The Taos Institute's mission is to bring together scholars and practitioners concerned with the social processes essential for the construction of reason, knowledge, and human value, and their application in relational, collaborative and appreciative practices around the world.
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"I am captivated by the role of context, language, and culture, and other indicators, and wondering what else makes the difference in identifying and navigating relational disquiet."
"I am trying to pause my self-awareness when I feel discomfort or “lack of peace” and be more aware when WE notice the passionate difference."
Meet the Fockers (Roach, 2004)
The War of the Roses (DeVito, 1989)
Navigating “Relational Disquiet”

by Monica Sesma, Taos Institute Board Member

I was first introduced to the concept of relational disquiet by Karl Tomm, Director of the Calgary Family Therapy Centre, Professor of Psychiatry at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, and a dear Taos Institute associate. I was highly intrigued by this notion, as an ESL (English as a Second Language) person, I had never read, heard, or captured the word “disquiet” before Karl mentioned it. When I caught him using the concept, I even checked with Dr. Google and found that Merriam-Webster (2022) defines the word disquiet as “to take away the peace or tranquility of”. In conversations with Karl, he defines relational disquiet as “passionate differences that arise spontaneously among us as human beings” (Tomm, 2022). As I continue to be curious and motivated to explore this concept further, I want to invite my dear fellow social constructionist relational thinkers to reflect on how we navigate relational hiccups, tensions, moments of discomfort or awkwardness, instances of resistance or conflict, disagreements, and those interactional moments that can take some peace from us in all kinds of relationships.

How do you navigate relational disquiet? As an ESL Mexican living in Canada, I found myself putting more effort onto understanding relational disquiet in my daily interactions whether I am in a social, therapeutic, teaching, or professional context. When I am interacting with Spanish speaking people, I might have a better sense or understanding when something disquieting is happening, especially capturing verbal expressions. In addition, as a cinephile who has watched so many movies in English and other languages, I can tell most of the time when characters are having a relational disquiet moment. I am captivated by the role of context, language, and culture, and other indicators, and wondering what else makes the difference in identifying and navigating relational disquiet. 

As we know, body language expressions might vary from culture to culture, the use of sarcastic phrases, popular sayings, or language expressions, so it is not as easy as it seems to notice relational disquiets. Even when we belong to the same family or social circle, we might not be aware of engaging in disquieting interactions. Thus, I committed to paying more attention and raising my awareness of these. My main goal is not only to “notice” but reflect if I need to do something about it. I want to be more congruent with my relational stance, show that I care for the relationships, and be accountable for anything I do or say. I also have Karl’s ideas in mind about how: “[these] differences unfold and/or are managed make a huge difference in terms of outcome. Differences can become extremely divisive and destructive but at other times they can be channeled into remarkable creativity. Rather than trying to evade such disquiet, we intend to befriend it in ways that opens space to bring forth relational preferences at a variety of levels” (Tomm, 2022). 

Finally, I am trying to move from “I” notice that I feel tension and pay attention to when WE notice something is happening in our relationship, when we notice together. I am trying to pause my self-awareness when I feel discomfort or “lack of peace” and be more aware of when WE notice the passionate difference. 

DeVito, D. (1989). The war of the Roses [Film]. Gracie Films.
Merriam-Webster (2022). Disquiet.
Roach, R. (2004). Meet the Fockers [Film]. Tribeca Productions.
Tomm, K. (2022, August). Calgary Family Therapy Centre 50th Anniversary Celebration and Conference “Bringing Forth Generativities within Relational Disquiet”.
Taos 2022 Gathering
Registration is open!
From the local to the global, how can social constructionist ideas and practices help us create and bring forward new ways of going on together?

Given the global challenges facing us in this increasingly complex and potentially volatile world, there is a vital need for innovative ways of relating. Social constructionist ideas have offered new insights and inspired wide ranging practices addressing these challenges. Come join us online to share, explore, and co-create with practitioners, scholars and students from around the world as we generate conversations and actions for community collaborations through local and global resources.


Join us November 12-18, 2022 for a week-long series
of global, virtual events and conversations!
Professional Development
  • Access exclusive content that inspires, instructs, and engages

  • Meet new people and start meaningful relationships around the globe during live calls

  • Grow as you explore content that lead to deep transformation

August 29 - October 10, 2022

A 6-week online course with weekly, small-group live meetings, facilitated by Taos Institute Board Member
Featuring videos and writings of Ken Gergen, Mary Gergen, Sheila McNamee, Harlene Anderson, Barnett Pearce, John Shotter, Saliha Bava and more, this course introduces the framework of Social Constructionism and presents cutting edge ideas and concepts on the collaborative construction of realities, reason and value. It introduces common premises and orienting ideas central to dialogue and meaning making. The course provides the groundwork for understanding how groups and organizations can work in the context of continuous, and sometimes radical change, and how innovation takes place by embracing dialogic approaches.

Participants engage in meaningful dialogue each week on a live video call, and deepen their learning through reading, interactions with the group in our virtual community platform, as well as during meetings with a new learning partner each week. This course is for those familiar with constructionist ideas as well as those new to these concepts. It is a unique opportunity to engage in deep reflection with others from a diverse range of experiences, while exploring how Social Construction applies to their own life and practice.
Begins September 1, 2022

An online program entirely customized to your professional goals with a Taos Institute Associate as your Advisor!
At the Taos Institute, we support and mentor creative practitioners to form the future through relationships, collaboration, and ethical action. The International Diploma in Social Construction and Professional Practice exposes participants to multiple disciplines, all focused on collaborative and relational approaches to generating meaning, value, and practices of significance. The online Diploma program is not a fixed curriculum, with required lectures, readings, and graded assignments. Rather, it is an innovative, informal and tailored process of growth for adults looking for an independent study option. The Diploma program lets the learner embark on a project of personal interest with professional guidance and support of a Taos advisor. Applications are still being accepted for the Sept. 2022 cohort.
Relational Research Network Events

Miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022
12:00 - 1:30 pm EST

Durante esta reunión estaremos reconectándonos, reflexionando y explorando ideas para crear investigación relacional que construya futuros posibles. Al participar de este encuentro, podremos generar conexiones y formas para apoyarnos unos/as a otros/as en nuestros trabajos de investigación. Si te interesa participar de esta sesión pautada para el miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022, 12pm-1:30pm EST, oprima este enlace para completar el formulario y registrarse.

September 21, 2022
1:00 - 2:30 pm EST (New York time)

The Relational Research Network invites you to attend this session where we will meet and greet each other. In this meeting, we will create a space for discussion to support each other in performing Relational Research. We will do an activity where everyone is asked to share an item from your work space that supports you or energizes you in your work (picture, book, item from your travels, musical instrument, photo, art, etc.) and share this item on zoom with the others including how this object or idea sustains you. Also in the small groups we invite people to share their experience with relational research, including comments on any of the videos we have presented on the Relational Research Video Series YouTube channel.

To register to attend this Relational Research Network event, click here.
Friends of Taos Events
The International Certificate in Collaborative-Dialogic Practices Network presents

Next conversation:
Collaborative-Dialogic Practices in Action with Interfaci (Brazil), Fundaces (Argentina), EnDiálogo (Spain), and Sistemas Humanos (Colombia)

September 24, 2022
ICCP, HGI and The Taos Institute are pleased to announce this series of free online workshops, where leading voices in Social Constructionism and Collaborative-Dialogic ideas will engage in conversation with practitioners and scholars from different parts of the world. We will explore the principles and the applications of these practices in a variety of contexts and with different populations. The workshops will be in English with simultaneous translation. Details and registration are available here.

The Narrative Therapy Initiative presents

September 23, 2022

Working with people who are facing Despair and/or Suicidal Thoughts can sometimes invite Worry and even Panic for therapists/peer workers/etc; and can, at times, take us away from our preferred ways of being with people. This workshop will focus on how we can bring social justice into our work with people who are facing the difficult problems of Despair, and/or Suicidal Thoughts through Narrative Therapy practices and principles. Details and registration available here.
The East Side Institute Presents

A 9-month intensive online program

October 2022 - June 2023
With deepening social, environmental and political crises worldwide, many who want to make a difference in the world are finding that they need new tools to make social change, to grow, and to develop their communities. The East Side Institute’s International Class is a 9-month virtual immersion in creative and cultural approaches to human development, learning and social change. The course introduces and examines social therapeutics, a philosophically informed, practically oriented method in which human beings develop themselves while building the ensemble, group and community. Details and registration available here.

Resources of the Month
The following videos were featured at the November 2021 Education as Relating virtual conference hosted by the Taos Institute. Visit our YouTube playlist for more.

Corinne Harmon, Lynnclaire Dennis, Bodil Larsen-Ledet, & Carolyn Gery; The Nameless Academy - USA

This presentation is an invitation to eavesdrop on the regular Friday dialogue between 5 team members of the Nameless Academy. Coming together around a shared vision grounded in noble values, we are cooperating to shape the future we want to Belong to. How? By following the dynamic flow of Universal growth, known as the Mereon Method that lets us honour the Unity that underscores our diversity.

Peter Lin, Heidi Bevan, Bonnie Zhu, Anne Croker,
& Karin Fisher; University of Newcastle - Australia

Relationships are core to collaborative practice in education, including in university students’ group-work assignments. Could critical creativity help sustain collaborative momentum in a medical student group-research project during recent COVID19 stay-at-home-orders? Appearing as ‘pixels’ via Zoom, students shared photos, items and insights chosen and developed by them as people. The co-authors of this video explore and explain their key messages about fun, flexibility and (re)flection for collaborative momentum, learning and relationships in higher education.
NEW: 3 WorldShare books now available in French!

Reading Corner

ISSUE 12 Available Now!

This free journal brings together members of a growing international community of practitioners, scholars, educators, researchers, and consultants interested in postmodern collaborative practices.

FREE downloadable books in 12 different languages. Like all of the Taos Institute Publications, WorldShare Books represent significant contributions relevant to social constructionist theory and practice. With over 30 books in English and many more from around the world, you will enjoy reading about education, spirituality, organizational life, community building, group dynamics, leadership and more.

By focusing on the positive aspects of aging and the availability of resources, skills, and resiliencies, research brings useful insights into the realm of practice, creates hope and empowers action among older people. By moving beyond practices of repair and prevention, to emphasize growth-enhancing activities, practitioners also contribute more effectively to the societal reconstruction of aging. For 20 years, late Taos Institute co-founder Mary Gergen, Ph.D. has inspired and driven the publication of this free newsletter - also translated in 9 languages!

Access hundreds of articles and papers on topics such as:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Collaborative Practices
  • Dialogic Practices
  • Creativity and Change
  • Narrative Practices
  • Relational Research
  • Relational Learning
  • Qualitative Research
  • and so much more!
Support the Institute

In the current global context, the work in which we engage is more important than ever. You can make a difference by supporting our mission to create a promising future through social construction. Read more
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In loving memory of Taos Institute co-founder and board member Mary Gergen, Ph.D.. Mary was an innovator in feminist theory, social constructionism, and qualitative methods. She was an inspiration and mentor to thousands of people around the world. She deeply cared about making the world a better place and her contributions will be felt for generations. Read more