BUSD Community Connections
January 21, 2021 Newsletter
Our monthly newsletter is a great way to learn about the latest news at Berryessa Union School District. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates and visit our website for calendar and meeting information.
Message from the Superintendent

Dear Berryessa Community,

This week, we celebrate new beginnings and the country coming together under new leadership. Listening to the inspiring words of young poet Amanda Gorman gives us all an aspirational path for moving forward:

For there is always light,
if only we are brave enough to see it,
if only we are brave enough to be it.

We must meet this challenge and continue to work together to address areas of inequity and injustice in our country and within our own community. Berryessa Union has begun that work this year as we examine our policies, procedures, and practices, which has already resulted in the identification of areas of opportunity. We look forward to expanding our analysis and to create a more equitable learning environment for all of our students. I hope you will join us in this important and imperative journey.

We thank our community for continuing to demonstrate strength, unity and a hopeful disposition during this pandemic. We recognize and understand the challenges everyone continues to face as Stay at Home orders are extended, and our county continues to struggle with the pandemic. Our values of kindness, respect, and collaboration will continue to support us through this difficult time.
This newsletter highlights two phenomenal opportunities to celebrate our values of kindness and service for our community:

1) Aspiring community leaders are invited to apply for our Board of Trustees vacancy
2) Our students and families are encouraged to participate in “The Great Kindness Challenge” to foster kindness and compassion in our community

Help us spread the word!
On behalf of the BUSD Board of Trustees and District Administration, you have our continued commitment to help our students and community thrive. We ask you to continue to follow best practices for Covid-19 safety as we continue to do our part in improving our community’s local health conditions. 
We look forward to the time when we can be together again.

With much appreciation,
Dr. Roxane Fuentes
Click on the video below to view a special message:
Seeking BUSD Leaders:
Board Vacancy
In a school district, the Board of Trustees and Superintendent work together as a governance team. By working together, this team transforms the needs, goals, and interests of the community into policies that direct our schools.

With the vacancy created by the resignation of Trustee David Cohen following his election to the San Jose City Council, we invite interested candidates to apply for this Board of Trustee position by 12 noon on Monday, February 1, 2021. Applications will be accepted from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the District Office or by email to kgomez@busd.net. 

For the application and more information, please visit our website. We look forward to hearing from interested candidates.
The Great Kindness Challenge:
January 25-29, 2021
The Great Kindness Challenge supports students and school communities in creating a culture of kindness and compassion while strengthening their social and emotional well-being. During the official Great Kindness Challenge week (January 25-29, 2021) students, staff, and families are challenged to complete 50 acts of kindness from the kindness checklist. 
The kind acts on the kindness checklist focus on the following key kindness concepts: 

  • Caring 
  • Respect
  • Gratitude
  • Inclusiveness

Please share your kindness acts with us on our Facebook page on the post about this challenge. Please use #BUSDKindness and #GreatKindnessChallenge on your social media networks. 

We can’t wait to see our Berryessa community’s caring spirit!
Important Covid-19 Updates
Latest from the State of California
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) developed this comprehensive framework to support school communities as they determine how to implement in-person instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. CDPH states their document is rooted in the scientific evidence available to date and supports twin goals: safe and successful in-person instruction. 
This framework is intended to consolidate and update prior state public health guidance and orders related to K-12 schools that provide in-person instruction, and includes 1) criteria and processes for school reopenings under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy; 2) considerations intended to help school community leaders plan for and prepare to resume in-person instruction; 3) responses to confirmed COVID-19 infections; 4) practices for providing physical distancing in classrooms; and 5) direction on the implementation of stable groups of students and staff.
This guidance is a public health directive that applies to all public and private schools operating in California, and schools must comply with the orders and guidance issued by the California Department of Public Health to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health.
Currently, we are carefully studying the Framework & Public Health Guidance as well as several proposals going through the state legislature that may impact California schools. We will continue to communicate further details with you as we determine the implications for our District.
Covid-19 Vaccinations
Last week, the State of California authorized all healthcare systems statewide to vaccinate people who are 65 years and older. Following State priority phases and tiers, each healthcare system determines their capacity to administer vaccines. These decisions are generally based on their current supply of vaccine, and the number of patients they have the capacity to vaccinate each day. 
In Santa Clara County, all healthcare systems are vaccinating healthcare workers eligible under Phase 1A, and some have expanded eligibility to include individuals 75 and older, while Kaiser Permanente is now offering limited vaccine appointments to individuals age 65 and older.

To learn more about the Covid-19 vaccine in Santa Clara County, please visit sccfreevax.org
Congratulations BUSD Schools!
We’re proud to share that several of our schools have been recognized as an #ERPHonorRoll school, which celebrates high-performing, achievement gap-closing schools across the nation. The ERP Honor Roll is the only school recognition program in the state that uses student achievement outcome data, and is a valuable resource for all schools to identify successful peers and learn about best practices that improve student success. 

Join us in recognizing the following schools who received awards for high academic performance and their work in closing the achievement gap:

  • Laneview Elementary
  • Morrill Middle
  • Northwood Elementary
  • Piedmont Middle
  • Summerdale Elementary
  • Vinci Park Elementary

Congratulations to all our BUSD students, parents, staff and community for your dedication and commitment to excellence! 
Staying Healthy
The Berryessa Union School District fosters a culture that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of students, staff, and families. Berryessa's Health & Wellness page is dedicated to mental and physical wellness information and resources.
To ensure access to free, appropriate public education, we provide mental health strategies to help our students learn skills to remove stress and cope with the ever-increasing competitive nature of learning. You will also find that many of the resources are also applicable to servicing our adult community.

Check out these featured resources:
Upcoming Events
For Translation Assistance

For translation assistance, please call one of our District hotlines below:

Chinese, 408-­923-­1901
Spanish, ­408-­923­-1902
Vietnamese, ­408-­923-­1903


Si desea más información en español, por favor llame a la línea de asistencia en español al 1-408-923-1902 y alguien le llamará para darle un resumen de este documento.

Xin gọi số hotline của khu học tại 1­-408-­923-­1903 và sẽ có người giúp quí vị để hiểu những điều cốt yếu của văn kiện. 
Connect with us
Berryessa Union School District
(408) 923-1800