Dear Friends,
Family Camp was AWESOME(!) and so many thanks to everyone who came and celebrated those glorious mountain environs with all of us! A fuller description and slideshow will be coming out next week in our monthly newlsetter.
We are gathering on the land this Saturday, Aug. 6th, 8-11Am for service and fun in the garden and other community building projects - hope you can join us! We'll close at 11AM with watermelon and feel free to bring a snack to share.
Our next kirtan is Saturday, Aug. 13th at Unity Church on Vine St. The music starts at 6PM sharp and our session will include inspirational readings and a short meditation; we will finish by 7:30PM.
August's potluck on the land is on Saturday the 27th starting at 4:30PM. Bring a dish to share, a musical instrument if you play one, and any games you enjoy. There will be volleyball, frisbee, and more and all are invited!
Most importantly, please mark your calendar for the Weekend of Sept. 16th, 17th, & 18th, for Polestar Village's dedication and blessing of the land! Friday night will be a public event with special guest speakers on the power of community. Saturday will feature a tour of the land and an evening kirtan; Sunday will be our dedication and blessing with guest ministers from various traditions. We hope you will join us!
many blessings to each of you and see you soon,
Polestar Gardens
(808) 443-9956