February 15 —NO SCHOOL, President's Day
February 16 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Live on Kings Youtube channel)
February 16 — Kings Diversity & Inclusion Task Force Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Virtual.
March 29 - April 5 — SPRING BREAK, NO SCHOOL.
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 15 in observance of Presidents Day.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Kings Staff Covid-19 Vaccinations
DON'T FORGET! Kings staff will receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination on Friday, February 19, 2021.
There will be remote learning days scheduled for Friday, February 19, 2021, and Friday, March 12, 2021.
Teachers will be communicating with parents and students about what their remote learning days will look like that day.
This vaccination is one important tool in our fight against the pandemic and to help our schools remain open. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
In celebrating Black History Month, students in Abby Jackson's 6th-grade class at Columbia Intermediate School discussed Civil Rights Activist, Rosa Parks. Their discussions included the issues of racism, discrimination, and bias.
Out of those discussions, 6th grader, Azia Stewart wrote a beautiful poem entitled, "We All Bleed Red."
Thank you for your inspiring words, Azia!
Today is Chinese New Year. Mrs. Shepherd's first grade class at Kings Mills Elementary celebrated Chinese New Year this week. The children participated in a variety of activities to learn about Chinese culture and traditions. They would like to wish you all Gung Hay Fat Choy, Happy New Year!
2021 is the Year of the Ox. Learn more about Chinese New Year here.
KHS AP DMA Students Project Highlighted
Students in Kelly Shields' Advanced Placement Digital Media Arts class at Kings High School just finished a very cool project!
The students created Cinemagraphs which are photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip. They are published as an animated GIF or other video format and can give the illusion that the viewer is watching as an animation.
Pictured is a Cinemagraph by Jillian Middleton.
Broadway Knights Recording Available
A word from Kings Theatre Director, Scott Hayward.
Our Kings Junior Knights Drama students had a successful weekend of performances for this year’s musical “Broadway Knights.” Through following safety guidelines and a lot of luck, we managed to have all of our scheduled performances without losing any students to quarantine. For those blessings, we feel extremely fortunate.
Although we sold out each show, a 94 ticket limit per show made it impossible to let everyone who wanted to see the show into the auditorium to see it.
Thankfully, one of our parents, John Acree, filmed opening night from three different angles, recorded high-quality audio and edited it all to create a beautiful rendering of our show. Now, all the hard work, passion, and talent that these kids poured out can be witnessed by a bigger audience!
We're selling digital downloads of the show for only $10, which is the cost of one ticket. For those of you who wanted to support these kids but were unable to attend or understandably hesitant to do so, this is a wonderful purchase.
If you're interested in purchasing one, please fill out this order form, and follow payment instructions.
Thanks for your support of Kings Theatre!
Kings High School offers a program called Career Quest. The program is for seniors who are unsure of their plans after graduation and would like some help in figuring out their best first step after high school.
They might be headed into the workforce, headed to college, or some combination of both. In collaboration with United Way of Warren County and Sinclair Community College, KHS works with 18-20 students each year to take career surveys, write resumes, attend job shadows, and more.
The end goal of Career Quest is that each student has a pathway established for them after graduation that we can celebrate!
JFB Care Package Drive Update
This year's Valentine's Packages for the Troops project at J.F. Burns Elementary was a huge success! This year's donations will directly benefit and support JFB parent, Sgt. Drew Macke, who was deployed in November.
Today, Drew's wife, Tammy picked up a whole truckload of items for the troops that will be shipped to Drew and his Unit very soon.
Thanks to all who donated!
Tammy Macke filling the truck with supplies.
The proud JFB Principal, Cheryl Montag.
Kings Board of Education Meetings
The Kings Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. to hold their Regular Monthly Meeting. Community members can watch the meeting live here.
Nominate a Deserving Kings Teacher
The Warren County Area Progress Council is seeking nominations for the 2021 Project Excellence Award.
The APC seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County.
Nominations are due by February 28, 2021.
Read more to find out how to nominate your favorite Kings teacher!
Kindergarten Registration Begins Soon
Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year will begin in on March 8. All registrations will be completed online. Watch for more information in February. Remember, your child must turn 5 years old on or before September 30, 2021.
Online registration for grades 1-12 for the 2021-2022 school year will begin June 1.
Kings Preschool Registration
If you would like to register for Kings Preschool for the 2020-2021 school year click here.
We appreciate all of the patience and care shown by our Knight Nation while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are continuing to monitor positive cases and quarantines. If you or your children exhibit symptoms or are waiting for a test result, please contact Kings Contact Tracer, Christy Salek at csalek@kingslocal.net.
Drive-Thru Food Distribution Feb. 20
A contact-free food distribution drive-thru will take place on February 20 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Warren County Fairgrounds. Those in need can pick up a variety of foods such as produce, dairy, and meats.
This event is hosted by Shared Harvest Foodbank and the Lebanon Food Pantry.
TRAFFIC UPDATE for Kings Mills
Expect traffic delays for lane closures on King Avenue between the Little Miami River bridge and Kings Mills (Miami Street) beginning Tuesday, February 16, 2021, for four (4) days between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm, weather permitting.
The lane closures are necessary to complete soil boring and sampling work ahead of the planned King Avenue Bridge replacement over Little Miami River Improvements Project in 2022 and 2023.
Mobile Mammography Van at Kings
The Mercy Health/Jewish Hospital mobile mammography van will be in the Kings Local School District to offer screening mammograms for our female community members. Mammography screening takes approximately 10-15 minutes and will be available at our schools on March 22 and 23.
Deerfield Township Seeking Camp Counselors
Deerfield Township Summer Camp is hiring camp counselors! If you know someone who is dependable, has strong leadership skills, and enjoys working with children, please visit www.ChooseDeerfield.com, for a job description and application. Counselors must be at least 18 years of age by June 1, 2021.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!
Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers.
Kings Athletic News
Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues.
Youth Softball Pre-Season Clinic
Lady Knights Softball will offer a Pre-Season Clinic on Saturday, February 20 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Kings Education Center & Activity Barn.
Students aged 5-12 are welcome to register. Cost of the clinic is $35 which includes a t-shirt.
Youth Soccer Registration
Youth Spring soccer sign-ups are underway. Recreational soccer is open to boys and girls who live in the Kings School District between the ages of 5-18. Visit Kings Soccer Club to register today!
Kings Youth Baseball & Softball Registration
Kings Youth Baseball and Softball registration is closing soon! Boys and girls ages 5-18 are invited to sign up.
They are also seeking businesses or individuals to advertise on the windscreens at Landen Park.
Kings Boys Lacrosse 2021 Registration
If you have a son in K-6th grade interested in playing Lacrosse this spring, visit www.kingsyouthlax.com. You can also find them on Facebook at Kyolax and Twitter @kingsyouthlax.
Send Us the News You Want to See!
Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at
Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034