"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according his purpose."
~Romans 8:28~

Dear Friends:
We had such an amazing Year End Ceremony celebrating our students as the school year comes to an end, and of course, our graduates! We are so excited to see where God will lead them in their journeys moving forward. We know that God is good and faithful, and that he has a plan and purpose for each one of us. How comforting to be able to rest in His promises! The evening was full of celebration, fellowship, snacks and most importantly, joy! Thank you to all who came in support, and all who volunteered their time and treasure to help make the evening a success! We are so grateful for every single one of you!

Please join us in praising Him for:
~Our graduates! Praising Jesus for the completion of their high school classes and the path ahead of them.
~A beautiful Volunteer Luncheon! Praising God for all who attended and all the time that these volunteers give of so freely to our ministry!
~The beautiful hearts of our teens. They are so special and we just praise Jesus for who they are and the way He will continue to work in each of their lives.

Please also join us in prayer for:
~Transition for the teens, and their families, as they re-enter their homes this summer. We pray for intentionality and for the seeds that have been planted to continue to grow.
~Our students, that they would meet their school goals as the year is coming to an end.
~The families that are applying for next year. As well as wisdom and discernment for our staff as we start the interview process for the upcoming year.
~Our staffing needs to be met! We have a few positions available and are trusting that God will bring just the person for each!
Staffing Positions Available!!!
Teacher: Girls and Boys Schools
RA: Girls Home

Summer Hours
Tuesday-Thursday 9am-3pm
Or by appointment...
It is best to call before you come so we can make sure
someone is here and available for you!

The girls came up with the idea to create kindness rocks and drop them on window sills of businesses around town!

Jack taking a break while
helping at Linn Presbyterian Church...

The boys took a field trip to Volo Auto Museum...

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