Note From Principal Atkins


While it was a short week with chilly temperatures, we managed to squeeze in a lot of learning and laughing. We've got a few updates and new resources for your today, be sure to read through the entire newsletter.

It was a pleasure to host Dr. Alex Marrero at Stedman yesterday morning. The DPS Superintendent was able to stop in a few classrooms and see the work of our community, which we were proud to show off!

Starting Monday, we will no longer be enforcing mask-wearing at Stedman for students or adults. We know that masks have helped us curb illness in the community, so I continue to encourage everyone to wear them.

With the lifted restrictions, we are also able to bring back "normal" lunch time for our students, which I know they are excited about. Students will now eat with their grade level in the cafeteria before heading outside to recess each day. This will go into effect on Monday.

We've had a lot of fun learning about and celebrating Black History Month this February. On Monday we will release a video in lieu of our annual Black History Month performance. We are all looking forward to next year when this can return in person!

CMAS assessments start for our 3rd-5th Graders in a few weeks. We are excited for our students to show off their learning. Families in Grades 3-5, please see below for a message about CMAS and testing dates.

PTA will be meeting next week and I encourage you to check them out if you haven't already. They will be planning our Spring Carnival and annual fundraiser to support the work and opportunities we have here at Stedman. I know they would love to see you there! The Spring Carnival (Bones 'n Tones) is one of our favorite community events. Save the Date (April 23) and lend a hand if you can!

March is the month we celebrate the character trait of grit. Please continue this discussion at home as we develop these person success factors in our students. Grit can be shown when you:
  • finish projects even when you feel like quitting
  • stick with a project or activity
  • stay committed to goals, even after experiencing failure

Enjoy the sunshine that is returning and have a wonderful weekend!

Michael Atkins

PS - Don't forget to sign up for a CSA with the Urban Farm if you're interested! Only a few spots left. Your paid membership will also help them provide free memberships for Stedman families who cannot afford one.