaborated with 2 other KME survivors, School Nurse, Jill Reagan, and Paraprofessional, Lisa Bird to create a “Pink Day” at KME.

The staff at KME were encouraged to wear pink on October 26 and they were provided with pink goodies. Staff members made donations to Pink Ribbon Girls (PRG) and $340 was raised to help PRG in their mission to provide meals and assistance free of charge to breast cancer or gynecological cancer patients at their time of greatest need.

Pictured is Jan Middleton, Director of Education for Pink Ribbon Girls and Kings Resident and Parent accepting a check from Lisa Bird.
KHS Students Particpate in a Day of Leadership
A selected group of Kings High School student-athletes and leaders were chosen to attend the Anthony Munoz Foundation's annual LIMITLESS Youth Leadership Seminar.

The KHS students spent the day together with students from other local high schools on Wednesday, November 3 at Crossroads Mason for a day of leadership development, motivational local leaders, breakout sessions, and, of course, a word from Anthony Munoz himself.

Congratulations to Noah Bowman, Jake Bruns, Bailey Bush Jackie Cunningham, Katie Dykhuizen, Ella Hancock, Kassidy Ingram, Makayla Bock-Krollmann, Gavin Legault, Abby Rawlings, and Savannah Wood.
Social Emotional Update
Kings Schools Social Emotional Health Coordinator addresses children's grief.

We have had a noticeable increase in students experiencing the loss of a loved one recently. Mrs. Murray, School Counselor at Kings High School is bringing in Fernside Center for Grieving Children, an organization that specializes in supporting and providing resources for children and their families. They will also be offering a support group during the school day at Kings High School.

In addition, we wanted to share this file of Parent Grief Resources and 1N5 & MindPeace State of Mind Speaker Series to add to your mental health toolbox to support yourself and your children.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance.
Kings Staff Participates in Halloween
Last Friday, Kings Staff members surprised students by dressing up for Halloween. There were some really creative costumes. Watch the video below.
Kings Theatre Presents...
Kings High School Theatre will present its fall show, "Bethel Park Falls" November 19-20.

The residents of the small town of Bethel are facing a crisis: their beloved park has been sold out from under them; now, the stresses, heartbreak, and loss that previously hovered beneath the surface are emerging, threatening to overwhelm them. Their only salvation is in their connection with the park itself and their connection to each other.

The show will take place in the Kings High School Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. on November 18,19, & 20. There will also be a 2:00 p.m. matinee on November 20.

You can purchase tickets at Adults are $10 and students, children, and senior citizens are $8.
Kings Kloset
Kings Kloset is a volunteer-supported clothing center that provides free garments and supplies to those in need in the Kings Local School District.

The free store will be open on Saturday, November 6 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. located on the second floor of the Kings Education Center, 1797 King Avenue, Kings Mills.

On average, the Kings Kloset serves 30-50 individuals each month. They are open on the first Saturday of each month. Any donations can be dropped off during store hours.

For more information contact Emily Robinson at
Kings Board of Education Meeting
The Kings Board of Education will meet for their monthly Work Session on Tuesday, November 9 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

All meetings are livestreamed on the Kings Youtube channel. You watch live HERE.
KJH Winter Guard Seeking Members
Calling all 7th & 8th graders! The Kings Junior High Winter Guard is seeking members for the 2021-2022 season!

Do you like to dance? Do you like to perform? Would you like to try and learn how to spin and toss a flag? Then this group is for you!!

Kings Junior High Winter Guard is an “artistic” sport that meets on Tuesdays and Fridays in the KJH Cafeteria. Most of the season we will practice after school from 2:30-5:30 p.m. (There will be some days where practice will be moved to the evenings in order to practice in a gym.)

The group learns a routine including elements of dance, acting, and spinning flags and rifles that we take to competition on Saturdays from January through April. It is a really fun activity that promises to entertain and challenge!

The group is run by J.F. Burns Elementary Music teacher, Jennifer Maegly. The first practice will be Tuesday, November 16. Everyone is welcome to try it out and see if this activity is the right fit for you. Come prepared to find out how much fun is to be had by joining this group.

If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Maegly at 398-8050 x 16045 or at
Kings Spiritwear
KHS/CIS/JFB Spiritwear Sale
New Vendor! New Designs! New Styles for All!
Fall and Winter Merch Available!

Available for pick-up or ship directly to your door in time for the holidays!
For the last 6 years, Kings U Knights, a 501(c)3 organization has helped provide holiday gifts to Kings students in need. This year Kings UKnights will serve approximately 140 families and over 300 students. Each child receives 3 gifts (2 clothing and one fun) with a total value of approximately $75 per child.

If you are interested, there are several ways to spread holiday cheer this year: donate money/gift cards to KingsUKnights, buy presents for a child/family, or provide wrapping paper and tape.

If you would like to help this holiday season, please contact KingsUKnights at
Kings Ski and Board Club Sign-Ups
It's that time to start thinking about the winter weather. The Kings Ski and Board Club has begun sign-ups for this year's season.

Please visit to register. Bus seats are first come first serve. Registration ends November 7.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers such as Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Evergreen Sale.
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Kings Football Playoffs
Tonight, the Kings Knights host the Winton Woods Warriors in the second round of playoff action. Kickoff from Kings Stadium is at 7:00 p.m.

Tickets must be purchased online. Parking is $5 Cash. You can stream the game here. You can also follow along on the Kings Athletics Twitter page.
Good luck, Knights!
KYO Football Super Bowl
It was an exciting weekend last weekend for Kings Youth Football. Four teams participated in the Super Bowl.

Congratulations to KYO 5th grade, 2nd grade, and K/1 grade teams who were undefeated Super Bowl Champions! KYO 3rd grade team were named GCYFL Runner-Up.
5th Grade Super Bowl Champs
2nd Grade Super Bowl Champs
K/1 Super Bowl Champs
3rd Grade Super Bowl Runner-Up
Youth Lacrosse Registration
Kings Youth Lacrosse Registrations are now open. Register at
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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