Foster STEM learning with the 4-H STEM Challenge • Afterschool Snack
Research suggests that using STEM learning opportunities in after-school educational settings is important to address the STEM-based learning needs of young people. To engage young people in a fun, educational and interactive way, National 4-H Council presents the 2022 4-H STEM Challenge!

This year’s challenge, Explorers in the Deep, focuses on the mysteries of the ocean and its connection to climate change. In a recent national survey, 84 percent of teens feel that climate change is among the most urgent issues they face. With this in mind, the activities in the 2022 challenge kit are designed to help youth explore the world's ocean, how the actions of humans affect it and how young people can serve as champions of change.

Earth's Water: A Drop in Your Cup
With the recent announcement that Arizona will have to reduce its Colorado River water consumption by 21%, water conservation is more important than ever. In this activity developed by California Academy of Sciences, youth will see how water is distributed across different sources, how much can be used by humans, and will brainstorm ways to decrease their usage of fresh water.

Featured STEM Workshop at School's Out, Make It Count
The Northern Arizona University Center for Science Teaching & Learning will lead a workshop on Planetary Learning that Advances the Nexus of Engineering, Technology, and Science (PLANETS). PLANETS has new OST curriculum that improves diversity, equity, and access particularly for three underserved audiences: youth experiencing physical disabilities, indigenous youth, and emergent multilingual learners. Participants will spend the time preparing to teach our Remote Sensing unit with youth so that the ball is already rolling and prep is already underway by the time they leave the conference. Participants will also discuss educator resources and moves that can help to connect youth culture and assets with STEM concepts and activities.

PR Newswire
Frito-Lay Variety Packs Back-to-School Program Inspires 1 Million More Girls to Pursue Stem Careers by 2025

Girls around the world have gazed into the night sky wondering what's out there and dreaming of what they can achieve. Frito-Lay Variety Packs is committed to fueling those dreams of exploration, discovery and achievement by teaming up with actress and science-fiction star Sonequa Martin-Green for the return of its Back-to-School Blast Off program. This year, the iconic snack brand also partnered with STEM Next's Million Girls Moonshot, an initiative that seeks to engage one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs by 2025. The snack brand will donate $100,000 to further the program's mission and send the organization's inaugural Flight Crew of aspiring space explorers to Space Camp®. 

How to Deepen Math Learning With Word Sorts

At Concourse Village Elementary School in the Bronx, solving math problems doesn’t always start with diving into the numbers. Here, students focus on the words first, reading the problem out loud with the teacher, identifying common words and phrases, and discussing the broader narrative hidden within the problem. When facing a complex math task, discussing strategies with peers and posing questions before attempting to solve it allows students to verbalize their thinking and test out theories—and develops the content-specific vocabulary to do so. “As students move through the grades, vocabulary knowledge plays an increasingly important role in the learning experience,” write educators Miranda L. Sigmon, Kavin Ming, and Daniel Herring, in Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, a journal by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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