The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings

January 21, 2022
ECPPA photo collection
"My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 
At Meher Center, 1956
Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings in Meher Baba’s love. As conveyed in the update sent out this past weekend, the Center is temporarily closed for day visitors. The board has decided to implement this safety precaution as the Omicron variant appears to be spreading exponentially both nationally and in South Carolina. At the same time, the Center remains open for a limited number of overnight guests. 

Also, a reminder: the Center will be holding a virtual Amartithi program on January 30 and 31. Please register here and join us for this special celebration. 

In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff
Lovers' Offerings
Family Letters #14
Read by Jane Mossman

These are readings of a collection of letters written by Mani, Meher Baba’s sister, to the Western family of Baba lovers between 1956 and 1969.
"Has He kept His promise?"
In this talk, Meherwan Merchant powerfully describes the life of Pleader, one of Baba’s dear Mandali. While Pleader was seeking God-realization as a young man in 1928, he was told by Narayan Maharaj that he would find his guru within a month. Soon after, he found himself at Meher Baba’s feet. Baba promised Pleader God-realization, but not without severe suffering. From months of seclusion, to journeys through the Himalayas, to exhausting work with Masts, to intense physical pain, Pleader lived for Baba for thirty-two more years until the moment He fulfilled His promise. 

Video, 1:18:49
Meher Center Meeting Place, April 7, 2012
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
"He never gives short"
In Part Two of this audio, Pukar and Mani share anecdotes about being with Baba in Hamirpur and in Guruprasad. They bring home great revelations through simple stories of humor and devotion. We learn about Baba's promises and how He keeps them even if it might appear that He does not. And finally, about how He uses our strengths and weaknesses so that nothing is ever in vain in our lives with Him.

Audio, 43:21
Meherazad, India, October 6, 1979
Courtesy of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California