The New Jersey Alliance for
Clinical and Translational Science

Corrections and Events

October 19, 2021

NJ ACTS Special Populations Webinar Series

CORRECTED DATE - November 1, 2021

Theory, Methods, and Data Resources for Research on Mitigation of Structural Racism and Discrimination inHealth Care and Social Policy

Olga F. Jarrín Montaner, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing
Director, Community Health & Aging Outcomes Laboratory
Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research

Original Date

November 1, 2021

12 pm - 1pm

This seminar will highlight new data infrastructure for incorporating special populations in research and exploring the impact of structural racism and discrimination on trajectories of aging and health outcomes. 

RITMS Visiting Professor Lecture Series

November 4, 2021

Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2

Akiko Iwasaki, PhD
Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Yale School of Medicine

12 pm – 1 pm

November 4th, 2021

Dr. Zorimar Rivera-Núñez
Awarded R21 Grant and ECHO Grant

Workforce Development Core
Grant Writing Training Program Participant
Congratulations to Zorimar Rivera-Núñez, PhD, an Assistant Professor at the School of Public Health and Resident Scientist in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) on receiving two awards from the NIH. Her first R21 grant is entitled “ Emerging Mycoestrogens: Impacts on Placental and Early Childhood Growth (R21ES032047), and her project, “Genetic Variation in the Placental Barrier: Impact on Child Environmental Health Studies.” Was funded by the NIH’s Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program.   
Dr. Rivera-Núñez is the latest successful participant in the Workforce Core's Grant Writing Training Program (not the IFH Grant Writing Program as incorrectly stated in the 10/14/21 Newsletter).  

Please visit to find out more about the Workforce Core's Grant Writing Training and See Recent Awardees from this program!

NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton, NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health.