Adopting Technology and Tools to Improve Operations During COVID-19
During this exceedingly difficult time, it is imperative that operators take active steps to convey to the public that dining in their establishments is a safe and desirable practice. We have assembled a key list of such for you. While most have made considerable efforts overall and often investments in such visible tools such as plexiglass barriers and contactless menus, unfortunately there are some operators that may not be conveying that same degree of effort and which can impact perceptions of the industry in an unfavourable way. We are working hard with Government to get support for measures that they agree will improve the level of safety to ease restrictions.
Whatever things you may have undertaken regarding Municipal and Provincial regulations, we encourage you to review the elements for providing and conveying a safe environment by adhering to the guidelines laid out in the guide and to undertake efforts to make your operation as touch-free as possible.
One item of feedback we have been hearing a great deal about as an example of how operators can improve perceptions, is the seemingly low adoption of technology solutions particularly for guest contact tracing. Aside from the general interior, the first thing guests notice upon entry is how you are handling this. Pens and the use of a clipboard for written information that others may be able to view, is just one example of how the perception of an establishment can be seen in less than a positive way.  
For just this one example, consider several elements that may be of concern: reused writing implements, a list of contact information that can be viewed by others, your own staff’s access to the information, and a lost opportunity to capture email contacts for future marketing. We encourage all operators make use of simple tools which allow you to perform this task in a simple, secure and touchless way. Technology is available that can also automate your employee screening and even manage your bathroom traffic. Much of these have little or no cost to ORHMA members.

Recently, we have seen increased interest and consideration building regarding the use of air purification. The National Restaurant Association (NRA) just added considerations on this topic to their guidance, and while it does not yet include portable units, this is being examined in several jurisdictions we have been in touch with. We do believe that at minimum such approaches when marketed visibly to guests and potential guests increase comfort in dining indoors at your establishment. Whether central HVAC or through portable units, our guide includes recommended potential sources.
Please review the following sources by category we have worked with to support our members:
Further, please review the Guidance Documentation for Take-Out & Delivery. Especially for those that now must rely on this for their only transactions, it is more important than ever to provide a high-quality experience and perception to encourage business. Additionally, we’d like to share this video from one of our Supplier Members with suggestions on how to enhance your success with online ordering through your own website. Such can offer convenience, reduce staff phone needs, and can reduce or eliminate third party costs improving your profitability.

We are working diligently to support our members and address limitations in terms of closures and restrictions including the recent information on ORHMA efforts that have resulted in Government considerations of legislation reduced third party delivery/order systems. In the meantime, we recommend to all that directing customers for pick up through your own website/tools are the best way to reduce/eliminate fees. If you have any questions please contact us at or call 905-361-0268 / 1-800-668-8906.
Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA)
2600 Skymark Ave, Suite 8-201 Mississauga, ON L4W 5B2
905-361-0268 / 1-800 -668-8906 |