SUPPORT Item 31- Lot Splits, Emergency Ordinance

Senate Bill 9 allows for ministerial approval (streamlines the process) of lot splits, allowing duplexes and fourplexes on a single lot allowing a greater variety of housing options in the City of Sacramento, and throughout the State of California. This is one part of a needed comprehensive strategy to promote affordability and housing choice.

Tomorrow, December 14th at 2pm, Sacramento City Council will consider adopting an interim emergency ordinance that complies with the requirements of Senate Bill 9 and integrates those provisions into the Sacramento City Code.

Call in to SUPPORT item 31, Talking Points Below:

  1. SB 9 along with other programs in the Housing Element, and General Plan begin to address the legacy of exclusionary housing practices in the City of Sacramento.
  2. SB 9 allows a greater variety of housing choice in the City
  3. Urge Council to enact specific measures to prevent displacement, and additional supports for first time homebuyers and homeowners who are paid a low income

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Our Mission

Sacramento Housing Alliance advocates for safe, stable, accessible, and affordable homes in the Sacramento region. SHA builds healthy communities through education, leadership, and policy change.
Our Vision

Everyone in the Sacramento region has a home in a healthy and inclusive neighborhood.