February 2021
On the Road...Virtually
Rhonda’s favorite thank you note hangs in her office. A clothesline thank you note from
2020 Arizona Make It With Wool showing 25 contestants. 
“Help me Rhonda, help, help me, Rhonda.” I hear that Beach Boys song title often. Now perhaps you can help me? My personal goal is to book two SCHMETZ virtual classes each week this year. It’s an ambitious goal, but attainable. Below click the link to SCHMETZ Inspired to SEW #86 to learn more about my love of sewing & quilting. The issue includes my SCHMETZ virtual class outline. To book a class, send me an email. 
I truly miss traveling from coast to coast and seeing everyone’s sewing & quilting projects. Meeting & chatting has always inspired my creativity, and my desire to work hard for you. February is a great month to take one of my SCHMETZ classes offered through the Sewing & Stitchery Expo or Original Sewing & Quilt Expo. If you have a shop, guild or virtual club, book me now for a class. I would love to meet your sewing & quilting community virtually, until we can all meet in person again next year. 

Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit Too!
Spokesperson,, Euro-notions
699 Executive Drive Willowbrook IL 60527 #630 481-4086
Product Spotlight
Grabbit Tool Caddy
Easily move needed sewing tools from place to place: sewing machine to ironing board to easy chair.

Retail $19.95
NOW $14.95
*while supplies last
Accessories not included
Upcoming Facebook Live
Island Batik shares the rich, ancient Indonesian art of batik and hand-dyed fabric with fans around the world. Meet the new 2021 Island Batik ambassadors. There are 24 ambassadors with expansive, creative & impressive experience.
SCHMETZ Inspired to Sew
Newest Editions
Sookie Sews’, aka Sue O’Very-Pruitt, creative life spans costuming at Busch Gardens to leather design in China to In-the-Hoop machine embroidery. Sue’s star shines bright on YouTube teaching newbies how to sew. 

Rhonda loves to sew & quilt. As spokesperson for the industry’s most recognized sewing brand, SCHMETZ, Rhonda thrives when talking needles. Her expertise & exuberance easily translates through her virtual classes. Help Rhonda meet her ambitious goal of booking two virtual SCHMETZ classes per week in 2021.

SCHMETZ Needle Fact
Not all eyes are the same. Eye shape helps determine needle choice for projects. A larger eye is less stressful on the thread passing through the eye.
Where's Rhonda?
2021 Virtual Events & Shows
BFF Bee*
February 3

February 18

February 9
April 6
June 8

National Make It With Wool*
February 13

February 25 & 27
Hoopla Sisters
March 16

March 25 & 26

March 2 & 3

April 20

June 1
*Teaching SCHMETZ Classes
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