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#109 - Week ending July 21st, 2023

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop us an email or create a support ticket.

You can create, view & respond to tickets using the links in the navigation bar above.

If you have any ideas you would like included in a future T5 then drop us an email at

Receipt Designer

The receipt designer in FLEX lets you create custom sales receipts, either from scratch or by copying a previous design.

You can create A5, A4 & thermal size receipt layouts depending on which printer you have.

Options include:

  • Add fields
  • Moving item position
  • Add text labels
  • Change font size
  • Set text justification
  • Group sales by sales group
  • Show/hide transaction date

Access the receipt designer through 'Setup > Till > Receipt Designer'

July Edition

Vision Now Magazine from NEG

The latest digital edition of 'Vision Now' is available on the National Eyecare Group Website or by clicking the link below.

Catch up on all the latest news in our industry and features like:

  • Company profile: Caledonian Optical
  • Product profile: Essilor Varilux XR Series
  • Product profile: Transitions Drivewear
Read Now

The following knowledgebase links have been hand-picked in response to support calls we received this week:

Dispense: 'Range Check' & 'Range Charts'

The range check is a feature that will let you know if the patient's prescription is available for a lens based on the range data supplied by the manufacturer.

When you select a lens from the selector the details appear at the bottom, a handy coloured disc will let you know if the lens is available or not.

When a lens is unavailable you can hover over the coloured disc to see the range information in a tool-tip or double-click the disc to pop up the range chart.


Don't forget the online knowledgebase is available 24/7 - you can access it from the help icon ('?') at the top of FLEX.

It is packed full of helpful guides, videos and the latest FLEX release notes.

Why not take a look the next time you have a spare minute?

Access Knowledgebase



So, you have all of this information stored in FLEX, but how can you harness it - how do you extract the information you want, in a meaningful way so that it can be used for marketing?

There are several tools in FLEX, under the heading 'Data Mining', that let you match & extract your business data - one of the easiest to use is called 'Discovery' and requires no interaction from us, it is all menu driven so that you can easily find what you need!

  • Navigate to 'Business Intelligence > Data Mining > Discovery'
  • There are 5 tabs of options
  • Patient
  • Sight Exam
  • Contact Lens
  • Dispense / Orders / Till
  • Correspondence / Appointment
  • Select the items of data you wish to use in your search
  • e.g. on Patients you might set 'Email' to 'With' to select all patients that have an email address and 'Marketing Pref.: Email' to 'Yes' to only include those patients that have agreed to marketing by email.
  • To run your search, click the 'Pacman' icon, a progress bar will let you know how far through the search process you are. When complete the results table will appear.
  • Change the sorting on the table by using the 'Order Results By' dropdown.
  • Use the 'Send To...' option at the top of the page to connect with your patients by email/SMS/letter or postcard.

Questions? Contact the helpdesk here

Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training for install questions to book a FLEX demonstration


A reminder of our support hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 08:45 - 17:30
  • Saturday : 09:00 - 12:00
  • Sundays / Bank Holidays : Closed

Tel: 0800 310 2400 / Email: / Online:

Latest Patches: v1.5.7.29 /30

HPP indicates high-priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically

MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers

REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***

  • #099: Hawkstone Lens Catalogue
  • Update to Zeiss catalogue


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