Don’t be lured away. Stay vigilant and protect your belongings from distraction thefts.
We want to bring your attention an increase in distraction thefts targeting unsuspecting individuals throughout the region, including our community. These thefts may occur as an individual working alone or working as a member of a team. These thieves use distraction as their tool as opposed to physically accosting their victim. These cunning thieves will stop at nothing to distract you while they make off with your valuables. Here are crucial tips to help you avoid becoming a victim:
Stay cautious: Trust your instincts and remain alert when approached by strangers. Be aware of your surroundings and be mindful of anyone trying to engage you in conversation or divert your attention.
Stay in control: Be cautious of distractions like sudden emergencies or individuals claiming you have a problem with your vehicle. Be wary of the helpful individual who has found a marking on your bumper and wants to help you clean it up. Thieves may use these tactics to lure you away while an accomplice steals from your car. Trust your instincts and stay with your vehicle until help arrives.
Lock your doors: Always lock your vehicle doors, even when you’re inside. This simple step can deter thieves from attempting to enter your vehicle or snatch your belongings.
Keep windows closed: Avoid leaving your windows partially open, as it can provide easy access for thieves. Keep them fully closed and secure at all times.
Secure your valuables: Store your valuable items out of sight or take them with you when you exit your vehicle. Purses, wallets, electronics, and other desirable items should never be left in plain view.
Park wisely: Choose well-lit, populated areas to park your car, especially during nighttime. Thieves are less likely to strike in areas with increased visibility and foot traffic.
Report suspicious activity: If you notice any suspicious behavior or believe you have been a victim of a distraction theft, contact the police immediately. Your prompt report can help us identify patterns and apprehend the culprits.
Please help to spread the word and help protect others from falling prey to distraction thefts. Share these tips with your friends, family, and colleagues to raise awareness and ensure everyone stays safe.
Together, we can work to outsmart the thieves and keep our community secure. Stay vigilant and keep your belongings safeguarded.