Dear Colleagues,
We hope you're doing well, and are enjoying the longer days and warmer weather as we officially enter the summer months! With the change in season, came the start of the telehealth landscape changing for the Post-COVID-19 world, with numerous federal funding opportunities and state policy changes aimed at improving aspects of telehealth utilization. As usual, this edition of Northeast Connections aims to help you digest it all!

This newsletter contains a variety of open federal funding opportunities, new resources from the NETRC and our NCTRC colleagues, a final call to submit your abstract proposal for NETRC's 2021 Conference this fall, and so much more!

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with your telehealth questions or success stories, or just to say hello!

On behalf of the entire NETRC Team – Be well,
Reid Plimpton, MPH - Project Manager