Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
October 18,2021
Upcoming Items at the October 20th Town Council Special Meeting:

  • The Council will receive reports on the Vegetation Management Program, Recreation and Community Services Activities from July-September 2021, a quarterly Public Works update, as well as the results of the skatepark survey.

  • A proclamation will be presented in memory of Phyllis Gould (Rosie the Riveter), who we lost earlier this year.

  • The Council will receive update on the Town Manager recruitment, and appoint two members of the Town Council to serve on an ad-hoc subcommittee for the Public Works Director recruitment materials.

  • The County will be giving a presentation on Fair Housing Initiatives and Restrictive Covenant. There will also be a brief Housing Element Status Update.

  • They will also consider amending the General Plan to replace the terms “Community Character” and “Neighborhood Character” with more specific descriptions.

  • Introduction and reading of an ordinance to address smoking
in multi-unit residences.

Take Back Day for Fairfax Residents - THIS WEEKEND!
October 23
West side of the Fairfax Market parking lot

Prescription Drug Drop Off (from 10am-2pm ONLY)

Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That's dangerous and often tragic. That's why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in - safely and anonymously - a record amount of prescription drugs.

Additional Services Being Offered
  • Electronic waste drop off
  • Document shredding
  • Mattress drop off

Sponsored by the Town of Fairfax, Marin Sanitary Services and Conservation Corp North Bay
Climate Action Committee Update

The Climate Action Committee will have its regularly scheduled meeting this Tuesday, October 19th from 7–9pm. (They are on the third Tuesday of every month.)

Did you know the Climate Action Committee is looking for three new members? Join a meeting to see how the committee operates.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the current Climate Action Committee members.

This is a great way to make a difference in our community!
This week Marin Commutes is launching a campaign to help people start fresh with a new commute as our communities return to normal activities. The campaign will run October 11 – November 21, 2021

Weekly prizes will consist of $25 gift cards and Marin Commutes branded Hydro Flasks©. The grand prize raffles will offer participants a chance of winning a gift card valued at $50 – $250. Start logging today for a chance to win!
Housing Element Update
Mark your calendars for a Virtual Community Workshop on Saturday November 20th from 2-6pm! 
This workshop will be the next major opportunity to provide feedback on the Housing Element and will include tutorials on how to participate in the Balancing Act tool online. The Balancing Act tool will present a map of Fairfax and allow residents to “put on their planning hats” and choose where in Fairfax they would like to see the 490 RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Allocation) units incorporated. In order to complete the exercise, residents will need to play with the sites and each site’s unit allocations until the RHNA of 490 is attained. The workshop will be a great way to learn about the tool so that you can continue to share ideas and show the tool to your family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Before the Virtual Community Workshop, we encourage residents to visit the Fairfax Speaks site, which has plenty of ways for you to provide feedback and learn about the Housing Element Update process. In the coming weeks, the website will be refreshed with new opportunities to engage and share your unique story of how Fairfax became “home” for you.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Climate Action Committee Meeting
October 19 - 7pm

Town Council Special Meeting
October 20 - 6:30pm

Planning Commission Meeting
October 21 - 7pm

Volunteer Board Meeting
October 25 - 6:30pm

Tree Committee Meeting
October 25 - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Please note: we are proceeding with all events as planned but they may
need to be cancelled due to County or State Health orders.
Community Mural Painting on Merwin Continues
Sunday 24th
Merwin Ave. Near Ace Hardware

The Merwin Mural restoration is almost done! This is the last weekend of painting since the weather is shifting. Please come on down, and bring your friends.

A HUGE thank you to all the cleaning and painting volunteers who have donated over 100 hours of on this project so far!
The Halloween Parade
October 31st at 5 pm 

The Chamber of Commerce will host this fun event. The parade will start at the movie theater and end up at Bolinas Park. Dominga Avenue will be closed to cars for the evening after the parade so everyone can enjoy a safe halloween celebration!

Fairfax Recreation
Fairfax Craft Faire - Mark Your Calendars!
Saturday, December 11th from 11am – 5pm 
We are looking forward to RE-gathering again for this lovely Fairfax tradition.  

We are calling for ALL vendors to apply with an aim at expanding 
our diversity in crafters, artisans, musicians, food/coffee vendors, and kids art crafting.  

This is a fundraising event for Fairfax Recreation and all proceeds will go to help support our programming and scholarship fund. 

Other Town and County News
Age Friendly Fairfax Will Honor Our Residents 90+ Years Old

On November 13th, Age Friendly Fairfax will hold the 4th Annual Celebration of Fairfax residents 90 years of age and over. At midday on Saturday the 13th, volunteers will deliver baskets to participants which will include a certificate from the Town of Fairfax honoring each person. 

If you know of someone in Fairfax who is 90 or over, please help us update our list so that all will be included. Email Anne Mannes at We will need a name, address and a telephone number.
Call for Applications!

The newly established Fairfax Community Emergency Preparedness Committee is being formed to support and help coordinate collaborative town-wide efforts to prepare residents to respond to emergencies of all kinds. Check out the Committee’s webpage for details. The Town is seeking members to represent various stakeholders, including the community at large, CERTs, Firewise communities, and NRGs. Fairfax residents are encouraged to apply.
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions. Click here to see the current vacancies.
Drought Water Restrictions are in Effect for All of Marin County
Grab your free water-saving kit today from Marin Water and join the watersupersaver team!

Each kit includes:
  • Leak detection dye tablets
  • Shutoff nozzle for your garden hose
  • Low flow faucet aerators and showerhead
  • Five-minute shower timer
  • Bucket to catch water for reuse 
  • Drive-It-Dirty car window cling to put on your beautifully dirty car

Message @marin.water to learn more about this great program or visit their website at
Fire Safe Marin Has a New Show - Wildfire Watch TV

Record drought. Unpredictable winds. Climate change. All are making wildfires more intense and driving the busiest wildfire season ever. All Marin residents need to be prepared! 

Wildfire Watch is a new series that addresses residents' concerns and provides current wildfire prevention and preparedness information in a fast-paced and engaging way.

Episodes are released the second Thursday of the month. Watch on Comcast Cable Channel 26, 30 (AT&T Ch 99) and online at or stream at your convenience on Fire Safe Marin’s website, Facebook page or YouTube channel.

COVID-19 Updates & Programs

For the latest updates on Covid-19 and the most recent heath orders visit the Marin Health and Human Services Website.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID-19, please visit our Town of Fairfax Coronavirus Resource page for rental assistance, utility bill help and more.
Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.