January 8, 2021

For behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord" Luke 2:10

Principal/Parent Town Hall meetings consist of monthly community-wide meetings hosted by myself where parents and staff can attend and participate in the conversation regarding OSLS updates. School-wide topics include but are not limited to COVID school updates, the importance of students' mental, spiritual and overall health, attendance, PTO and school events, and ministry updates. Parents and the community have an opportunity to voice their opinions on these and other topics during the open forum portion of the zoom call. Agendas and the zoom link will be published five days before the meeting. (Please note: these meetings are optional).

Save the Dates:
January 28th @ 4:30pm
February 25th @4:30pm
March 25th @ 4:30pm
April 29th @4:30pm
May 27th @ 4:30pm

If you have any questions, please let me know.
Blessings to your New Year!
Julie Knight-Principal

Until further notice, office visits are by appointment only. Please call 925-447-1246 or [email protected]

Dates To Remember
1/08...Priority Enrollment for Current Students Fall 2021
1/11...Welcome Back!
1/11-1/29...Food Drive Collection
1/15...Noon Dismissal-Teacher In Service
1/18...Martin Luther King Jr.-No School
1/19-1/22...National Lutheran Schools Week
1/23...Open Enrollment for New Students Fall 2021

Click here for Jan-Mar ECC Registration
Click here for 20-21 School Calendar

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!

Our Savior Lutheran School will be hosting a food drive to assist those less fortunate than ourselves starting 
January 11th- 29th.  
Non-perishable foods are needed by the local food pantry, and Our HOPE is to FILL IT!   Please have every student bring canned soup, vegetables or fruit, peanut butter, pasta and pasta sauce, canned meats or fish once a week, in which we will collect during drop off each morning in labeled bins on the black top.


Our Savior Lutheran Church
For all church information, please contact Angela Westphal at [email protected]