Superintendent of Schools Andre D. Spencer Introduces Teaneck Public Schools New Programs




  • Superintendent of Schools Andre D. Spencer Introduces Teaneck Public Schools New Programs

  • Am Legion Drive Area Redevelopment Community Mtg.

ALD Meeting Venue Now Rodda Center - 7/31, 7pm

Annotated Documents Relevant to Am Leg D's AINR

  • This Week in Teaneck - July 31 to August 6, 2023

  • The Week that Was - July 26 to 31, 2023


Summer Band Concerts at Votee's Band Shell

Board of Education Candidate Deadline - 7/31

Am Leg Drive Community Meeting - Rodda - 7/31

National Night Out - 8/1

Race Amity Day - 8/6

Contacting Teaneck Voices

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Andre D. Spencer

Introduces Teaneck Public Schools New Programs

On January 1, 2023, Teaneck Voices introduced Dr. Andre D. Spencer, Teaneck Public School District’s new Superintendent of Schools. (Click Here)  At that time, newly hired Dr. Spencer and the Teaneck Board of Education (BOE) decided that Dr. Spencer would come on board 6 months before he would traditionally begin his tenure on July 1st, so that he could get to know the district – the students, the teachers, the administrative staff, the parents – so the academic and social decisions and innovations made would be informed by the reality and uniqueness of the Teaneck School System.

On July 21st, we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Spencer about his plans for the upcoming school year 2023-24. The ideas that Dr. Spencer and the BOE will introduce this year truly reflect a firm knowledge of Teaneck Schools and the experiences and innovations that led the Teaneck BOE to hire Superintendent Spencer. They also make evident the robust and productive working relationship that has been developed between the Board and the new Superintendent.

New Program in Teaneck High School

“A lot of great things are happening in the district and we want to reach out to the Teaneck Community and let them know about them. The most exciting program the Teaneck school leadership is bringing to THS is the Early College High School Program (ECHP), an innovative idea that is producing exciting outcomes for the school districts that have instituted it.

 The program provides the opportunity for our students to graduate from high school with both a high school diploma and an associate degree (usually attained after 2 years of college).”

Here is the description of the program from Bard Early College High School the originator of the Early College High School concept 20 years ago: 

           Our model is premised on the belief that many adolescents are ready and eager to start college at an earlier age. Empowering them to do during the last 2 years of high   school in a supportive environment inspires love of learning and civic and intellectual    engagement and propels students towards success in college and beyond.

           As a society, we need college to be an inclusive home for free, rigorous, and fearless  expression and inquiry for young people from all corners of American life.

“We have established a partnership with Bergen Community College (BCC) which offers the associate degree and with whom we will be developing the curriculum. We are starting the program this September with a course (Teaneck Success) that will be offered to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. The course is about our young people learning about college life – what it means when I have to advocate for myself – as the basis for building the self-sufficiency necessary to benefit from the empowerment and enrichment subsequently offered by the program”. 

As Dr. Spencer says, “ No more calling mommy and daddy; now it’s me! What do I need to know? What are my study habits? How do I engage with my teachers? How do I manage my time? How do I manage my money? What does it look like, feel like, to function as a successful college student? The course is just as important for the students not going to college – simply substitute the word ‘workforce’ for college.  We aim to produce productive citizens in our society.”

In the academic year 2024-25, the course will be offered to all entering 9th grade students. “We are also working with BCC to develop the Early College curriculum. BCC has been phenomenal in working with us in a partnership to develop the requirements and courses to earn the degree,” says Dr. Spencer.

To support this significant new program, the district is also instituting a program to prepare students to become and feel competent to move toward self-sufficiency and success. Based on a program Dr. Spencer initiated in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Click Here) the Teaneck School District will increase the number and variety of advanced academic courses at the high school and also at the middle schools. The Middle School Program is to make sure that our students are prepared for high school work and the ECHP Program if they choose that route.

These combined programs, as well as preparing the student for competence and self-sufficiency, will provide the groundwork and opportunity to:

      Engage with others in a team effort,

      Work together to problem solve and effectively produce a common project, and

      Think critically about information so that they can be informed, productive, and high quality citizens.

Bergen Community College is also working with Teaneck Public Schools to educate the parents about this new opportunity being offered to their adolescent children. This parent education includes:

      Information about the finances of paying for college,

      The Governor’s stance about students attending community college at no cost, with the intention of cutting parents’ obligation to pay for college from 4 years to 2 years.

In addition, the district will hold its First Annual Parent Conference on August 26th from 9am to 2pm. It will be recorded and uploaded onto the district’s website for any parents who are unable to attend.  The purpose and goal of the Conference is to provide professional learning to parents about:

      Financial literacy,

      Managing social media (SM); pros and cons of SM, how to work with your child to manage social media,

      Immigration Rights,

      Managing stress – your own and your child’s.

In addition to the above initiatives, Superintendent Spencer is forming a Parents Advisory Committee (PAC).  If you are interested in participating in the PAC, please email 

The commitment of Dr. Spencer and the BOE is to make sure the parents know that they are being listened to, that they are being respected, that administrators and teachers want to learn from them, and to activate and galvanize parents to play a key role in their child’s education. Parents are encouraged to have their child read for 20-minutes every night, complete all home assignments and attend school on-time, every day. “It truly takes a town to educate a child.”

Lastly, Dr. Spencer expressed the importance of professional learning. Contrary to past Professional Development curricula, the district is going to focus on two or three key topics a year, in depth, with the goal being to enable the Professional Staff to become masters of a few things, rather than dipping into the vast pool of professional development for a small taste of many things. This year TPS will focus on “Teacher Clarity”.  They will concentrate their efforts on job-embedded professional learning throughout our district to strongly emphasize the importance of the Professional Development to their ongoing work.

Superintendent Spencer reemphasized his respect and admiration for the Board of Education Trustees.  The Board Trustees take required courses, learn New Jersey State Education Laws and Regulations, review hundreds of documents, and give many hours to public meetings and workshop meetings. “They do this work and give this service for free. They do this work because they truly care about children and families. They take pride in Teaneck communities. They bleed blue”

Dr. Spencer also said, “I am very appreciative of and thankful to the Board of Education for the work that they do. One of the most important draws of Teaneck for me was the BOE and the fact that they really care about the quality of the education that Teaneck schools offer. That’s where my heart is.

“The Board and I will work together with our multitude of stakeholders – Students, Teachers, and Parents – to build a culture in our schools that, ‘Achieves the Promise’.  All of us in Teaneck know about Teaneck’s history of promise. We are known nationally for it, most families give that as the reason they moved here, and books and theses have been written about our promise.

“But have we Achieved the Promise? We want to build a culture where our students demonstrate high academic competency, strong socio-emotional skills, robust problem-solving capabilities and a high level of compassion and care for others.

“We want our graduates to consistently see what it means to be a Teaneck High School graduate. We want to, “Achieve the Promise.”

Am Legion AINR Community Mtg.

  or by Zoom Click Here w/ passcode 724397

Annotated Documents Relevant to Am Leg D's AINR

Question – Can Crossroad Companies’ conditional designation as redeveloper for American Legion Drive & the Beverly Road AINR be legally challenged and what status must be given to its intensely opposed proposed plans for development of these two AINR’s?

A Brief Narrative about Teaneck and AINR’s

In the 1970’s Teaneck created a Redevelopment Agency which oversaw the creation of the Glen Pointe area in the swamp land in Teaneck’s south east – the Town’s first and sole AINR – for 50 years.

In 2018, the then Teaneck’s Council rediscovered the state’s redevelopment statutes and decided not to create a redevelopment agency but have Council be the Town’s AINR designator. Between early 2019 and 2022 Council designed NINE separate Teaneck AINR’s. Four of these AINR’s (two municipal and two privately-owned ) were essentially single lots. Five others are larger multi-lot areas. Three of these AINRs (two single lots and one larger area) are composed of wholly owned municipal property. Municipal lots of various sizes (all parking areas) are found in all the designated multi-lot AINR’s. PILOTs have been approved for two private single facility AINR’s – one of which is under construction in what had been in large part an R/S neighborhood.

In the 4-person Council election of 2022 (Teaneck’s first November Council election following a 2021 referendum) 3 of the 4 candidates who voiced AINR opposition at various levels of specificity were elected. Public commentary in the run up to the election focused on development, AINRs and specifically opposition to tall multi-story facilities contiguous to residential neighborhoods. A new Council majority formed and took office on 1/3/2023. No AINR decision of any sort has been made by the new Council in 2023.

Only one AINR decision has been made by the Town Planning Board (PB) in 2023 – that being the memorialization of a prior site plan approval resolution for the tall 250+ unit facility on the private single-lot AINR at 359 Alfred Avenue.  Three new PB members appointed by the new Council replaced 3 former members at the expiration of their 4-year terms on 6/30/2023 thus forming a new PB majority with all new officers elected at the next meeting.

The focus of most Council (and now presumably PB) discussions is generally on the extent to which Council and PB are now bound by prior AINR decisions/promises made by the prior Council. Intense public discussion/opposition currently is on whether the 9/20/2022 settlement of a suit brought against the Town & PB for its designation of Stop & Shop as blighted – but which settlement somehow included conceptual plans for the two AINR’s that sandwich Teaneck’s Cedar Lane and 2 resolutions which give Crossroads Companies a role as the conditional designated redeveloper for both AINR’s.

What is the status of those plans in the absence of any actual AINR-required redevelopment plan consideration or approval action itself having been undertaken by either Council or the PB?   

It is expected that the Town’s 7/31/2023 “Community Meeting” to review the status of the American Legion Drive AINR and the announced presentation that night by Crossroads of its conceptual plans for both AINR’s will draw a large public presence and critique of the entire process.

What follows is annotated access information for the relevant documents concerning the American Legion Drive AINR from its inception through to the most recent 11/22/2022 resolution amending the 9/20/2022 resolution which at first gave Crossroads a 6-month conditional redeveloper role.

Philips, Preiss Authorized to Investigate American Legion Drive as potential AINR - 9/22/2020

Richard Preiss’ 2/2/2021 report to Planning Board –recommending American Legion Area Designation

           Preiss’ draft report with R. Volosin’s Supermarket Analysis appended appears in PB Agenda Packet

Preiss report is pp. 24-54;

Velosin Report is pp. 54-74 (Note Volosin Bio – p. 55 – Omits his Crossroads affiliation)

Informal Preiss PB Presentation – February 11, 2021 –

 Zoom video of this meeting  is at -  minutes 21-55 – ending in Preiss statement that current S&S should be demolished

brief mention in 2/11/2021 PB minutes  - p.3

PB 3/24/21 Approves American Legion Designation – includes S&S – following Preiss formal present

           Video of Preiss formal presentation and PB Vote

t=Minutes – minute 29-61 of video

Minutes of meeting and passage of resolution are at p. 3

Council 4/13/2021 Designates Am Legion Dr (ALD) as AINR & Authorizes Preiss develop redevelopment plan

           Res 287-2021 – Designation of ALD as AINR is at

           Res 88-2021 – Authorizing Planner Preiss to create redevelopment plan for ALD (he never did!)



Stop & Shop 5/28/21 sues Town & PB for multiple counts including its designation of S&S as AINR and the Robert Volosin Conflict

Teaneck Voices Stop & Shop's Complaint against Town & PB - Teaneck Voices


S&S Settlement introduced mid-mtg as Council Res 252-2022 – absent any public notice or availability

Town agenda misleadingly says the following ABOUT the resolution


           Res 252-2022 – 9/20/2022


           Attached in Town archive to Resolution 252 is now this 58-page settlement agreement


Video of 9/202/2022 Council mtg shows Mayor at minute 55:55 of mtg says “under New Business I would like to walk in a resolution…. “

Teaneck’s Public immediately challenged Settlement – doesn’t it bind us?  – but told by Town Attorneys Shahdanian & Jenkins and 3 Council members “nothing committed” –

           Attorneys Shahdanian & Jenkins “nothing binding”

  & move cursor to minute 36 ff.

           And resident Ron Schwartz – doesn’t shall mean shall? - then challenges that interpretation

Res 249 Conditional 6-Month Designation of Crossroads Companies as redeveloper –also 9/20/2022

Res 278 AMENDED Resolution 249- 2022 – amending conditions of Crossroads as redeveloper

           This resolution was passed 2 weeks after the November election changed Council composition


           Statement by Town Attorney Shadanian as to non-significance of Resolution 278 – You Tube

More Recent:  

 The March 2023 executed settlement agreement after S&S signs – then letter to Court of dismissal is at

New Town Attorney Salmon Comments to Council on Status of Am Leg. AINR as of 6/13

However, in recent communications Attorney Salmon has stated that newly-discovered Res 278 gives Crossroads more rights – for much longer – than he originally thought!

This Week in Teaneck - July 31 to August 6, 2023

American Legion Drive AINR Community Meeting – Monday July 31, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Rodda Center (MP-1) or by zoom

·       Voices understands that new redevelopment attorney Michael Ash will moderate this meeting

National Night Out - Tuesday August 1, 2023 - Votee Park - 5:00-9:00 pm


Youth Advisory Board – Wednesday, August 2 at 7:30 pm – Town Website says “by zoom” with no additional information


Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Advisory Board (PPRAB) – Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 7:30 pm Town Website says “Zoom” with no additional information


As Voices obtains additional information, it will update this incomplete information on its website,


The Week that Was - July 24 to 30, 2023

Planning Board - Tuesday July 25, 2023 -

As Voices had anticipated, (see prior edition) this PB meeting focused exclusively on expert testimony further to explain to the Planning Board what the PB had already agreed to in the HN-Neighbors litigation settlement that had been fully signed/sealed and delivered to the litigation mediation judge that afternoon so that he could deliver the settlement to the Superior Court judge for her dismissal of the case.

What the expert testimony cited was, however, unintelligible by the public in attendance since the actual 1" thick settlement, on the basis of which the testimony was based, is still not a public document.

Nevertheless, the PB eventually after two hours+ passed unanimously the Holy Name sought site plan for its new child care facility.

A similar hearing on HNMC's other site plan application - a temporary gravel parking lot - will now take place at the next agreed PB HN hearing meeting on August 24, 2023 - in the Council Chambers.

That meeting will be available on internet (TBD) but will not be an actual hybrid meeting so the public cannot provide input remotely..

Readers will have access to this long and unintelligible meeting by zoom but if you - for some reason want to see it - Click Here.

Voices is unaware of important developments that have emerged from the other two Advisory Board meetings last week (the Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board (which was on zoom but not later made available to the public by IT) and the Shade Tree Advisory Board which took place in person at Rodda. If members of either Board can update Voices on significant developments from their advisory board meeting, please do so at



or by Zoom Click Here w/ passcode 724397

Contacting Teaneck Voices

Co-Editors: Dr. Barbara Ley Toffler and Dr. Chuck Powers

By Email:

By Phone: 201-214-4937

By USPS Mail: Teaneck Voices, PO Box 873. at 1673 Palisade Ave. 07666

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