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Enjoy this special holiday message from Student Affairs

Good Luck on Final Exams
Follow @csulbcaps and @csulbprojectocean on Instagram for more tips on how to face finals and finish strong.
Beach Balance Weekly Events
Check out weekly events like Meditation Monday and Thoughtful Thursday!

December 14 | 2-4pm | CalFresh: Protein Shakes [in-person]
Take a break from finals and join us at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center for a free protein shake.

December 16 | 10am-12pm | DeStress with Cal Fresh [in-person]
Refresh your energy with coffee and pastries with our Cal Fresh Outreach Program team between the Psychology Building and FO3.

December 16 | 11:30am-12:30pm | Self-Compassion Break [virtual]
Participate in a guided meditation to take a break from studying to focus on self-care. 
Programs & Services
Free Immigration Legal Support
Dream Success Center offers free immigration legal services for CSULB students, staff, faculty and their families. CARECEN LA’s attorneys and legal assistants are available to provide virtual services and representation. Schedule an appointment today!
22 West Media Logo
Pick up a copy of 22 West Magazine on campus or read the digital version of your fellow students' voices.

California State University, Long Beach | 562.985.5587