Dr. Danielle Murray, Interim Principal
February 22nd, 2022
Happy TWOSday!
Happy Twosday! The date is February 22, 2022. When you write it, 2/22/22, it's a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward and backward. It also falls on a Tuesday, which is now referred to as Twosday. 2nd Grade is particularly excited to celebrate today!
Spring Conferences- Date Correction
Spring Conferences are rapidly approaching. Students will have an early dismissal at 11:15 on Thursday, March 10th and Friday, March 11th for conferences. This round of conferences is not required. Parents and teachers will request conferences for this round. If you would like to meet with your child's teachers, sign ups will be out shortly.
Spelling Bee Winners
Thursday was Pennell's 4th Annual Spelling Bee. Student winners from our 3rd-5th grade classrooms competed for the title of Pennell's Spelling Bee Champion. Twenty four tremendous spellers bravely stood in front of families and peers to spell challenging words. Congratulations to our winners!
First Place: Lena Tiernan
Second Place: Sophia Walsh
Third Place: Alexa Herbus
Fourth Place: Madison Fagust

Lena Tiernan and Sophia Walsh will be going on to compete at the county level and a chance to represent Pennell at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C., which is broadcast each year on ESPN and ABC.
Wear Pink on Wednesday 2/23/22
Wednesday, February 23rd is #PinkShirtDay! Students and staff are encouraged to wear anything pink (shirts, socks, pajamas, etc.) on Wednesday 2/23 to show support towards promoting Kindness and Anti-Bullying.
Summer theater for incoming 6th graders at NMS
July 5 - 28 at NMS
Calling all student actors, singers, dancers and tech crew grades 6 - 9 in the 2022-2023 school year! Penn-Delco is offering a four-week theater program featuring the music of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Registration ends March 1, 2022.
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