Ocean Avenue Accepts the Great Kindness Challenge
Ocean Avenue Elementary School encourages all Middletown community members and businesses to come together and participate alongside students and staff in The Great Kindness Challenge from February 1st to February 28th.
With so much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 health crisis, being kind is something that we can control, and put into practice. Through the The Great Kindness Challenge, Ocean Avenue has adopted a positive and proactive initiative that continues to impact millions of students and families around the world each year.
As part of the challenge, each student at Ocean Avenue is participating in a powerful and preventative anti-bullying effort that will lead to positive change within and outside of their school community by promoting unity and respect for all.
Fifth grade students are setting the example for their younger peers by serving as Kindness Ambassadors, who will promote and encourage the notion of paying kindness forward.
To create a consistent approach to spreading positivity, Ocean Avenue students and staff are performing as many acts of kindness as possible during this challenge. Students have accepted a challenge to complete a checklist of 50 acts of kindness to prove bullying is weakness and kindness is strength. The initiative also includes kindness bulletin boards and pay it forward kindness cards. The goal is for the cards to get passed along throughout the school and community and placed in as many hands as possible.
“Kindness matters here at Ocean Avenue. So far the students are really enjoying this challenge and showing some really awesome acts of kindness. In addition to random acts of kindness, students and staff are actively seeking out purposeful acts of kindness,” said Kristie Tapolow, Ocean Avenue's Social Behavior Support Specialist. “We hope their efforts have an enduring effect because all kids deserve to learn and live in a safe, supportive and caring environment."
Google Update to Aid Meets
Middletown Township Public School District staff and students rely heavily on Google Meet to facilitate daily instruction. Google has released a new Google Meet update, which will keep Chromebooks running smoothly during video chats.
District Students Celebrate Black History Month
In February, the nation celebrates Black History Month, and in recognition of the event, District students are participating in lessons and activities that honor the groundbreaking achievements and African American leaders whose actions continue to shape our global society.
At Thompson Middle School, 8th grade social studies students are designing digital posters to illustrate the impact of such icons as Shirley Chisholm, Vice President Kamala Harris, Hiram Rhodes Revels, Thurgood Marshall and many more.
Fairview Students Earn Golden Pen Awards
During an unprecedented time education with so much focus on digital lessons and virtual learning, Fairview Elementary School's Danielle Gubitosa got back to the basics this week by recognizing a pair of her fourth grade students for their excellent penmanship. Congratulations to Kendyl and Miranda on earning their Golden Pen Awards!
District Update on Implementation of Phase 6
In a February 9 community update from Superintendent of Schools, Mrs. Mary Ellen Walker, information regarding the implementation of Phase 6 of the MTPS Restart and Recovery Plan, the following information was delivered to our school community:
After careful review of the responses to the 5 day selection form and consultation with our public health and medical professionals, we have determined that we will be able to increase the number of in person learning opportunities for students at each level.
YMCA Y-Kids Program Accepting Students at District Schools
Need before or after care services for your student?
The YMCA Y-Kids Program is accepting students at District schools and providing virtual support and enrichment activities, while following all CDC health and safety guidelines.
For additional information and to request a registration packet, please send an email to afterschool@ymcanj.org
Access the Feb. 17 BOE Workshop Meeting
The Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, Feb. 17th for a Workshop Meeting.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Please follow the link, or the U.S. dial-in phone option, to attend.
Watch the Feb. 3rd BOE Meeting
Community Update on Pandemic Response Team Subcommittees
As discussed during the Board of Education meeting on January 26, the district has formed three Pandemic Response Team (PRT) subcommittees, one for elementary, middle and high
school. Each subcommittee consists of members from each of our schools’ Pandemic Response Teams. School PRT members have been meeting since August to implement the MTPS Restart and Recovery Plan in each building. The district subcommittees include PRT
representatives from various stakeholder groups including parents, all categories of school staff, Board members and administrators. They relate to a broad range of grade levels, student needs, programs, etc.
The starting point for subcommittee discussion will be a review of the draft plan for implementing Phase 6 (collapsing of cohorts) presented by administration at the January 20 Board Workshop meeting. The subcommittees’ recommendations will be considered in making any revisions to that plan, if needed. The subcommittees will also work to identify strategies to ensure safe and effective school operations during Phase 6 of the MTPS Restart and Recovery Plan, as well as look at effective ways to maximize afternoon instruction time for students and make recommendations to administration. The subcommittees will not be determining if or when Phase 6 will be implemented. We will be moving forward with Phase 6. The timing of that movement will be determined by administration in consultation with medical and public health experts and after review of health data related to the school and community.
Watch the MTPS Preschool Open House Presentation and Q&A
Members of the District Administrative Team and select educational staff met virtually with community members on Thursday, Jan. 28th for the MTPS Preschool Open House. Watch the presentation and question and answer session by following the video link. Please follow along with the MTPS Integrated Preschool Presentation.
YMCA Offers COVID-19 Response Resources for Parents, Guardians and Teachers
Nut Swamp Math-A-Thon Raises $34K for St. Jude Children's Hospital
During the first week of January, Nut Swamp Elementary School students and staff embarked on a philanthropic mission to support families in need at St. Jude Children's Hospital.
From Jan. 4-8, students kindergarten to fifth grade took part in a mathematics challenge that raised $34,000 for the Tennessee-based research hospital, which, through donations and fundraising, is able to provide treatment to patients without billing for treatment, travel, housing or food.
"Prior to winter break, Nut Swamp teachers introduced the idea of participating in a Math-a-Thon to raise money for St. Jude children and families. Teachers explained the background of St. Jude to the students and made them aware of the hospital's mission," said Nut Swamp Mathematics Specialist, Abby Friend, who collaborated with third grade Nut Swamp teacher Diane Montesano to organize the fundraiser. "Our Nut Swamp K-5 Tigers wanted in! Excitement grew when students found out that they could be a part of helping St. Jude accomplish their mission."
In December students began registering for the Math-A-Thon fundraiser. Some registered as individuals and others teamed up with siblings. Leading up to the District's winter recess, students worked to develop their persuasive writing muscles by crafting speeches about the cause that could be delivered to friends and family members over the holiday break.
After students collected donations and sponsorships, they returned to class ready to solve math problems and raise funds.
"The students completed one math activity per day, and at the conclusion of the fundraiser, the Nut Swamp community had raised over $34,000," said Friend. "We were very pleased."
Watch the 2021 MTPS Kindergarten Orientation
On Wednesday, Jan. 6th members of the district administrative team hosted more than 270 families of incoming kindergarten students during an annual Kindergarten Orientation event.
This was the first time administrators conducted this event virtually, and you may watch the orientation in full by following the video link.
Following a presentation that discussed the registration process, and a day in the life of an MTPS kindergartner, team members took more detailed questions from the audience.
The Middletown Township Public School District requires that a daily health screening form must be completed each day before your student(s) enters the building. Please visit the home page of your school's website to access your school's unique screening form, or follow the links below.