FRWA eNews
December 23, 2020
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/St Augustine
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Santa Rosa Beach
B/C/D DW Certification Review/Lake City
Online Training

from the
FRWA Board and Staff
FRWA Office will be closed December 24, 25, 2020 and January 1, 2021.
EPA Releases New Lead and Copper Rule
Hot off the presses, on December 22, 2020, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first major update to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) in nearly 30 years.

One focus of the new rule is to better protect the nation's children by setting new guidelines for utilities to follow. The new rule will not be in effect for three (3) years, however now is the time to review the new requirements and develop your plan for attaining compliance for your community. For a comparison guide of the rule changes, click here.  A quick fact sheet of the new rule can be accessed by clicking here.

For complete information on the new Lead and Copper Rule visit:
National News
Compliance Watch: PFAS actions you need to know now In November, the EPA announced significant actions to address PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in the environment. more

EPA outlines COVID-19 vaccination process for utilities Recently, EPA's Water Security Division released information on the COVID-19 vaccination prioritization process for water and wastewater utility workers. more

CISA Emergency Directive 21-01 - Supplemental Guidance v.1CISA Emergency Directive 21-01: Mitigate SolarWinds Orion Code Compromise  This update states that CISA has evidence of, and is currently investigating, initial access vectors in addition to those attributed to the SolarWinds Orion supply chain compromise. more

The Worst Hacking Case in the History of America - They Got into Everything  Microsoft claims it identified 40 agencies, organizations and companies infiltrated by the hack.  more

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an updated alert warning that the SolarWinds supply chain compromise is not the only initial infection  The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) has issued an updated alert for widespread cyber exploitation of the SolarWinds software platform. more

Biden Chooses North Carolina DEQ Secretary for EPA Administrator President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris introduced key nominees and appointees for their climate and energy team from Wilmington, De.  more

How It Starts; New Science Could be Used to Expand the Scope of DBPs Rules to Distribution Systems  The United States has some of the safest drinking water in the world.  more

Illegal Winery Found in Alabama Sewage Plant  An Alabama sewage plant was recently discovered to do more than just treat water.  more

Low Risk of Coronavirus for Wastewater Workers The coronavirus pandemic has certainly had a ripple of effects across our society, including the infrastructure sector is.  more
State News
Florida jobs deemed essential as vaccinations ramp up Each state's definition of essential workers could grow in importance with the next wave of Covid-19 vaccine distribution.  more

Report blames LBK sewage spill on log, pipe corrosion | Anna Maria Islander  Beware the bump from the log.  A report released Dec. 16 identifies a log and corrosion as the likely reason for a rupture in Longboat Key's only sewage disposal line to the mainland.  more

$20 Million Restoration Plan For Biscayne Bay A Promising 'First Step' Says Miami Waterkeeper | CBS Miami  In a year marred by massive fish kills, local and state leaders are taking, what some consider, long overdue action to address the problems facing Biscayne Bay.  more

Florida, Miami-Dade County invest $20 million for Biscayne Bay environmental protection | Florida Politics  The State of Florida and Miami-Dade County plan to invest $20 million together to protect and preserve South Florida's Biscayne Bay, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Monday.  more

DeSantis calls Everglades reservoir one of the 'most important restoration projects in history' | Sun Sentinel  Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday backed a controversial reservoir being built in the Everglades while announcing the state will use a pool of environmental money to help Miami-Dade County protect Biscayne Bay from continued degradation. more

Commissioners enacting new water restrictions for South Hillsborough on January 4 | ABC Action News  Hillsborough leaders are issuing a warning, saying that new housing developments are going up faster than Tampa Bay Water can handle the demand in Southern Hillsborough County. more

Triumph Gulf Coast awards $17 million in new grants for Panhandle counties | Florida Politics  Triumph Gulf Coast on Thursday committed to awarding $17.6 million in new grants for various Gulf Coast projects and programs. more

JEA to spend $1.6 billion to keep up with water demands of growing population  Paying for water infrastructure is JEA's next critical issue.  more

Tampa Bay Water to Fund Community Programs to Protect Drinking Water Sources  Tampa Bay Water will distribute $58,900 in grant and sponsorship funds to help Tampa Bay area non-profits and schools protect the region's sources of drinking water. more

'JEA is not for sale': New JEA CEO Jay Stowe says the utility's future is strong, looks to move it forward | First Coast News  Stowe comes to Jacksonville with a wealth of experience in leading municipal utilities. more
This Week in Water History

 James Peacock's Filter

December 23, 1791:  James Peacock, a London architect of note in his day, was granted the first British patent on a process and apparatus for water filtration (December 23, 1791, No. 1,841). In 1793. Peacock published a promotion pamphlet setting forth the need for filtration and the principles that should guide the choice, preparation and placing of filtering media, showing sketches of filters of different sizes and design. It includes a diagram showing superimposed spheres of diminishing size, illustrating a mathematical exposition of the reasons why coarse filtering material should be placed at the bottom of a filter with layers of material of regularly decreasing size above it. Peacock's exposition brings to mind the Wheeler filter bottom designed more than a century afterwards. No such thesis had appeared before Peacock's day and none surpassing it has appeared since.... more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309