~ January 6, 2022 ~
A year after the January 6 riots, where do businesses stand on capitalism, society, and the role of corporate leaders in a democracy?
Stanford GSB Corporations and Society Initiative: Anat R. Admati
"Do our laws, social structures, markets, and political institutions, which enable corporations to exist and function, create a proper balance of power among corporations, governments and citizens?" (also see recorded talks, suggested readings, and Finance, Corporations, and Society)
What factors influence business leaders' willingness to take public positions on potentially divisive issues?
Do American corporations have an obligation to support democracy? What’s at risk if they don't? (also see Corporations Seek to Rebuild Bridges With GOP Objectors Ahead of Midterms)
Harvard Business Review: Dorothy S. Lund, Leo E. Strine
Why do companies "make risky, potentially hypocritical donations," and how can corporate leaders minimize that risk and focus on what counts?
The Brookings Institution: William A. Galston, Elaine Kamarck
"What can the private sector do to strengthen democracy?" (also see Capitalists Can Play a Vital Part in Saving US Democracy)
Management and Business Review: Rebecca Henderson
"Could the private sector play a central role in rebuilding our democracies? Should it?" (also see Business Can’t Take Democracy for Granted)
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