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Dear Friend:

As I look ahead to the spring season, I'm HOPEful for a return to healthier times. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, last year we provided essential services to nearly 1,000 households and served over 21,000 meals to the Fairfield County community. Your endorsement of our mission has allowed us to accomplish so much. I am grateful to everyone who has chosen to support our valuable work. 

Last month, I co-hosted Opening Doors Fairfield County's (ODFC) virtual housing crisis discussion. According to the Affordable Housing Alliance, almost 25,000 households cannot secure affordable housing in Fairfield County. Homes with Hope will continue to advocate for and assist those who need help bridging the gap to independent living.

This month and next, there are several ways you can support Homes with Hope:

Wilton Kiwanis Club's Florida Citrus and See's Chocolate Fundraiser

Order deadline Wednesday, February 23rd

Fairfield County's Giving Day - 24 Hours to Give Where you Live

Thursday, February 24th - 12:01 AM - 12:59 PM

Fashionably Westport Runway Event

Thursday, March 31st, 7 PM, at The Westport Library

This Westport Downtown Association fundraiser, to benefit Project Return, celebrates our downtown fashion and beauty merchants. If you are interested in sponsoring this exciting event, I would welcome your call (475) 225-5292 or email 

Please take a few minutes to read our newsletter. It will give you great insight into our work, the people we serve, and the generous community that supports Homes with Hope.

Stay safe and thank you for caring!

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President and CEO

Homes with Hope, Inc.


President & CEO Helen McAlinden and Former Shelter Resident, Antwayn, Speak Out for More Legislative Support

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Every Connecticut resident should have a safe, stable home that is affordable to them in an equitable community of their choice where they can thrive.

Helen co-hosted the Opening Doors Fairfield County housing crisis discussion and was quoted as saying, "It is possible for Connecticut to get to the point where homelessness is rare, brief, and one-time, but not without the support of legislators and necessary funding."

Antwayn, a former Gillespie Center client now has his own apartment and is a Shift Assistant at our shelter. He was invited to speak during the roundtable and shared these thoughts, "The job is great, but even with a job, I can't afford rent in Connecticut without some rental assistance. I want my children to go to school and go to college, so they never end up homeless like me."

Fairfield County Giving Day

Thursday, February 24th: 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM

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Homes with Hope provides emergency shelter for men and women, supportive housing for individuals and families, rapid re-housing, diversion services, meals, non-perishable groceries, youth programs, and mentoring.

Our work, when combined with your support, elevates the lives of those who are most vulnerable in our community.  

CLICK HERE for Giving Day Information

Wilton Kiwanis Florida Citrus and See's Candy Fundraiser

Place your order by February 23

CLICK HERE to place your order today!

Homes with Hope will receive 50% of proceeds from your purchase and 100% of all monetary donations.


Orders available for pick-up:

Feb 25-27 in Wilton & March 1-2 in Westport

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Wendy has worked at Homes with Hope for almost 20 years! She has been with the organization longer than anyone and has seen and helped navigate many changes.


When Wendy moved to Westport from her native NYC, a friend gave her a flyer from HwH (then called Interfaith Housing Association), which described a mentoring program for adult women. She loved the idea and easily imagined herself volunteering as a mentor. But at the time, she was commuting to NYU for her graduate studies in social work, had several young children, and didn't feel time would allow her to take on that responsibility. 


Fast forward five years when Wendy pulled the flyer out of a drawer, submitted an application, and became a mentor. It wasn't long before Wendy became the Women's Interfaith Network Director. 

Running the WIN mentoring program allowed Wendy to positively impact the community and affirmed her commitment to helping those less fortunate.


About seven years later, when Homes with Hope opened the Westport Rotary Centennial House, Wendy added Permanent Supportive Housing Case Manager to her responsibilities. It was a natural evolution for her to become the

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Director of Supportive Housing, Wendy's current role, overseeing our Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing programs.


Wendy's favorite part of working at Homes with Hope and the benefit of working here for so long is that she has seen many clients stay successfully housed. It has been rewarding to witness their growth, and she feels fortunate to have maintained long-term relationships with so many individuals and families.


Fun Fact: Although Wendy got her driver's license at 16, she didn't drive until her 30's when she moved to CT.


Everyone knows Dan supports Westport, but his support has been essential to Homes with Hope, especially during the pandemic. As a young Westporter, Dan knew the Bacharach and Gillespie families, so his unwavering support for HwH doesn't come as a surprise. 

When Dan puts out a call to our community for help with a food drive, gathers support for a rally, or raises awareness about an event, the responses fly in. He enjoys connecting with community members who have been here a while and loves when a new resident can get excited about an organization because of him.

Dan loves HwH because he sees it as an organization that gets the whole town involved: businesses, schools, government, other non-profit groups, and the private sector.

Homes with Hope touches everyone, and while it improves the lives of those we directly help, it also helps those working together learn what it means to be part of a community where we look out for one another. 

Thank you, Dan, for your steady support and for making a difference for Homes with Hope. CLICK HERE for Dan's blog.

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The Staples High School Service League of Boys (SLOBs) has been a steadfast supporter of HwH for many years. We know that when we need help, the boys and their parents will be there for us.

This year for the holidays, they donated gift cards and prepared a special Christmas lunch for our shelter clients. Over the years, The SLOBs have collected and unpacked donations from food drives, stocked our Food Pantry shelves, cleaned up and beautified the grounds of our residents' homes, cooked meals for the Gillespie Center, and much more. They are always a pleasure to be around and are incredibly hard working. 

Thank you, SLOBs! We are very grateful for our extraordinary partnership. CLICK HERE to learn more about the SLOBs.

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Saugatuck Elementary School Spreads

Kindness and Holiday Cheer

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We appreciate the inspirational “Kindness Rocks” designed and painted by a 5th-grade class at Saugatuck Elementary School. 

Thank you to all the artists and their teacher for these creative rocks. We look forward to displaying them in the gardens at several of our program locations.

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The SES Caring Council organized a school-wide effort, 'Tis The Season. All students designed cards filled with messages of joy and holiday wishes. The school community also donated a large assortment of gift cards and an abundance of delicious cookies. Our Supportive Housing clients were delighted and appreciated their kindness and generosity. 


Serendipity Labs Delivers Toys, Joy, and More

Thank you to Serendipity Labs for their continued support. They have previously supported our mission, and this winter, delivered holiday gifts for the children in our programs along with a very generous donation. Thank you for bringing smiles to so many of our young clients and for your endorsement of our mission. 

The Southern CT Modern Quilt Guild Provides Warmth for the Holidays

Thank you to the Guild for donating these beautiful, one-of-a-kind handmade quilts. Our lucky clients who received these cozy and fashionable quilts are grateful to everyone at the Guild for remembering them during the holidays.


District 8 Supports Our Pantry

We are grateful to the District 8 Building Officials for choosing HwH as the beneficiary of funds raised during their annual golf tournament held at Fairchild Wheeler.

Their generous donation will support our Food Pantry which provides groceries to those in need in our community.

MFCAR Brings Paddington

Bears and Backpacks

Thanks to the Mid-Fairfield County Association of Realtors, bears & backpacks were delivered in time for the holidays and brought smiles to the faces of our younger clients. 

MFCAR has partnered with CCEH and the BeHomeful Project for many years. We always look forward to this holiday donation and the cheerful delivery of these adorable bears. 

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More HwH Heroes

Homes with Hope and everyone we serve are so fortunate to have the support of our generous community.

Thank you for brightening the holiday season for so many of the children and adults we serve.

Would you like to see your picture here or on our social media? Send your photos and event details to


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Fashionably Westport Is Back!!

Join us for the 2nd Fashionably Westport runway show featuring the latest styles from scores of our downtown retailers and local models. Proceeds from the event benefit Homes with Hope.

Purchase tickets now for a night of fashion, food and fun.


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Please share this email with your network and post on social media. Don't forget to tag us!

Homes with Hope is a Westport-based non-profit organization dedicated to preventing

and ending homelessness in Fairfield County.  

Homes with Hope, Inc. maintains an IRS 501(c)(3) designation,

and all contributions are tax-deductible.

Tax ID# 22-253-4326

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