Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation
 Our family has a Thanksgiving tradition, and you may have it as well: we go around the table and each person shares one thing that they’re thankful for. Our families are probably similar in thanking God for our spouses and kids, for new jobs and for health; we’re thankful for new babies celebrating their first Thanksgiving, and we’re thankful for another year with an aging family member; we’re thankful for a country with freedoms and we’re thankful for a church that feels like family.

I think it’s a good tradition. Yes, there’s always one person who can’t take anything seriously and yes, there’s always another person who takes everything way too seriously. But there is something powerful about “group gratitude”. Not only do we learn a little bit more about the people we call family, but it also has the power to shift the dynamic of the room. Everyone stops. Everyone listens. Everyone shares in the thankfulness of the other.

This year we add another powerful moment of pause as we pray for the families of almost 250,000 people who have died due to the Covid virus, for those who have contracted the virus and for the nation and world in our attempts to control the spread. We pray for our “hero” doctors and nurses, hospital aides and chaplains, nursing home and assisted living staffs, cooks, cleaning crews, teachers and so many others who combat fear and look for hope each and every day.

We remember Paul’s words that still ring true in spite of this pandemic: “Thanks be to God for God’s indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15). We have a lot to be thankful for this year, and it is good and right for us to thank God for spouses, kids, jobs, and health. But when Paul says, “We thank God for his indescribable gift!” he’s talking about something specific. Actually, Someone specific. He isn’t thanking God for things (though he could, and in other places in the New Testament, he did); rather, he is thanking God for Jesus. Or to say it another way, Paul is thanking God in heaven for God on earth.

And although Paul knew nothing of our American holiday on the fourth Thursday of November, we can still look ahead to next week as our journey in Advent begins, because our gratitude on this holiday is informed by the next one.
This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to thank God for all the people and things you can think of. Be specific in your gratitude; articulate and count all the blessings in your life. I also encourage you this Thanksgiving to thank God for God. Don’t just thank God for those things you have been given; thank God for who God is. The purpose of all these earthly blessings is not that we become obsessed with the gifts as an end to itself, but rather, to draw our eyes up to the Giver of gifts. I thank God for you!

On behalf of the Ferguson Family, (Maureen, Dan, Jessica, Madelyn, John, Andrew, Amy and James) Happy Thanksgiving,
Rev. Bill


As of right now, on Wednesday, we are planning a safe in person inside worship on Sunday, November 29.

Tomorrow, Thursday, November 26, the state issues Covid rates for the towns on the Commonwealth.

If the rate says we are safe to meet using Covid protocols, we will meet using those precautions. If at any time the rate goes into the “Red” zone, we will not be able to meet in person for at least 3 weeks. We will issue an email once we are aware of the rate.

If we do meet, we need you to let us know you are coming. We are limited to 50 worshipers sitting in designated rows, wearing masks.

Please email or call the office to let us know you plan to attend, this includes children planning to attend Sunday Schoool. office@uccduxbury.org or 781-934-6591. THANK YOU!

We trust that if you are not feeling well you will stay home and take care of yourself. We will enter through the glass doorway/side entrance only.
Hand sanitizers are available as well and members of our Diaconate will assist you in seating and in exiting at the end of the service.

We will also continue to stream the service on Facebook Live.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. By now, I know we’ve all figured out how we will spend this day. No matter what, we are all together at the table of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We hold the hands and hearts of our families and friends safely and lovingly, no matter where we may be on Thanksgiving Day.

We bring our gratitude to God and pray for strength and patience.
I am thankful for each and every member of our church family.

Take care,
Rev. John

Help decorate the sanctuary this year ~ and then enjoy or donate your beautiful poinsettia!

If you would like to print the order form click here
We received this very heartwarming and impactful video from Binh Rybacki, Director of Children of Peace. We were introduced to this very worthy organization through the Don and Lynn DeHart who work very closely with this charity.  Over the years Pilgrim Church of Duxbury has contributed $24,500 to this organization from our Outreach fund.  

The Outreach committee is dedicated to serve local, regional and International charities. If you have any charities that you would like for us to consider, please contact Dan Arkema, Nancy von Stackelberg, Maureen Ferguson, Lois Boericke, Lori Mahmud, Carol Sauer, or Anne Fagan.

Middle School Youth Group
Our next Middle School Youth Group will be Christmas-y celebration on Wednesday, December 9 at 4:00 around the fire pit at my house. 

Hot chocolate, s’mores and FUN!
Happy Thanksgiving!

High School Youth Group will meet December 2 & 16! 
Time and place TBD. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Events - FOR ALL AGES
Join us on the first Sunday of Advent, November 29 from 11:30 to 1:30 on the church’s side patio to make an Advent “wreath”! ALL AGES ARE WELCOME!

Come together as a community to create it, then keep it in your family to be a part of the Advent wreath lighting ceremony in your home each Sunday until Christmas! We will provide the base, ribbon, candles and some greens. If you have greens around your home– pine, holly, winterberry, etc – please bring some cuttings to help create this beautiful piece.
(Many thanks to Lindy Keay for her creative genius in designing this.)

Please let Angélique know if you’ll be coming so we have enough tables set up. Thank you! youthdir@uccduxbury.org

Christmas Family Movie Night in the parking lot! Saturday, December 6 at 5:00 with firepits to keep you warm!

Bring your own chairs, blankets and dinner and join us for some heartwarming Christmas movies.

Pilgrim Church Festival of Trees
December 19 – 27, 2020
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Join the Excitement – Celebrate the Season
Plans are well underway for the Festival of Trees, right on the church’s front lawn.  Each evening from 5:30 – 7:30 PM on 12/19 – 12/27/20 we will light up the tree display, play some music and enjoy some safe, socially distanced holiday magic.

How can you participate?  You can sponsor a tree with your family, group of friend’s, neighborhood or business. We have slots for up to 40 trees. Can you imagine how spectacular that would be to fill them all?  Don’t think you can sponsor a tree this year, I encourage you to reach out to local businesses and share the idea and application.
Here is the link:  https://uccduxbury.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-Festival-of-Trees-Participant-Application.pdf    Or direct them to our church website and they can download the information there.  https://uccduxbury.org/festival-of-trees-2020/   Let’s see if we can fill all 40 spaces.

We are also looking for volunteers to help set up, act as Welcome Ambassadors (elves) and breakdown supervisors.  Can you help us out with a few hours of volunteering? We have set up a Sign Up Genius for you to pick your date and time.   Click on this link and you will be brought to the online sign up.   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0b4aa4ac2ca1fa7-volunteer

Don’t see something you are comfortable with, just let me know and we will find a task for you.  Many hands make light work.
Any questions and or concerns, feel free to connect with me at MFerguson02332@gmail.com

Wishing you all a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
Peace, God Bless,
Maureen Ferguson
Pine Street Inn
Our next delivery of sweet treats to the Pine Street in will be on Friday, November 27th.

If you would like to send some cookies, brownies, or other finger food dessert, you can still deliver them today, Wednesday, November 25th until 2:00pm. There will be a table set up in the Narthex - just inside the FRONT doors of the church. Thank you for your continued support!
Pilgrim's Pantry
Thank you for your continued support of our food pantry. Our next food pantry is on Saturday, November 28th.

We currently need:
Canned fruit and Canned beef stew
The Church Council is looking for two additional "members at large".
The Council is comprised of Pilgrim church members at large as well as, the Church Secretary, Moderator, and representatives of the Trustees and the Diaconate.

The mission and authority of the Church Council will be to oversee and coordinate the policy, life and work of the church, its Officers, Delegates, Boards, Committees and church organizations. (from the bylaws)

If anyone is interested they can speak with a current member or talk to the nominating committee.

Greg Hunter, Laura Hay, Margie Vose - At Large
Erik Dilger - Trustees
Judy Gibbs - Diaconate
Lynne Devnew - Secretary
Bob Mustard - Moderator

Nancy von Stackelberg, Rosemary McGreevey


(Popular retailers are Amazon, Target, Kohls, Best Buy, GameStop, etc.)

For over 30 years the Duxbury Interfaith Council has provided needy Duxbury families gifts for the winter holiday. This has enabled parents to make their children's gift wishes come true, which they would not otherwise have the ability to do. Due to the risks posed by COVID19,
this year the Interfaith Council is giving gift cards only. Therefore, DIC Gift Team is collecting gift cards that will be distributed to families the week of 12/10 so they can shop for themselves.

For more information about the Duxbury Interfaith Council or to donate online, please visit: www.duxburyinterfaithcouncil.org

*There is a donation box inside side entrance/glass doors of Pilgrim Church.

Duxbury Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Day Service

The annual Duxbury Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Service will be held at Bumpus Park at 7:30 am. on Thursday, November 26th. 

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower's arrival in Cape Cod Bay after 66 days at sea as well as the signing of the Mayflower Compact. The compact set forth the principles to establish a "rule of law" and self-government and is considered a precursor to the United States Bill of Rights. A few weeks later a landing party from the Mayflower explored Cape Cod Bay and found shelter from a storm at Clark's Island. 

The Thanksgiving Service is held outside. Reservations are required, along with social distancing and face coverings. For reservations, call 781.934.6532 or email uuduxbury@verizon.net

Sponsored by the Duxbury Interfaith Council, Duxbury 2020, Inc., and the Duxbury Rural & Historical Society.