AOLS In Sight 
Issue 11
May 28, 2021
In This Issue
Welcome to our New Surveyor
Prakhar Shrivastava

In May 2021, we have had one new OLS join our association! Welcome to our new surveyor, Prakhar Shrivastava.

Prakhar graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Engineering in 2007. He comes from a surveying family and upon graduation, he followed his passion to the land of living skies - Saskatchewan. There he articled and then practiced as a Saskatchewan Land Surveyor for the last 14 years in the private sector providing Geomatics Services to the municipal, construction, and resource industry.

Prakhar had a longstanding desire to move out East and the events of the year 2020 provided him the time and opportunity to pursue his goals and receive his OLS commission. He is also a commissioned Canada Land Surveyor as well as a Professional Engineer.

Prakhar would like to thank his wife, Akanksha for her unconditional support and patience during the preparation process and his 2 year old son, Prithvi. He appreciates all the sacrifices they have made over the last few months. He would also like to thank his father, Ravi Shrivastava (also a Land Surveyor) for his guidance and constant encouragement. Finally, he is highly appreciative of all the Ontario Land Surveyors he connected with during the process, whose knowledge, insight, and support made this possible.

He is truly honoured to be a part of this Association and is excited for this new phase in his professional career. 

2020 Salary Study
From:  Brian Maloney, Executive Director

Thanks to all those that took the time to complete our recent salary study. Although we were disappointed in the level of participation, the results should be statistically sound. Unfortunately we had a problem with one of the questions which then did not allow us to tease apart owners and partners of private firms as we have in the past.  This continues to be a valuable data set, particularly when we are trying to attract new members. 

Please see the attached summary.

Updating a Survey and the Requirement for a New Sticker
From:  The Survey Review Department

The Department has been advised of some concerns related to the use of plan submission forms (stickers) on updated surveys. The following provides clarification for both plans going into the Land Registry System and private plans. What constitutes a current or an up-to-date survey? For guidance we may begin with O. Reg 43/96, Section 2, wherein it states:
(2) For the purposes of this Regulation, a survey of property is a current survey if, at the time a plan based on that survey is submitted to the land registrar or the examiner of surveys,
(a)  both the survey and plan comply with the applicable requirements of the statutes and regulations; and
(b)  the survey monuments on the property are in place and correctly shown on the plan and no changes to the plan are necessary, as confirmed by a search of the land registration records for the documentary evidence required by clause 8 (a) of Ontario Regulation 216/10 (Performance Standards for the Practice of Professional Land Surveying) made under the Surveyors Act.  O. Reg. 43/96, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 88/18, s. 1 (6).
So, to summarize:
-         The plan and survey comply with applicable requirements of the statutes and regulations;
-          The survey monuments are in place and correctly shown;
-          No changes to the plan are necessary; and
-          A search of the documentation confirms that the title information is correct.
Before you deposit or register a current, up to date survey, you are required by O. Reg. 43/96 to affix a plan submission form (sticker) to a copy of the plan to be deposited or registered. The requirement for a sticker is constant whether you are depositing/ registering the plan in hard copy or electronic format.
The above is referring to plans intended for deposit or registration to the Land Registry Office. What about plans of survey or Surveyors Real Property Reports? Again, for guidance we may begin with O. Reg. 216/10. (PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING).
Ontario Regulation 216/10 contains all of the requirements as to the currency of a plan of survey or Surveyors Real Property Report. If you are asked to up-date a plan of Survey or an SRPR because of any changes that have occurred since the original date of the Surveyors Certificate, you will have to re-issue a new plan with a new certificate, date and a new sticker.

Thomas J. Packowski, OLS
Manager, Survey Review Department

Stickers, Virtual Stickers and Physical Stickers
From: The Survey Review Department

On November 27, 2020, the Members passed By-Law 2020-02 dealing with stickers. This By-Law, effective January 1st, 2021 changed the fees for Plan Submission Forms. The By-Law also allowed for the usage of a physical Plan Submission Form (sticker) or a digital sticker.
Both the physical sticker and the digital, or virtual sticker, are purchased from the Survey Review Department (SRD) of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors and are to be placed on one print of every deposited or registered plan, and on every original plan of a Surveyor's Real Property Report (SRPR) and/or Plan of Survey (see By-Law 2008-01).
So, what is the difference between a physical sticker and a virtual sticker?
A physical sticker is a plastic sticker purchased from the SRD. Upon receipt of payment the Department mails or couriers the physical sticker to your Firm. On the other hand, a virtual sticker is a unique number, also purchased from the SRD. Upon receipt of payment, the unique number is emailed to your Firm. Once you receive the virtual sticker number you digitally insert the number into an AutoCAD template of a sticker. The template of the sticker would be a drawing that your Firm has prepared and is available from your Firm's AutoCAD library of pre-drawn templates.
How do I use the physical sticker and/ or the virtual sticker?
Both the physical sticker and the virtual sticker are used in the same manner and for the same purposes. If you are manually depositing or registering a plan at the LRO, you affix either the physical sticker or the virtual sticker as per O. Reg. 43-96 - Part 2 Plans - General, Sec. 7 (3). The LRO is instructed to accept either the physical or the virtual sticker.
If you are depositing or registering an electronic version of a plan under Part 13 of O. Reg 43-96, the process is only slightly different. The electronic version does not have a physical or virtual version of the sticker attached to the plan. Instead, an e-Reg plan has a statement referencing the sticker number only. The statement might reference a physical sticker number e.g., 123456 or a virtual sticker number e.g., V-12345. This statement is inserted directly below the Surveyors Certificate at the time of deposit or registration. Refer to O. Reg. 43-96 - Part 13 Electronic Registration and Deposit of Plans - General Sec. 75. Again, the LRO is instructed to accept a statement containing a reference to either the physical or the virtual sticker number.
If you are preparing a plan of survey or an SRPR for a private client, you affix either the physical sticker or virtual sticker to a reproducible copy of the plan or SRPR.
What are the advantages of virtual stickers?
The advantages include:
- quicker delivery so less inventory required;
- less chance that for the shipment to be lost or delayed in transit;
- potential reductions in scanning/printing - no requirement to scan a copy with the sticker affixed; and
- reduced costs to the AOLS.
Handling physical sticker purchases, preparing the packaging, and labelling, as well as shipping costs are time consuming and involve additional expense, costs that are ultimately paid for by you the Members. With virtual stickers, aside from the initial setup, the recurring cost of physical stickers can be avoided.
If you are interested in a sample sticker template in dwg format with a ctb file for line weight, please feel free to contact the SRD.

Thomas J. Packowski, OLS
Manager, SRD

Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (AOLS) is seeking Manager of the Survey Review Department

Tom Packowski, Manager of the Survey Review Department (SRD), has let us know that he wishes to pursue other life challenges and will not be renewing his contract with the AOLS. We thank him for his great work over the last few years. As a result, we are looking for a new SRD Manager.
This is an exciting opportunity to work with a great team at the AOLS helping provide the profession with guidance and advice. The position requires a commitment of four days a week. Even beyond the COVID restrictions, we are willing to discuss an opportunity to work remotely thereby opening this position up to a broader geographic area.
The ideal candidate will have significant experience in operating a land surveying practice (at least 10 years). They will be a good communicator with sound knowledge of Ontario's legislation and regulations pertaining to surveying. They will have leadership skills and a reasonable grasp of office automation software.
Remuneration is negotiable and can include a variety of benefits. For more information or to send your application direct it to:

ACLS Webinar:  Historical Surveys - Finding the Past to Go into the Future
June 11th - 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

ACLS will be presenting a webinar on June 11th entitled "Historical Surveys - Finding the Past to Go into the Future".
Here is the Constant Contact link (in both languages):  The webinar will be presented in English only.

BeSpatial Webinar:  GISP Exam 101
June 17, 2021 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

BeSpatial's Young Professional Network presents - GISP Exam 101
This webinar is for students, new grads and young professional BeSpatial members.
The event will feature our YPN Committee member Brandon Underwood as he walks us through:
  • How to prepare for the GISP Exam
  • Where to find study materials
  • Other tips and tricks
Brandon works at The Town of Ajax as a Senior GIS Applications Specialist. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science from Queen's University as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in GIS - Applications Specialist from Fleming College. He has also taken courses in Business Analysis, Project Management and Big Data. He credits his pursuit of GIS to a high school guidance counsellor who mentioned it was a growing field for Geographers and Environmental Scientists. When not working on GIS projects, Brandon enjoys exploring nature, community theatre, piano and long distance running. 
This is a great opportunity to ask questions, learn from others experience, engage with members and take your career to the next level!
Relax, pour yourself a coffee or a cup of tea and join in the conversation.
June 17, 2021

Winner of the 2021 Engineering Drone Video of the Year Contest.
Reid Hu

Thank you to everyone who entered this year!

Congratulations to Reid Hu for winning the 2021 Engineering Drone Video of the Year Contest! Watch the winning video, "After the Mudslide."

Please see more info here

Do you have suggestions for the AOLS In Sight content?


If you have come across some information that you think will be of interest to other members, please let us know by emailing Your suggestions are always welcome!



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