February 9, 2021
Family Drive-in Movie Night
Last March, Churchville Presbyterian had to rethink its Family Fun Nights due to COVID-19. They wanted a way for families to get together in a safe manner, so they came up with Family Drive-in Movie Night. This way, families could get out of their homes, while safely enjoying an evening in their own cars. Thanks to a bit of Hawkins family knowledge, a newly acquired transmitter, projector, and screen, they can continue their ministry of family engagement. With a video license from CVLI and Screenvue Vault, Churchville shows movies that reflect our Christian values. Past films have included Croods, Home, God's Little Creatures, and The Secret Life of Pets.
Drive-in movie nights are held on the second Friday of each month, and are posted as an event on Churchville's Facebook page. Although as many as 20 families have attended, all are able to enjoy themselves in a safe environment watching a family-friendly movie with lessons that can be discussed on the way home. Refreshments and snacks are provided. This Family Fun Night is FREE to all and anyone who wants to attend.
In Memoriam
The Reverend Doctor Charles King Norville died of COVID-19 on January 22, 2021 in Harrisonburg, VA. He served as pastor at Kenwood Presbyterian church for 28 years. Prior to his service here, He attended Wake Forest College until he enlisted in the Army during World War II, where he fought in four campaigns and was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge and Bronze Star.
Ordained to ministry in 1952, Charles served as pastor of three Presbyterian churches: Ashland VA, Fairfield (Richmond), and Kenwood (Baltimore), retiring in 1991. During his ministerial career, Charles served as Moderator for all three Presbyteries, as well as chairing various committees, working groups, task forces and in other leadership positions. He was a vocal advocate for racial justice, participating in Civil Rights marches and rallies in Baltimore and Washington, D.C in the 1960's. He will be missed by us all. Read the obituary.
African American Music: Gift to the World or Stolen Legacy
Join the In the Loop Ministry Group, on February 16 and February 19, at 6:30 pm each night, as they discuss the NYT 1619 installment, “The Birth of American Music,” where Wesley Morris chronicles the evolution of American music and its intersection with the pulse and spirit of Africa — rhythms and blues and jazz that grew from hearts and souls of enslaved Africans on the plantations of the South, to the streets of the industrial north and now, the urban centers of cities across America, and the world.
Bruce Henderson, the Director of Music at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Justice Georgie, youth entrepreneur and spoken word enthusiast, will share how Black music serves as a predominant influence in the development of American culture, and as America’s gift to the world. Black musical influence is seen in the secular and the sacred. It is the heart beat of Saturday nights’ lived experience and the soul of our uplifted spirits in Sunday morning praise and worship. Black music chronicles the socio-political history of racism, oppression and exclusion engendered in American history of enslavement of African peoples, and its continued legacy. Register here to join us on Tuesday, the 16th and Friday, the 19th.

Suggested listening and reading:

Last call for statistical reporting season
This is the final week for clerks of session to complete the annual statistical report. The deadline is February 12.

Contact Mary Gaut with any questions at mgaut@baltimorepresbytery.org
And due February 26th:
If you haven't yet done so, please provide a list of Ruling Elders who have died in 2020 to Mary as well!
Coming soon: PWP Spring Gathering
Every Spring Gathering of the Presbyterian Women in Presbytery of Baltimore (PWP) we memorialize the women who have died in the congregations the previous year (DoD 2020) church by church. Remember that all women members whether they belonged to a PW organization or not are included in this memorial. Please send the name of your church with a list of the women deceased in 2020 to the PWP by March 27, to Adrienne Knight.

Upcoming Events
Friday, February 12: Drive-In Movie Night - Churchville Presbyterian Church, as described above, welcomes your family to join them on the second Friday of each month for a socially distanced outdoor film screening. Snacks and refreshments served. Check their Facebook page for titles and additional information.
February 16th and 19th: African American Music: Gift to the World or Stolen Legacy - Join the In the Loop Ministry group at 6:30 pm as it continues the B'More Human series with a focus on the history of African American music in America. Featuring Bruce Henderson, the Director of Music at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, and Justice Georgie, youth entrepreneur and spoken word enthusiast. More information
February 27: Rise against Hunger - 11-4 pm at Grove Presbyterian Church: RAH is an international hunger relief non-profit organization that coordinates the packaging and distribution of food to people in developing nations. For more information visit the website or contact event organizers Carroll Fitzgerald or Marlene Butler.
March 4 - Well Said Speaker Series
Featuring Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D., award-winning author and internationally known public speaker and thought leader on issues of spirituality, religion, culture, and politics. Diana’s book, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks will be the focus of the evening’s presentation. More information
890th Gathering of the Presbytery of Baltimore - Mark your calendars now for Thursday, March 11th, from 10 am - Noon. for a robust, but streamlined online session. Stay tuned for details here and on our website.
Help Wanted
ITL churches seek an individual to conduct scholarly primary and secondary research regarding the history of the In the Loop churches (twelve Presbyterian churches in Baltimore, Maryland), pertaining their historical experience in regard to race, race relations and policy, membership, location, et. al., that explicate the race related actions and perspectives of the church and its members.
Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church in Severna Park, Maryland is looking for a full-time individual responsible for overseeing a preschool program for over 100 children ages two to four and its childcare staff. The Director would work closely with parents, children, teachers, and the staff of Woods Church to create a Christian based education for the students.
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church seeks a temporary supply pastor who can inspire their congregation through excellent, innovative preaching and worship leadership, who is technologically savvy and who is approachable, friendly, inclusive and a good listener.

Fallston Presbyterian Church seeks an individual to be responsible for moderating the Session and for providing pastoral leadership and administrative oversight of the church’s ministries, including worship, music, preaching, teaching, pre-kindergarten, mission service, stewardship, and fellowship. He/she will work with the Session, Deacons and Church staff to provide opportunities for members to engage in worship, discipleship, and mission. The Interim Pastor will support the congregation during the time between installed pastors. He/she will help prepare the congregation for new pastoral leadership.

The Presbytery offices are closed for visits or appointments until further notice, but staff and commissions continue to meet regularly online.

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