Community Advocates Connections
This month we are observing Mental Health Month by highlighting some of our programs and services that provide mental health support. In addition to the programs listed below, our staff also provides help with basic needs and other resources that can improve one’s general mental health and wellbeing. After all, living in a safe and stable household with adequate income and access to community resources can help someone to achieve and maintain good mental health and be able to work through life problems and prevent them from turning into long-term, traumatic crises. Many of our programs are open to eligible individuals and families without a referral. Check our website for a full picture of Community Advocates’ activities. Thanks as always for your support.
In gratitude,
Andi Elliott
Chief Executive Officer
Community Advocates
May is Mental Health Month
Community Advocates provides a wide range of services and programs that help people to better understand and manage their mental health and to be an ally if someone else is struggling with their mental health and wellness. To mark Mental Health Month, we’re highlighting a few of these vital programs:
Positive Options for Women in Recovery (POWER): The Milwaukee Women’s Center’s POWER program provides trauma-informed, holistic treatment for women who live with a mental health issue and a substance use disorder. POWER participants set their own goals build on their strengths. POWER is provided at no cost to those who are eligible. Call 414-270-4600 to learn more.
Family Intervention Program / Programa de intervención (FIP): The Family Intervention Program’s goal is to remove significant barriers preventing Latino and African American individuals and families from seeking traditional counseling services. This intensive, home-based, family-focused case management program provides supportive services to families struggling with the impact of substance use disorder and domestic violence. Services are provided at no cost to the family. For more information, call 414-270-4600.
Programa de intervención (FIP): Objetivo del programa de intervención familiar es eliminar importantes barreras que impiden latinos y afroamericanos individuos y familias de buscar servicios de asesoría tradicional. Este programa de manejo de caso intensivo, basado en el hogar, enfoque familiar ofrece servicios de apoyo a las familias que luchan con el impacto de la adicción a la sustancia y la violencia doméstica. Servicios son proporcionados sin costo a la familia. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de intervención familiar, por favor llame a 414-270-4600.
Older Abused Women’s Program: This program, provided through the Milwaukee Women’s Center, provides individual counseling and support groups for women 50+ who have been victimized by their intimate partners or adult children. Program leaders are experienced in helping older women who have been emotionally, physically, financially, or intimately abused by a spouse, dating partner, or child. Contact this free-of-charge program at 414-671-6140.
Support Groups for Men: Our Nevermore Batterers Prevention and Intervention Program offers group discussion and individual support for men who have a history of, or are concerned about, being abusive to their intimate partners or family members. Get details here. Milwaukee Fatherhood FIRE helps dads and father figures learn healthy behaviors to improve their family relationships and set and achieve their life goals. A project of Milwaukee County Child Support Services, you can learn more at this link.
Mental Health and Wellness Workshops: Community Advocates Public Policy Institute provides virtual and in-person workshops to enable participants to understand their own mental health and be an ally to those who may need help. Classes include: Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health First Aid for Adults who Work with Youth, QPR Suicide Prevention, Trauma and the Brain, and Verbal De-escalation Techniques. All are welcome, but they’re free for those who live or work in Milwaukee County. Courses are provided monthly and can be found on PPI’s online calendar. Interested in offering a workshop at your workplace or organization? Contact Rita at
Milwaukee Advocates Ask for
More Mental Health Resources
Community Advocates was among the co-sponsors of a May 8 Milwaukee Mental Health Task Force event to urge state lawmakers to invest in behavioral health services in the upcoming state budget, including supporting funding for Medicaid members seeking residential substance use treatment programs, peer-run respites, and behavioral health services for deaf, deaf-blind, and hard-of-hearing individuals. Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley joined the call for more state investment, saying, "We need to continue to fund these services across the state so that governments can be a part of the solution that brings needed resources to the doorsteps of the most vulnerable residents and most vulnerable neighborhoods."
Bipartisan Budget Panel at
Community Advocates
In March, Community Advocates Public Policy Institute organized a panel discussion on how the state budget could impact the Milwaukee and essential issues such as housing affordability, behavioral health services, tax credits, and child care. We were honored to host State Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee), Sen. Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield), and State Sen. LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee), who brought their unique perspectives to the conversation, which was moderated by PPI's Senior Policy Advocate Julie Kerksick. Stay tuned for more state budget insight from the Public Policy Institute this summer.
Community Advocates Marked Denim Day
Staff at the Milwaukee Women’s Center Emergency Shelter and our Board of Directors wore denim to show their support for sexual assault survivors on April 26, Denim Day. We believe survivors, period. If you want to talk about your experiences, call us anytime, 24/7, at 414-671-6140.
ECOM Workshops for Advocates
On June 21, the monthly meeting of the Empowerment Coalition of Milwaukee (ECOM) will explore human trafficking, exploitation, and sex work with local experts. ECOM is a gathering of social services professionals, advocates, and consumers on the third Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Fee is $5 for light refreshments. Questions? Contact Lauren Faulds at
We’d like to thank these generous donors and volunteers for supporting our community members:
48 Hours of Giving Supporters: Direct Supply, our Board of Directors, and our individuals donors gave big during our 48 Hours of Giving campaign in March. Thank you for supporting our programs, including our homeless outreach and supportive housing programs. Thank you!
Alpha Chi Omega Marquette University Sorority Members: Sorors raised $1,411 for the Milwaukee Women’s Center Emergency Shelter and each student volunteers at the shelter for 20 hours per year. Thank you!
Erin Hareng and Family: We’re grateful for the wonderful Mother’s Day meal than longtime volunteer Erin and her family provided for our Emergency Shelter guests. Thank you!
Mary Haag and Family: The Shelter’s guests celebrated Easter with a lovely meal prepared by Mary and her family. Thank you!
Two Men and a Truck - South Eastern Wisconsin: Once again, the company’s Movers for Moms initiative collected and donated needed items for moms and kids in shelter on Mother's Day -- including our Milwaukee Women’s Center Emergency Shelter. Our Shelter Manager Shamika May and Two Men and a Truck’s Heather Knight were featured on Fox 6 News. Thank you to all who donated!
Our Housing Department will help community members in person without an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome at Community Advocates' downtown offices at 728 N. James Lovell St., Milwaukee.
- Monday: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
You can also find available rentals in Milwaukee and surrounding areas on our website. We update the listings every week on our website and Facebook page.
We Are Here to Help Tenants & Property Owners
If you have questions about an application status or need to pick up or drop off documents, we are here to help. The Emergency Rent Assistance Program is open to the public 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, at our downtown offices, 728 N. James Lovell St., Milwaukee, for those who prefer to come in person. You can email
The Milwaukee RHRC Triage Team accepts walk-in appointments Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Community Advocates offices, 728 N. James Lovell St., Milwaukee. The RHRC Triage Team can assess your situation and make referrals so you can get the help you need. You can also email or visit the RHRC website for more information.
Community Advocates’ Wish List
Can you help Community Advocates and the Milwaukee Women's Center meet the needs of our program participants? We serve families and individuals who have experienced homelessness or domestic violence, and most of them come into Emergency Shelter or our Autumn West Safe Haven with few belongings. We're currently seeking these items for our guests:
- Box fans
- Hoodies for toddlers up to adults
- Jackets of all sizes, from toddlers to adults
- Twin sheets
- Blankets
- Socks, boys and girls, men and women
- New underwear for all ages, from toddlers to adults
- New pillows
- Tennis shoes for boys, girls, men, and women
- New or gently used towels
- School supplies
- Pots and pans, utensils, dishes, blankets, and other household items
Community Advocates’ Services and Resources
You can get in touch with us in the following ways:
Community Advocates
2023 Board of Directors
President: Bryan House | Foley & Lardner, LLP
Vice President: Sharon Jordan | Direct Supply
Treasurer: Sandra Samse | BDO
Secretary: Natasha Dotson | Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative
Board Members
Sheree Dallas Branch | The Salvation Army
Anne DeLeo | Community Volunteer
Valerie Gabriel | Community Volunteer
Gary Ingram | Igary Events
Pamela Klein | Community Volunteer
Jim Liedtke | Community Volunteer
Alexandra Urrutia-Comas | Advocate Aurora Health
Kate Venne | Brady Corporation
Jodi Wire | Community Volunteer