I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

From Rainer Maria Rilke: Book of Hours [I, 2]
There is a longing to understand ourselves and our place that I hear in the words of this Rilke poem. It gives us a clue to finding ourselves and our home by centering our search upon the primordial tower.

What sense of larger meaning and trust in the Universe holds you
as you ask these questions over time?

Like a bird, we settle briefly and then take off again for grand flights. Home, belonging, knowing who and whose we are - these are gifts and eternal questions. Transient and transcending, the answers can still be beyond anything we might imagine today. "I still don't know..." is powerful poetry!

May we live our lives in widening circles.
May we give ourselves to life at its fullest,
whether or not we ever complete the circle
may we remember that we belong to it.

Rev. Virginia

February 28, 2021

Who Belongs Here?

Rev. Virginia Jarocha-Ernst

We all need to feel we belong somewhere, but generating such feelings in ourselves and allowing them to blossom in others is complicated. Today’s service will examine the Beloved Community through the lens of our belonging.

Music by Helen Kho, Jennifer Thomas, Karen Christiana,
Louise and Dan Chernosky.

Look for the link to this week's service in your
email Saturday evening.

You can always access previous week's services

JOIN US for Community Hour
LIVE on Zoom at 10:30am Sunday
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