Dear Church Family,
Christmas is not the beginning of our liturgical year. Advent is. Yes, they are related. Yes, a central fulfillment occurs a little more than 4 weeks into Advent when Christ is born in Bethlehem. But the texts that the lectionary (the selected readings for each week) give us in Advent don’t only associate with Jesus’ birth. No, most of the texts are either from prophets of old, with some sort of sci-fi sounding apocalyptic tone, or, they are texts from Jesus or John the Baptist as an adult (long after the birth of Jesus) preaching fire and brimstone or acknowledging the broken and twisted society of the day—but a society that is about to change.
Why is this? Why don’t we just read texts that tell us of the long walk to Bethlehem and the difficult conditions and the angelic choir and the star for magi?
I think it might be because Jesus’ arrival in the world occurred when times were rough. And the prophets of old, and John the Baptist, and adult Jesus himself were people crying out in the wilderness and brokenness for a God-sized intervention. Our world, still, is shrouded in clouds of struggle. We are not so very far off from the times that defined the authors of our texts. But the texts we proclaim in Advent are hopeful, from day 1. The texts tell the truth about our condition but they tell the alternative truth, the truer-truth, of a God who breaks in with love—in all sorts of wonderful ways.
The way of God’s presence on Christmas is particularly wonderful—and I’m glad we receive that account quickly. It is a surprisingly fast answer to the Advent telling of our condition. It’s an answer that creeps in as a baby—and dwells with us. It’s an answer that feels awfully covert, really. It’s an answer that, to me, has the possibility for vulnerable and weak (by the world’s standard) people to gain the power of God before the oppressors even know what hit them!
Prepare the way. That’s what we’re doing this Advent. In worship we are preparing (and God is preparing us) for the good news that conquers the conditions of our world and introduces the next.
The Peace of Christ be with you,
Pastor Seth
P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!
Upcoming December Events & Happenings
TODAY! December 3rd—Hanging Lights and Setting up Trees - Anthony DiGrigoli is taking a day off from work, on Friday, to spent the day getting trees set up in the church and lights on display all around the church property. If you are available and would like to help Anthony beautiful the property for the season please reach out to him at Thank you Anthony!
December 4th: On Saturday, December 4th, we will hold a new members and inquirers class from 9am-11am. While you can actively participate in RCHP without ever joining the church there is something important, and clarifying, for you and others, about actually putting down roots in a place. It creates an opportunity for you, and for the church, to make a covenant of connection together before God. Those who go through the new members class on the 4th will meet with the consistory on the 16th and we received at worship on December 19th. This is our last new member’s class of the year. Please join us.
December 11th—Decorating for the Animals Nature Outing at Donaldson Park, 9am, Pageant Rehearsal at 10:30 at church, + Children’s Orchestra Practice
December 12th—Caroling - join your church family as we bring songs from the Christmas season to some of our homebound members. Covid safety will be considered throughout this event—with most singing occurring outdoors at the homes we visit.
December 26th—Akiko VanAntwerpen is being ordained! Akiko VanAntwerpen, beloved member of RCHP, is being ordained on December 26th, at 7pm our time (which is Monday morning in Japan). We invite church members to zoom in to support Akiko as she takes this very important step in her journey in church leadership.
Topic: Akiko’s Ordination
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Christmas Poinsettias
It wouldn’t be Christmas at RCHP without this beloved tradition. Order your Christmas Poinsettias - available for $10 and $20. If you’d like a remembrance printed, please contact Lisa in the church office for the form. Please contact Illona Faust with your order 732-991-9156. Deadline is December 12th.
A Fair Trade December, Shop at Global Grace Marketplace! There are lots of creative ways to have Christmas gift buying reflect the values of Jesus’ new day. One way is to participate in Fair Trade through your purchasing power. RCHP’s Global Grace Marketplace, opening in the social hall each mid-day, Monday-Friday, is a great source of Christmas and Holiday gifts. Please visit the marketplace!
South River Reformed Church Exploratory Committee: RCHP has been approached by South River about possible partnership opportunities. We are interested in prayerfully considering if God might have us share some of the abundance of resources (in terms of preaching, worship leadership etc…) with a smaller church that needs support at this time. If you are interested in helping RCHP consider this ‘mission’ please reach out to Pastor Seth immediately as a planning meeting will occur later this month. 732-882-3193
Matching Gift Sunday Thank You
We were given a very generous Matching Gift challenge this year: $40,000. We are so grateful to say that the congregation came together to meet and exceed that challenge by giving an offering of $46,335 for a total of $86,335. This will go a long way to support the programs and ministries of the church and we are very grateful!
Worship and Education Opportunities
December 5th—Communion (both services) - On December 5th we invite congregants to take names off the Angel Tree in front of the church. We invite you to purchase an item of clothing and a toy/art supply/activity for the child you select. Please bring your gifts on December 12th during the Children’s Pageant.
December 12th—Children’s Christmas Pageant, both services - RCHP will celebrate the coming arrival of Jesus into the world as Emmanuel, God-With-Us, with our always popular Children’s Pageant.
December 12th - The Healing liturgy in December is dedicated in a special way to families and friends who are living with ALS and other devastating neurological disorders. See the “Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times” section of this newsletter for a more in-depth look.
December 12th—Longest Night/Blue Christmas Service, 7pm Stay tuned for further details
December 19th—Christmas Music Sunday
New RCHP Adult Education Course: Space for God
Based on the text, Space for God: Study and Practice of Spirituality and Prayer by Don Postema.
Through devotional reflections and readings, art, meditation and prayer, Space for God provides a joyous guide for spiritual living. Author Don Postema draws on his own rich experiences as a Christian pastor and on the writings of John Calvin, Thomas Merton, Henri J.M. Nouwen, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle and others. The result is a rewarding spiritual journey that can lead to a fuller life.
All are Welcome. Three ways to participate. Choose the way that works best for you!
~Audit the course on the RCHP website. Free and flexible. A new chapter uploads to the RCHP Website every month, for ten months, beginning 10/15/2021.
~Independent Self-Study. Purchase a copy of the text with a free will donation (up to $25 to cover costs). Dive deep.
- Read one chapter of the text, ‘Space for God, each month.
- Complete the ‘At Home’ exercises at the end of each chapter.
- Reflect on your experiences in a personal journal.
~Small Group Connections. Share your journal reflections with other participants in a monthly meeting on the second Monday of the month (lunch hour in person or 7-8pm on Zoom). RSVP and Questions: Contact Course Coordinator, Carol Turner at
The Table at 5:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Quilt room
Join your church family for a more intimate and informal version of worship which includes a simple meal with fellowship + a time for thoughtful prayer and biblical contemplation.
A Message from Pastor Terry
Youth group Christmas parties are coming up soon! The jr high will have theirs on Dec 15, and the sr. high on Dec 19th, both at 7 pm in the Cave. Festive dress is encouraged! Bring a wrapped pair of socks for our white elephant game.
Registration is open now for Camp Fowler, our beloved summer sleep-away camp, and for the high school mission trip. We will be going to Camp Fowler July 3-8, and the mission trip will be August 1-5. Scholarships are available for both. All parents and youth are invited to an interest meeting on Sunday, January 9 at 6 pm (before jr high youth group) to discuss these two opportunities.
Sunday School update for December - A Message From Wendy Jager
Join us on Sunday mornings from 10:10 - 11:00 a.m. on the stage for Sunday school. Advent brings excitement to our stories and activities as we prepare our hearts and minds for the beauty of Christmas Day. This past week the youngest class made advent chains; every day kids can remove a link getting closer to the Christmas star. Our middle class reflected on how God was present with the people of Israel and is present for us today, even when times are tough. They made reflective spiral artwork reminding them of God's presence. "God is near" it says. Our older classes continue to study lectionary passages of advent and the concepts of hope, peace, love and joy. Come prepare your hearts with us in Sunday school; we are ready to welcome you.
Jr High Youth Group, Sunday Nights at 7:00pm in the Cave
High School Youth Group 7:00-8:15 Wednesday nights
LYT Game Night!
Calling all LGBTQ+ youth, grades 2nd - 12th! Join the L.Y.T. (LGBTQ+ Youth Together) group at their next gathering on Tuesday, December 7th from 7-8:15pm in the Cave. L.Y.T. is a discussion/activity group for LGBTQ+ youth led by Austin Morreale and other adult members of the local queer community.
Advent Devotions
If you are looking for an Advent Devotional, we encourage you to consider the booklet "Maya Angelou and the Freedom Poetry of Advent". The scripture passages and poetry suggested here guide us through many of the Advent themes of anticipation, longing, joy, naming a new reality and claiming hope even in a broken world. This devotional is put together by the SALT Project and we purchased the e-resources for congregational use. If you would like a copy, please email the church office at
Wednesday Bible Studies
7:45am with Pastor Seth, in the church parlor.
Morning Prayer, Mon.-Sat. @ 9 am on zoom
Take a few minutes in the morning to connect with your church family. You are invited to join by going to the link at on our website.
Voices of Praise and First Voices, Wednesdays at 5:30
Adult Choirs, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
Come join one of the RCHP choirs for a season, or even just for an evening! Our Gospel Choir rehearses on Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 8:15pm (in the sanctuary). Our Chancel Choir meets on Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:15pm (in the parlor). Come and meet our new (but familiar) accompanist, Carl Phillips!
Connecting With One Another
Prayer Shawl Group is Meeting In-Person!
The Prayer Shawl group meets on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the parlor. If you are an experienced crafter or are looking for guidance, feel free to drop in and spend time with this caring community. Masks are required and all are welcome.
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group
If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. December offers a pot pourri of topics including: A discussion of the short film, ‘Out,’ recommended by Margaret for Allies of the LGBTQ+ community; The Red Dress Embroidery Project: The Dress That Tells The Stories Of 240 People Around The Globe, and Cherishing Our Connections (the importance of asking questions and actually listening for the answers)
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry for more information and for a Zoom link.
Thursday Sewing Circle
Each Thursday, from 10am-1pm, there is a wonderful opportunity to gather folks together for crafts and conversation. Please come to the Quilt Rm on Thursdays and check this out!
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community
New Labor Gala - Online from 6-8:30 p.m. Saturday, December 4th. Support our friends at New Labor!
New Labor invites you to our 12th Annual Gala where we will celebrate our continued fight for worker rights and social justice in New Jersey! December 4, 6:00pm-8:30pm online. RSVP by clicking on this link:
The New Labor gala is a space for members and support to come together to celebrate our accomplishment from the previous year along with traditional dance presentations and highlighting member talents! Be there with us!
Green Christmas
I’m dreaming of a green Christmas, just like the ones our pre-industrial ancestors used to know…...Ok, that’s not as catchy as the lyrics to “White Christmas”, but you get the idea. Please consider using alternative materials instead of store bought wrapping paper for Christmas this year. Possible ideas include:
- pretty cloth (organic material)
- old maps
- old magazine/newspaper pages
- wrapping you received previously and can re-use
- natural materials as ribbon/bows (flowers, evergreen, dried grasses, etc.)
- gift bags (re-used, or recycled paper with no glitter, foil, or shiny materials)
Please check out this great webpage for ideas and resources to make this a season that truly brings Joy to the World! Creator God, Baby Jesus and Mother Nature will thank you!
December 9th DIRE holds its monthly meeting at Noon.
December 16th, Interfaith-RISE in-person monthly meeting, noon. Interfaith-RISE Zoom meeting, 1:30pm (reach out to Pastor Seth for zoom details)
HP Food Pantry
During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: The items needed most this month are:
Food Pantry needs for December:
Tomato Sauce
Shelf Stable Milk
Tuna, Salmon, Chicken in cans
Feminine Hygiene Products
In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
Spotlight on ALS
ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a rare, progressive neurological disorder. It is also commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, after the baseball player who was diagnosed with it in 1939. It is a degenerative disease, meaning that it progresses and worsens over time. It is always fatal, and there is no cure. A person’s survival time with ALS is an average of just 3 years after diagnosis.
As motor neurons die in ALS, the ability for the muscles to move is lost. ALS can progress differently in people, though it usually starts in the arms and legs, and moves on to affect speech, eating, and finally breathing. While the body is affected, the mind is not, allowing people with ALS to continue to interact with the world and loved ones around them. Many advances have been made in technology for those with ALS, including speech generating devices, eye gaze control systems, text to speech programs, and voice banking systems. While the disease may be fatal, people with ALS have these options to improve their quality of life.
If you would like to learn more about ALS, find advocacy opportunities, or donate to help find a cure, please check out the ALS Association at
RCHP Holiday Grief Support Group
The holidays are times spent with our loved ones. This has been imprinted on our souls from a young age. Holidays mark the passage of time in our lives. But since holidays are for being with those we love the most, how can anyone be expected to cope with them when a loved one has died? For many people, this is the hardest part of grieving, when we miss our loved ones even more than usual. The sadness deepens and the loneliness can feel isolating. The need for support may be the greatest during the holidays. But you can – and will – get through the holidays. Rather than avoiding the feelings of grief, lean into them with us.
The Self-Help Support Group
Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at
Church Based Mental Health
Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in December and all those who still mourn
The following names have been offered for remembrance in December 2021:
Ethel Bone, Beloved Grandmother of Renee DiGrigoli
Nanna Marjorie, Beloved Grandmother and John Board,
Beloved Great Uncle of Jess Munger
Salvatore DiGrigoli, who always found a reason to smile,
Father, Father-in-Law, and Grandfather of the DiGrigoli Family
Rupert Hopwood and Iris Nelson, Beloved Parents and Grandparents of the Beckford Family
Jim Hudson, Beloved Husband and Sarah Bellak, Beloved Mother of Elaine Hudson
Louis Keszler, Beloved Father of Luanne Downey, Illona Faust and Susanne Kucsma
Bryce Lewis and Esther Ziegler, Beloved Grandparents of Kathy Lombardi
Adelayda Limpel and Leonard Poulan, Beloved Parents of Pastor Henny Poulan
Wayne Molnar, Beloved Brother of Joan Molnar-Schafer
Diane Faust Santiago, Beloved Sister-in-law of Illona Faust and Andrea Faust
Suzanne ‘Berti’ Turner, Beloved Daughter of Roberta Knowlton
If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
No Ordinary Ordination
Ordinarily, the first sacrament that a newly ordained minister performs is serving communion, but Rev. Amos Caley decided he’d like to baptize baby Ira. We give thanks for being witness to the celebration of both these milestones and truly special occasions. Congrats to the Caley family!
Nature Outings
The Saturday connecting with creation outings continues to be a favorite for kids and kids at heart. We usually meet the 2nd Saturday of every month and explore various parks in the central Jersey area. Come and join us!
Munchkin Music
Voices of Praise and First Voices are back! Join us at 5:30 for ages 3-6th grade
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
After holding last year’s service online, we are so grateful to have gathered in person again with our interfaith neighbors to share our blessings and continue this cherished tradition.
Baptism of Jaden Eleazar Sundalangi
And speaking of blessings, what a joy it was to be part of the baptism for baby Jaden! Congrats to the entire Sundalangi family!
Advent Prep Night
Our church family gathered for a time of food, fellowship and fun. Advent wreaths, card writing to our homebound friends and REALLY good food filled the night with hope, peace, love and joy.
Global Grace Continues Public Outreach for Vaccinations
GG Health was present on Fridays at the HP farmers market all through November. For December, look for us in the RCHP parlor and quilt room.
Interfaith RISE Walk for Refugees
Another successful walk for awareness and fundraising. We thank all those who support I-RISE with time, talents and donations!
Global Grace Moves
39 families (155 people) resettled in permanent housing since October. Praise be to God!