iRIS serves oncology trials at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterBoston Children's HospitalBrigham and Women's HospitalDana-Farber Cancer InstituteMassachusetts General Hospital, and other affiliated institutions. 

Visit the iRIS Wiki for more details.
Dear DF/HCC Community,

Included in this email is information about our brand new iRIS eLearning series, as well as additional FAQs, tips and tricks for navigating iRIS.
iRIS Submission Basics eLearning Series!

We are excited to share the release of DF/HCC’s new 7-part iRIS Submission Basics eLearning series!

Each module in this series provides guidance to help you navigate various processes within iRIS. Need a refresher on how to create a new submission? Jump to Module 2: Creating Submissions. Adding a subsite to your study? Module 7: Managing Subsites will help guide you through the process.
DF/HCC research personnel are encouraged to use this eLearning series, along with the detailed iRIS WIKI instructions, as a first stop to resolving issues and questions related to iRIS.

This eLearning, along with helpful links, guidance, and previously recorded iRIS Office Hours Webinars, can be found on the recently updated iRIS Training and Resources Page on the DF/HCC Research Support Website.

Please reach out to with questions specific to this new eLearning or the DF/HCC website.
Frequently Asked Questions

Need additional help with iRIS? Here are some frequently asked questions about iRIS and how to handle them.

My Submission says it is “Waiting for Signoffs”. How can I confirm this has been submitted?

  • To verify, first navigate to Submission History > Submissions in Process.
  • If you see a new entry for the committee(s) of interest, then no action is needed by the Study Team and you can ignore that it says “Waiting for Signoffs”. RIO will get these cleaned up.
  • If you do not see a new entry for the committee(s) of interest, but rather a blue pending circle where there is no committee listed in the Review Board column, then it was not sent to the reviewers. The user who initially tried to submit the form will need to signoff (via their task list or in Track Location) or the signoff request will need to be retracted and a new user can signoff.

I cannot check-in or add my new document within my Submission Form (i.e. Amendment)

  • Navigate to the Study Document section on the Study Dashboard to add or check-in/ check-out your document. Then you can navigate back to your Submission Form and select the correct document to attach.

I am in a Response Form and I cannot revise any forms or documents

  • This occurs when there are multiple sets of conditions for the same submission. The system only displays the revise icons for one set of submissions at a time.
  • If you need to revise documents/consents, then you can do this in the Study Document section of the Study Dashboard, and then click “Add New Component” in the Response Form.
  • In order to revise the Submission Form, you can find the Response Form that does have the revise icon. If you update the Submission Form in one Response Form, it will update it in all of them. You can navigate to the other Response Forms via your task list or track location. On rare occasions none of the Response Forms will have the revise icons, which will require a ticket.

Why is sponsor correspondence required for Amendments and Dose/Cohort forms that open arms in OnCore?

  • Sponsor correspondence must be provided to support all requests to open treatment arms. Reviewers must verify which arms are currently available for enrollment. (Note, the protocol indicates what the arms for the study are, but does not provide the current state). Therefore, please include a sponsor memo, DSMC meeting minutes or an email from the sponsor. For investigator-sponsored studies, a confirmation email from the sponsor-investigator is sufficient.

More examples and additional information can be found on the Current iRIS Issues and Workarounds document in the iRIS WIKI. The WIKI is a great source for detailed instructions, frequently asked questions, and workarounds for common questions. In addition, the WIKI is frequently updated to align with our ongoing changes and enhancements.
Contact Us

Have a question and unsure who to contact?

Tell us how we can do better!

We greatly value your feedback and ask that you complete this 5 minute survey so we can continue to work with you and make improvements.

Oncology trials in Boston are a collaborative effort involving many from many institutions. iRIS represents an opportunity to streamline all of the processes involved, and move trials from submission to activation, and to our patients, more quickly. Please take advantage of all of the provided information and resources to help us make this system as efficient to use as possible.

Jeffrey Meyerhardt, MD, MPH
Associate Director for Clinical Trials,
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Erica Woulf
Senior Director for Research Informatics Operations,
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center