We live in a multi-cultural society. I can’t expect everyone to agree that it’s Christmas time; not everyone celebrates the birth of our Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. As Christians we want to reach the maximum amount of people possible with the message of the Gospel; so, why not on occasion—in all sincerity—wish someone a Happy Holidays!
The Jews celebrate Hanukkah, the commemoration of a 2nd century military victory and the re-dedication of their temple in Jerusalem.
There’s the Winter Solstice which memorializes the shortest day (or longest night) of the year.
The African American holiday Kwanzaa begins December 26 and honors family, community and culture during a seven-day festival.
Then there’s “Festivus for the rest of us.”
The holiday season also includes Thanksgiving and New Year.
Saying “Happy Holidays!” embraces all these observances and affords opportunities to extend winsome, cheerful greetings that might possibly lead to conversations like this:
Me: Happy Holidays!
Them: Happy Holidays to you, too!
Me: I celebrate the Christmas holiday. What holiday do you enjoy?
Them: Winter Solstice.
Me: Great! Do you know what’s so important about Christmas?
Them: Jesus was born, so they say…. Wasn’t Christmas a pagan holiday co-opted by the Christians?
Me: Yes! We took that celebration right out of the pagans’ hands and now use it to remember the coming of God in the flesh, the Babe in the manger, the one who was born to die, so all those who would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Where do you think you will go when you kick the bucket?
From there I can have a very personal, friendly conversation about the rest of the Good News of the Gospel including the abundant life in Christ that is free to all those who repent and believe in His death, burial and resurrection.
We should have no qualms whatsoever about wishing people a Happy Holidays! It’s a great stepping stone for engaging in a deeper conversation about the true reason for the season.
But, let’s be clear. I’ll never call that special Yuletide decoration in my home that's hanging with ornaments a Holiday Tree. Ever!
Merry Christmas!