December 9th, 2021
Please note: For the most up to date information please click on the Susan Lindgren website. (Language Translations available)
Your Proud Principal
Clarence Pollock
Way to go Susan Lindgren Students and School Team!
Grade Level Activities on Friday, December 17th
The entire Susan Lindgren Team is planning on a fun day for all the last day before Winter Break! We want to celebrate the hard work by all of our learners and have fun celebrating our beautiful learning communities we have built together!

  • Kindergarten- Pajama Day and Gingerbread Fun

  • First Grade- Pajama Day and Fun Activities with Friends

  • Second Grade- Pajama Day, Board Games and Movies

  • Third Grade- Comfy Clothes and Activities in the Classrooms

  • Fourth Grade - Pajama Day and Activities in the Classrooms

  • Fifth Grade- Comfy Clothes and Activities in the Classrooms

Important Quarantine Guidance from MDH for all Families

If someone is vaccinated and is exposed, they do not need to quarantine if BOTH of the following are true: 
·       The COVID-19 exposure was at least 14 days after their vaccination series was fully completed 
·       They do not currently have any symptoms of COVID-19. 

If someone has recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days and is exposed again, they do not need to quarantine if ALL of the following are true: 
·       Their illness was laboratory confirmed in the past 90 days
·       They have fully recovered
·       They do not currently have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Live Well,
Clarence Pollock
Proud Principal
Physical Education Classes celebrated Kindness Month and Disability Awareness Day!
A BIG Thank you to Jody Stefonowicz and Lisa Jergenson
The Physical Education students celebrated Kindness month and National Disability Awareness Day during P.E. class.

The 3rd-5th students participated in several stations centered around disabilities: basketball-blindfold, blindfold walk, one arm beach ball keep it up, pushing a wheelchair through the doorway, knee soccer, and color reading. This was great for the kids to experience how people with disabilities navigate the world around them. Enjoy the photos below.
Clarence Pollock, Susan Lindgren Principal

Arsenio Richardson, Susan Lindgren Elementary Support Supervisor

Jane Watts, Susan Lindgren Administrative Assistant to the Principal
952-928-6698 ~
Tidbits from Talent Development
From Meg Schauer Grades K-2 Teacher
Family Drop off and Pick Up Process
The snow and the cold make parent pick up and drop off a more interesting time of the day. You are one of over 200 cars that are trying to get their child to school on time or get somewhere right after school. Please pull all the way forward especially when directed by staff so that we can accommodate as many vehicles as possible. Please set your cell phone aside and pay attention to traffic. When you get to the 4 way stop at Quentin and 41st, have your child put on their mask, coat, etc so they are ready to hop out when you arrive at school. There is no parking across the street. Thank you!
Letter Day Calendar for December
December Lunch Menu
Susan Lindgren Key Dates for Families

  • No School - Winter Break NEW Dates
  • Monday, December 20 - December 31 (First Day back is Monday, January 3rd)
  • No School - Monday, January 17th Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday
  • No School - Friday, January 28th Grading/Work Day for Grades K-12
Susan Lindgren Learning Highlights
Learning and experimenting with Magnets
Thank you Ms. Morrow's Fourth Grade Class!
Winter Afterschool Enrichment Activities for Susan Lindgren Students
St. Louis Park Community Education's Youth Enrichment Program (YEP) is excited to announce new winter afterschool enrichment opportunities. Below are two brand new clubs beginning in December. Transportation is available for both programs (requires advance registration). More information about
transportation is in the registration links

Passage to Planet ROG engages children in an exciting journey through space to a distant planet. Through a series of challenging missions, from establishing an outpost to making clay sculptures, students practice creativity, collaboration, and communication as they develop solutions to explore this new place and then return home to Earth. 

Where: Aquila: Mondays; Susan Lindgren: Tuesdays; Peter Hobart & PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:15-3:40 p.m. 
Who: Available to students in grades 1-5
Sliding Scale Pricing: $49/$59/$69/$79

Do you want to learn more about the organizations and services in your community? Do you like helping out in any way you can? If yes, then Community Service Club is for you! Join just to research, put together, and carry out community service projects, big and small! 

Where: Peter Hobart & Susan Lindgren: Mondays; Aquila: Tuesdays; PSI: Wednesdays
When: 2:15-3:40 pm 
Who: Available to students in grades 3-5
Sliding Scale Pricing: $29/$39/$49/$59

St. Louis Park Community Education's Youth Enrichment Program (YEP) is excited to announce new winter afterschool enrichment opportunities. Below are two brand new clubs beginning in December. Transportation is available for both programs (requires advance registration). More information about transportation is in the registration links. 

Passage to Planet ROG engages children in an exciting journey through space to a distant planet. Through a series of challenging missions, from establishing an outpost to making clay sculptures, students practice creativity, collaboration, and communication as they develop solutions to explore this new place and then return home to Earth. 

Where: Aquila: Mondays; Susan Lindgren: Tuesdays; Peter Hobart & PSI: Thursdays
When: 2:15-3:40 p.m. 
Who: Available to students in grades 1-5
Sliding Scale Pricing: $49/$59/$69/$79

Do you want to learn more about the organizations and services in your community? Do you like helping out in any way you can? If yes, then Community Service Club is for you! Join just to research, put together, and carry out community service projects, big and small! 

Where: Peter Hobart & Susan Lindgren: Mondays; Aquila: Tuesdays; PSI: Wednesdays
When: 2:15-3:40 pm 
Who: Available to students in grades 3-5
Sliding Scale Pricing: $29/$39/$49/$59

Click here to register; if you have questions about Enrichment Programming contact Kelleen at or 952-928-6399
Cold Weather ~ Outdoor Clothing Reminder
Please remember students go outside for recess every day! Make sure they have outdoor clothing. Label all clothing.
Students will always go outside unless the regular temperature is below 0 degrees or the windchill temperature is -10 degrees or below. We will watch the temperature to keep our students safe.
We are always in need of gently used or new winter gear, especially waterproof mittens/gloves.

If you are in need of winter gear, please contact our Social Worker Michelle Bryant at
EVERY MEAL Program- Free Winter Meal Bags Available
Honoring Karen Waters- A former Susan Lindgren Parent, outstanding student advocate and very supportive School Board Leader. Thank you Karen!
Covid Updates and Important Information for Families
The challenges of COVID continue and Susan Lindgren Elementary School - like most elementary schools in Minnesota and nationwide - is feeling the impact as we all work together daily to do our best to ensure the health and safety of students, teachers, staff and the entire community. I want to share some specific information for families regarding COVID and Susan Lindgren Elementary School.

Recently, we have had an uptick in the number of students with positive COVID cases. The Site COVID Team and the entire school team are doing everything we can to keep our students and ourselves as safe and healthy as possible.

At Home Learning During Quarantine Plan - Clarifications for Families
When a student needs to quarantine, our entire school team is there to coordinate at home learning.

When a student has to quarantine for 3-5 days, either a classroom teacher, specialist teacher or Elementary Support Supervisor Arsenio Richardson will schedule a single Connect time - by phone or virtual meeting in Google or Zoom - with the student (not once per day). Specialist teachers and school leaders will be connecting directly with your classroom teacher to share anything you may need. We are a team committed to the success of all students!

If the student has a longer quarantine period (for example 6-14+ days), either a classroom teacher, specialist teacher or Elementary Support Supervisor Arsenio Richardson will schedule Connect meetings with the student 2-3 times (not 2-3 times a day).

Let us know if students need a school chromebook for use during quarantine and we will provide that for you.

For a detailed description of the school district’s At Home Learning Plan, SEE BELOW.

Thank you for your partnership as we continue to navigate through times none of us have experienced before. We so appreciate your support and partnership!

We Need Your Help!
District School Calendar
District School Calendar 2021-2022
There is no school on Friday, October 1.
It is a staff development day for staff.
Familias Latinas
Familias Latinas de nuestras escuelas, ahora ya tenemos una página de Facebook con información totalmente en español! Les invitamos a visitar y a darnos un me gusta.