December 24, 2020
Things to Watch For
Closed from December 21- January 1: Town Office

Closed from December 24 at noon, reopening on January 4, 2021: Family and Community Support Services, Family Centre and Foothills Community Counselling. Office hours resume January 4, 2021. 

Visit for more details.
The Bob Snodgrass Recreation Centre is closed until January 17, 2021. Free virtual classes and online programming continue! Check the Town’s Parks & Rec Facebook page for updates.                           

FCSS Helping the Community to Thrive This Winter
2020 has been a year of struggle for many and the holiday season is no exception. Moving into the holidays and beyond, the Town of High River Family and Community Support Services are here to help you Thrive through this winter season.  

Whether you are looking for information or support, FCSS helps connect you to the resources available through FCSS and other community and Government programs. With resources available to assist with food and essentials, senior supports, health and mental wellness, financial assistance, housing and more, FCSS lends a hand with making connections, no matter the hardship. Reaching out can be hard but FCSS is here to help.
For more information on how to stay well this season, visit:
Winter Ways to Play!
Happy Holidays! Enjoy all the fun activities High River has to offer even while we follow the rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’ve listed the Top 10 ways to play in High River at!

Learn about local places to snowshoe, ski, toboggan, hike, bird watch and more! View lists of the playgrounds and dog parks in High River. Remember to play with your family following the current provincial measures.  
Waste Collection Schedule and Christmas Recycling Tips
December 31 – January 1, 2021: If your garbage is usually collected on Friday, please put it out on Thursday December 31. All garbage pick-up for Thursday and Friday will take place on Thursday.  

Christmas Recycling Tips: Christmas trees can once again be dropped off at the Recycle Centre during open hours – please remove all decorations and lighting.

Accepted in the mixed paper bin: Christmas wrapping paper (glossy or matte but NOT foil) and tissue. Remove ribbons, bows, string and as much tape as possible. 

Not accepted for recycling: Christmas lights and pre-lit Christmas trees, foil wrapping paper, ribbons and bows. Dispose of these in your garbage bin or at the landfill. 

Please observe social distancing while at the Recycle Centre.  
Council Meetings
Monday, January 11, 2021
Tune in for a Committee of the Whole Meeting and Regular Meeting of Council that will stream live on Monday, January 11 on

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 12:30 pm

Regular Meeting of Council: 3:00 pm

Go to for the agendas and to view them as they are streamed live. Meetings are also saved on the Town's You Tube channel for watching live, or later.
Council Highlights - December 14
Council approved an updated Fire Protection Bylaw to address changes to the Fire Code. Chief Cody Zebedee said the new bylaw gives the Town control over the sale, possession and use of fireworks. It will also allow the Fire Department to implement a fire restriction, which would still permit recreational fires while banning larger fires.  

Council members also approved amendments with conditions to the lease agreement for the Sunset Drive-In, which will allow for live auctions and concerts as fundraising events. The changes will also permit ice sculptures, seasonal fairs and other displays of locally made art.  
2021 Municipal Budget Holds the Line
The 2021 municipal budget will keep Town revenue at 2020 levels to minimize financial impacts on residents. “We hope that a revenue neutral budget with a 0% tax rate increase will be a buffer to help residents weather this storm,” said Mayor Craig Snodgrass. “By pulling together we hope to see High River get back on track to achieving our goals for a bright future.” View the approved budget here:
Upcoming Public Hearings
Public Hearing January 11 - Offsite Levies
The proposed Off-site Levy Bylaw 4586/2020 is to increase the Off-site Levy rates to fund required infrastructure and facilities due to the Town's growth. View the bylaw and public hearing notice at If you would like to make written comments or speak at the online public hearing on January 11, contact

The deadline to provide comments or request to speak is January 5, 2021. 

Public Hearing January 25 - Urban Pigeon Ownership
High River Town Council gave first reading to amend Animal Bylaw 4567/2019 at their regular meeting on November 23. The amendment would allow ownership of pigeons in the Town of High River. View the bylaw and public hearing notice at To make written comments or speak at the online public hearing on January 25, contact

The deadline to provide comments or request to speak is January 19, 2021. 
An official Town of High River publication. For more information:
Contact the Town of High River Office at 403.652.2110 or email