Volume 35 | January 25, 2021
What is the Medicare General Enrollment Period?
The Medicare General Enrollment Period (GEP) is only one of the several enrollment periods in the Medicare program. It is a time to enroll in Part A and Part B when a client has missed their Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). The General Enrollment Period runs from January 1st to March 31st every year.

However, there is more to know about the General Enrollment Period than the dates alone. When someone has to wait until the General Enrollment Period to enroll, they can experience late penalties and delayed coverage.

Who is the Medicare General Enrollment Period for?
Beneficiaries have to wait until the General Enrollment Period to enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B when both of the following occur:
  • They miss their Initial Enrollment Period
  • They don’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period

When a client waits until the General Enrollment Period to enroll in Medicare, they are risking late penalties and delayed coverage. Although they enroll between January 1st and March 31st, their coverage doesn’t start until July 1st. Therefore, if they don’t have coverage to last until June 30th, they could end up going several months without health coverage, as well as being charged late enrollment penalties.

Late Enrollment Penalties
For Part A, penalties can increase by 10% for twice the number of years that you decided to opt-out of coverage. So, if you did not sign up for Part A coverage during your IEP and waited two years, you might have to pay a 10% penalty for four years.

If you delay for Part B, the premium penalty goes up 10% for every 12 months you were eligible but did not sign up. If you delayed signing up by two years, you would pay a 20% enrollment penalty for as long as you are enrolled in Part B going forward. 

The Part D penalty is calculated by taking 1% of the national average Part D premium (about $41 in 2021) and multiplying it by the number of months delayed. The penalty is added to your Part D plan premium. For example, if you delayed Part D for 36 months, your penalty would be $14.76.
CMS touts falling premiums in announcing Medicare Advantage and Part D rates

Medicare Advantage and Part D rates aren't typically announced until later in the year, but the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released the rates three months ahead of schedule, ostensibly to provide Medicare health and prescription drug plans more time to consider the information as they prepare and finalize their bids for 2022. Read more.
Are You Offering Multiple LTC Insurance Options?

Studies say 70 percent of seniors can expect to use some form of long-term care during their lives. There are various ways to obtain long-term care (LTC) coverage, but which should you advise for your client?

Every option has pros and cons, but we believe the best choice depends on your client’s individual situation. Read more about options available to offer your clients.
WellCare to Pilot National At-Home COVID-19 Testing Program for Medicare Advantage Members

All test collection kits are being offered as a one-time benefit to select, eligible WellCare Medicare Advantage members. Each kit includes a COVID-19 PCR test, 20 disposable face masks, hand sanitizer, and an oral digital thermometer to help prevent the spread of and exposure to the flu and COVID-19. Learn More
MCC EZ-Enroll Demos are Back!
New year. New sales. New goals. Sound familiar?

Then it's time to learn a new process. Join Meena every Thursday as she walks you through the complete online process of MCC EZ-Enroll, which can be completed in-person or remotely. From how to text a Scope of Appointment (SOA) to sending a plan comparison; from finding in-network providers to completing the enrollment, Meena's got you covered!

Thursdays at 2:00pm EST - Get the Link
Prudential Term rates are increasing

Reprice Coming to Term Essential® and Term Elite® - Financial Professional In response to the continued low interest rate environment, effective February 22, 2021, our rates for Term Essential and Term Elite will increase for all term durations. For more information click on the appropriate advance notice below:

**Social Media Post to Share with Your Clients**
10 Symptoms of Spring Allergies

"As cold and flu season eventually comes to an end, we look forward to putting away the heavy sweaters and the ever-present pack of tissues. Then comes spring, with its budding trees, flowers, and weeds to make us all say, Ah-CHOO. In addition to the nasal symptoms, you can feel those allergies all over your face, throat, and even your skin—and it can drag on for months. Here are 10 Symptoms of Spring Allergies You Shouldn’t Ignore, According to Doctors"**
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